How to tap dance basic steps
4 Fundamental Tap Dance Steps for Beginners
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Dance, Performing Arts
Have you ever watched good dancers make even the most complicated techniques look effortless? Watching an experienced dancer perform a tap routine can be magical. And, this can also happen for you if you learn these 4 tap dance steps that are simple but essential elements of all tap choreography.
Get ready to train your own feet to create a unique mixture of motion and music! This beginner’s guide will give you easy-to-follow steps and a tap-dancing video for each move.
What are the fundamental tap dance steps for beginners?There are 4 basic tap dance moves: shuffle ball, ball change, step-heel and heel-step, and single buffalo. Once you learn these steps, you’ll be on your way to tap dancing like a pro!
- Shuffle
- Ball change
- Step-heel and heel-step
- Single buffalo
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Shuffle can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to Do Shuffles in Tap Dance (
The shuffle is one of the first tap dance steps you should learn. It’s a combination of two moves that are even more basic: the brush and the strike.
- First, perform the brush by standing on one leg and bending the other as you lift your foot off the ground.
- Next, turn both feet out without letting the raised foot touch the ground.
- Then, perform a brush by swinging the foot forward. As it passes your standing foot, point it slightly, so the ball quickly brushes against the floor. Don’t let your heel touch the floor at all.
- Last, follow it with a strike. This is simply the same movement in reverse, where you’ll swing your foot backward instead of forwards.
2. Ball Change
https://youtu. be/7wmmBLi1EyIVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to Tap Dance: Shuffle Ball Change (
In tap, there are several different ways to shift your weight from one foot to the other, but the ball change is by far the most common. To pull it off perfectly, make sure that only your toe tap (the smallest of your shoe’s metal plates) makes any noise.
- First, stand with your feet side by side but not touching.
- Next, lift your heels so that only the balls of your feet are in contact with the floor.
- Then, place your right foot behind you and rock back onto the ball of it. As you do so, your left foot should completely leave the floor for a moment.
- Last, switch feet and do the same thing, rocking your weight from one ball to the next.
3. Heel-Step and Step-Heel can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How To Perform A Tap Step Heel (https://youtu. be/o9gi2eQQfcQ)
These two tap dance steps are the opposite of one another and when you perform them in a pair of tap shoes, they each produce two very distinct sounds.
- First, try to heel-step, which simply mimics the natural progression of walking across the floor. The rules are very basic: when you place one foot in front of the other, bring the heel of your foot down first. It may help to exaggerate the movement and “stomp” your heel to the floor.
- Next, bring the ball of your foot down, too. Repeat with the opposite foot.
- Then, continue until you’ve moved forward several feet.
- Last, try the step-heel, which is the reverse of what you just did. The ball of your foot should come down before your heel. This will come more naturally if you’re used to wearing high heels.
Note: Make sure when you’re doing the step-heel that the ball of each foot makes complete contact with the floor before the heel joins it. The more you arch your foot, the more force you’ll need to complete each step.
4. Single Buffalo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to Tap Dance: Buffalo Step (
This series of step, shuffle, and small jump is a stylized way to transition between tap dance moves.
- First, step down onto the ball of your right foot.
- Next, lift your left foot behind you and perform a shuffle, moving it forward and back again.
- Then, return to your original position and hop onto the ball of the foot, placing it behind your right foot while you simultaneously lift your right foot into the air in front of you.
- Last, bend your right knee outward so that your toe falls on the other side of your left foot.
Have Fun Learning The Fundamental Tap Dance Steps!
Practice really can make perfect if you put your mind to it. Once you have these steps down, you’ll know how to tap dance like a pro.
If you enjoy learning and practicing these simple tap dance moves, why not take it a step further and work with a private dance teacher to improve your skills? Online videos are great, but tap dance lessons with an instructor can make sure you’ve mastered the basics and more to help you feel confident performing or competing as a tap dancer.
Have fun learning these exciting but important tap dance steps as you make magical music with your feet!
Suzy S.
Free Tap Dance Syllabus with Videos
Spank (Brush Back, Draw, Pull) -
Spank Step (Back Flap) -
Spank Step Heel -
Spank Step Ball Change -
Shuffle -
Shuffle Step (Running Shuffle, Leap Shuffles, Jogging Shuffles) -
Shuffle Ball Change -
Buffalo -
Cramp Roll -
Irish -
Maxie Ford -
Waltz Clog -
Heel Stand -
Step Heel Turn -
Flap Heel Turn -
Slide -
Clunk -
Leap -
JUMP TO: Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LEVEL 2 (essential steps in teaching order, optional in alphabetical)
Hop Shuffle -
Shuffle Heel -
Scuff -
Double Buffalo -
Double Cramp Roll (Flap Cramp Roll) -
Double Irish (version 1) -
Irish Flap -
Double Maxie Ford -
Double Waltz Clog -
Alexander (Broadway, Shirley Temple) -
Back Essence -
Flap Heel Heel -
Bombershay Modern (Bombershe, Toe Clip)-
Drawback -
Pullback (Pull, Grab Off, Pick-
Scuffle (Dig brush, Dig Spank, Paddle) -
Scuffle Step (Paddles, Dig brush Step) -
Scuffle Step Heel (Dig Brush Toe Heel, Paddle and Roll, Paradiddle -
Scuffle Ball Change -
Buck Single Time Step -
Traditional Single Time Step -
Buffalo Turn -
Step Irish Turn -
Step Toe Hop Turn -
In and Out Pullback (Jumping Jack Pullback) -
Toe Stand -
Slap -
Bombershay Broadway (Bombershe) -
Clicks (Toe & Heel) -
Crossing Pullback -
Heel Stand Turn -
Jump Click -
Leap Heel -
Smack -
Slam -
Travel Step -
JUMP TO: Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LEVEL 3 (essential steps in teaching order, optional in alphabetical)
Shuffle Step Heel -
Double Shuffle -
Double Irish (version 2) -
Alternating Cramp Roll (Around the World Cramp Roll, Trading Cramp Roll) -
Pendulum Shuffle -
Double Scuffle -
Double Scuffle Step Heel -
Double Back Essence -
Traditional Double Time Step -
Traditional Triple Time Step -
Buck Double Time Step -
Buck Triple Time Step -
Cincinnati -
Single Pullback (One-
Trenches (Hoofer & Broadway Style) -
Riff -
Maxie Ford Turn -
Stamp Cramp Roll Turn -
Double Pullback -
Wing -
Boomerang -
Double Flap -
Scuff Dig Ball Change -
Single Heel Stand -
Skipping Pullback -
Step Heel Heel -
JUMP TO: Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LEVEL 4 (essential steps in teaching order, optional in alphabetical)
Triple Cramp Roll (Shuffle cramp Roll) -
Irish Pullback -
Double Toe Stand -
Toe Stand Turn -
Nerve Taps -
Switching Pullback (Swapping, Alternating Pullback) -
Maxie Ford Pullback -
Double Maxie Ford Pullback -
Shuffle Pullback Ball Change -
Waltz Clog Pullback -
Double Waltz Clog Pullback -
Shuffle Pullback -
Over The Top -
Shim Sham - STOMP SPANKS STEP, stomp spank step STEP, stomp spank step]3 times, stamp TOE STEP HOP step hop STEP jump-
Step Riff Heel (Hop Riff Heel, Leap Riff Heel) -
Riffle -
Riffle Step -
Hines Riff (Split Riff) -
Stamp Step Riff Heel Turn -
Stamp Step Toe Heel Turn -
Paddle Turn -
Traditional Quadruple Time Step -
Buck Quadruple Time Step -
Single Traveling Time Step -
Double Traveling Time Step -
Triple Traveling Time Step -
Quadruple Traveling Time Step -
Crossing Wing -
Single Wing (One Foot Wing) -
Backwards Cramp Roll -
Cramprolet -
Cramp Roll Time Step -
Criss Cross Cramp Roll -
Dig Slide -
Flap Step Ball Change -
Heel Grind Time Step -
Hop Scuffle -
Maxie Ford Clunk -
Penguin -
Scap -
Scuff Dig Toe -
Scuffle Dig Toe -
Scuffle Step Turn -
Single Heel Stand Turn -
Single Toe Stand (One Foot Toe Stand) -
Single Toe Stand Turn -
Spank Toe Step -
Spots -
Stamp Roll -
JUMP TO: Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LEVEL 5 (essential steps in teaching order, optional in alphabetical)
Shuffle Dig Toe -
Shuffle Toe Step -
Riffle Step Heel -
Double Buffalo Toe -
Double Flap Cramp Roll -
Triple Double Cramp Roll -
Irish Pullback Flap -
Irish Pullback Flap Heel -
Maxie Ford Toe -
Double Maxie Ford Toe -
Buffalo Pullback -
Double Heel Stand -
Shiggy Bop (Shovel, Heel Slide) -
Crossing Drawback -
Double Drawback -
Triple Drawback -
Scuff Heel Step -
Switching Pullback Toe -
Treadmill -
Pullback Toe -
Dwing -
Swing -
Twing -
Single Wing Toe -
Double Wing (Separated, Staggered, Alternating) -
Switching Wing -
Traveling Pendulum Shuffle -
Shuffle Flap -
Shuffle Toe Toe Step -
Alexander Clunk -
Backwards Wing -
Click Buffalo -
Double Cincinnati -
Drawback Heel -
Dub Dub Dig Toe -
Heelo -
Jordan Pullback -
Jumper -
Lopsided Cramp Roll -
Maddie Mill -
Radiohead -
Rod Roll -
Scuffaloeo -
Scuffle Toe Slap Heel -
Shayberbom -
Shuffle Ball Change Heel -
Spat -
Spear -
Spiel -
Toe Stand Shuffle Step -
Tori -
Twister -
JUMP TO: Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LEVEL 6 (essential steps in teaching order, optional in alphabetical)
Shuffle Dig Step Shuffle Toe Step -
Shuffle Toe Pullback Ball Change -
Double Toe Buffalo -
Double Buffalo Toe Pullback -
Riffle Cramp Roll -
Irish Shiggy Bop (Irish Shovel) -
Irish Wing -
Double Maxie Ford Toe Pullback -
Double Toe Maxie Ford -
Double Waltz Clog Toe Pullback -
Hop Riffle -
Pendulum Riffle -
Riffle Dig Toe -
Bombershay Toe -
Shuffle Pullback Heel -
Flam -
Hoofer’s Shuffle -
Shuffle Heel Step -
Double Pullback Toe -
Switching Pullback Flap -
Single Wing Heel Toe -
Switching Wing Toe -
Wing Toe -
Same Side Wing -
Annalisa's 8-
Bam Bam -
Blur -
Clapull -
Clunker -
Ditto -
Dodo -
Drawbershay -
Farmer -
Flabbergast -
Hit -
Jackhammer -
Jimmy -
Jinnyshay -
Megamines Cramp Roll -
Nicaela Quick -
Rise -
Scopper -
Scout -
Scuffit -
Scuffout -
Shay Roll -
Shuffle Heel Step Heel -
Shunk -
Skunk -
Spackle -
Squiggly Wiggly -
Steel -
Stephunky -
Sugar Bop -
Swiffle (Tessa Backdraw) -
Toto -
Tucker -
JUMP TO: Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LEVEL 7 (essential steps in teaching order, optional in alphabetical)
Hop Shuffle Hop Scuffle Hop Riffle Hop Stomp Spank -
Step Riff Brush Heel -
Toe Dig Bombershay -
Drawback Flam -
Switching Pullback Flap Heel Toe -
Treadmill Heel -
Buffalo Wing -
Maxie Ford Wing -
Double Waltz Clog Wing -
Frap -
Frap Cramp Roll (NOT flap) -
Scuffle Pullback -
Buffalo Scuffle -
switching pullback
Irish Pullback Heel Flap Heel -
Single Pullback Toe -
Irish Pullback Toe Flap -
Hot Toe -
Waltz Clog Scuffle -
Scuff Front -
Double Scuff Front -
Frapback -
Cincinnati Flam -
Joe Toe Pull -
Pullback Dig Toe -
3 Sound Pullback -
Pullback Shuffle Step -
Single Pullback Opposite Toe -
Switching Toe Pullback -
Pendulum Wing -
Scissor Wing -
Five Count Wing -
Five Count Single Wing -
Heel Flam -
Jump Flam -
Baloney -
Brittanyshay -
Broken Riff -
Clickety Clank -
Click Pullback-
Click Wing -
Drawman -
Faluffalo -
Maddalo -
Riff Raff -
Rooster -
Rorymeister -
Ruffle -
Sloppy Joe -
Teeler -
Toe Stand Wing -
Toro -
JUMP TO: Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This tap dance syllabus is designed to give you a rough idea of what level each of these steps can be taught at. Like any syllabus, it is flexible. Some classes move very quickly and others more slowly. Also, I doubt anyone will get to each step in every level. I know I certainly don't. I try to hit the important ones and the rest are optional if I get around to them.
take the first step. Online lesson №1 (photo, video)
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Free dance
Tap dance - take the first step. Online lesson No. 1 (photo, video)
The basic movement of tap dance is a step. This movement serves as the basis of the foundations in all types of step. In the Irish jig, in the American tap, in the European step, or in the good old tap dance, there is one common element - the step. The step can be found in absolutely any dance of the tap dancer. Everything starts with him. nine0004
Before learning
When learning tap dance, you need to get used to new shoes. Shoes with metal heels are the main and indispensable accessory for a step dancer. When performing a “step”, you need to stand in one place and take a normal step, while placing your foot evenly across the entire foot. Now we will analyze the four basic elements of tap dancing: ball-change, flap, shuffle, brush.
Tap dance - take the first step. Online lesson №1 (photo, video)
This element is very easy to implement. First, we strike with the right foot, while the entire foot is placed on the floor. After that, we strike with the toe of the left foot. Now it remains for us to alternate the step with the kick of the toe.
Tap dance - take the first step. Online Lesson #1 (photo, video)
This is a simple step with a little twist in execution. The leg is not placed on the entire foot, but first a heel strike is made, and then a toe. After that, the leg is placed on the floor and a similar movement is made with the second leg. When performing this element, the heel and toe strike is not done strongly, in order to create a feeling of lightness. Light strokes in the step make the dancer imposing. nine0004
Tap dance - take the first step. Online lesson No. 1 (photo, video)
This movement is performed similarly to the previous element. However, when performing Shuffle, a step forward is taken and the dancer's body leans, as if continuing to move.
Performs a heel strike with the foot forward. Then he returns to his original position, hitting with his toe.
This video demonstrates all four elements in various combinations. Having studied these elements and bringing them to automatic performance, you can experiment with them during the dance. nine0004
tap, tap, tap, online dance lessons for free, video dance lessons
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How to Learn to Tap Dance
Home Male and female Teaching How to learn to tap dance
Contents of the article:
- 1 The basics of tap dancing
- 2 The secret of success
- 3 Basic elements in dance
- 4 Rhythms of tap dancing
Basics of tap dancing
Tap dancing is a dance based on tapping the floor with the feet. Simply put, it is music played with the feet. Each time the celebrity of this dance only increases. It is compared with the Irish jig, because the tap-dancing rhythm is also of paramount importance there.
In order to start tap-dancing, you need to buy special comfortable shoes for this. It should be in the form of shoes with metal heels. It is also important that the flooring is solid. This is necessary for a clearer sound of heels. nine0147 Tap dancing shoes can be purchased at a specialty store or made to order at any shoe repair shop. It is important that the shoes fit well enough on the foot. Very tight shoes will rub the foot, causing discomfort, and also further lead to foot deformity. Too loose shoes can lead to injury.
For such a dance, it is better to choose a place for classes in advance. It is best to dance outdoors on a special platform. It is important that there are no foreign objects nearby. This will improve the quality of classes, because swings and turns require a lot of space. It is advisable to tap dance under the guidance of an experienced master who can teach correctly and point out shortcomings. You can also learn to tap dance on your own. You should not engage in tap dancing in a multi-storey building, because it will cause negativity among the neighbors. It is best to do this in a special sports club. Suitable for any hard surface floor. Linoleum or carpet should be avoided, such coatings interfere with sound. nine0147 After the theory is mastered, you can move on to practice. If the classes will be held at school, then for clarity, a lesson will be shown with step-by-step instructions on how to start tap dancing. Then you need to slowly begin to repeat after the instructor, alternately performing each element of the dance. Performing everything slowly but clearly, you can quickly memorize the main elements of tap dancing.
The secret of success
For a good mastering of the tap dance movements, you need to train every day for half an hour. Additional classes also do not interfere. You can simultaneously master some other dance, for additional physical training. nine0004
The basic elements of the dance
All the basic elements of the dance are formed with the heel, toe and swing. Legs can be crossed, legs are swung, the toe can alternate with the heel. U-turns and jumps also look skillfully, with which leg swings are made. Turns are performed with the help of a sock, which is placed on the heel. And all this is done at a fast pace. The main thing here is that the leg stance must be performed correctly and at a certain slope. Movement must be precise. nine0147 First you need to learn everything separately, each element. The main thing is the rhythmic step. Then there are 4 main movements. To execute the first brush element, you need to hit with your heel, putting your foot forward, and then put your foot back, hitting with your toe. Ball-change consists of performing a kick with one leg and subsequent kicks with the other leg. And so each leg alternates in turn. Flap is done by hitting the heel and toe of one foot, and then the other foot. Shuffle is an element that is executed when stepping forward. All these movements are worked out to automaticity, and then they are easily combined in a dance. nine0004
Tap-dancing rhythms
Each time a heel tap on the floor, and then a toe tap. And so there is an alternation between them. Learn sanchal at a slow pace and without music. Once the basics have been learned, you can turn on an easy tempo, and then a fast one.
Knowing the main movements, you can begin to combine them into a dance. Otherwise, you can improvise, showing imagination. After all, such a dance is, first of all, an art. Their elements are added to the basic methods, and a new dance is obtained. Now you can create your own individual dances, with the basics of tap dancing. nine0147 So, to learn how to tap dance you need:
• Enroll in a dance school.
• Buy video tap dance course.
• Find a tap dance choreographer.
It is not always necessary to choose one option for tap dancing. You can enroll in a dance school and buy a course of video lessons. Thus, you can learn to dance not only at one time, at school, but also at home, according to the course of video lessons.
Like many dances, tap dancing is performed to music. If you master the dance technique well, then you can perform tap dance without music. The rhythm that will be performed during the dance will be the melody of the tap dance itself. nine0004
Learning something new, correctly combining movements and improving skills, you can achieve a lot. You can watch video lessons on the Internet, both individually and the complexity of the compositions.