How to prepare for a school dance
How to Prepare for Your First High School Dance
Your first school dance may be a memory that you remember forever. However, you don't want to ruin this momentous occasion with stress and anxiety over tiny details.
Prepare for your first dance with these tips and insights on how to make it a night to remember forever:
1. You Don't Need a Date
In all honesty, it's so much more fun to go stag to school dances. Worrying over who's going to ask you—or not ask you—is a waste of time when you have an entire group of friends to dance with all night long. Cross "find a date" off of your school dance to-do list.
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2. Dress Functional and Affordable
You want to pick out a dress that's easy to dance in… it is a dance after all. Strapless dresses with narrow bodies are nearly impossible to walk in, let alone dance in. You'll majorly regret buying an expensive dress that drives you crazy, no matter how glam you look in photos.
3. Figure Out Transportation
You don't need to show up in a fancy limo but you should arrange a way to arrive or else you may find yourself walking all the way to school in your new heels. Don't wait until the night of to ask a parent to drive your entire squad to the dance. Parents have plans, too!
4. Don't Spend Too Much Money
Your first dance is an important benchmark in your life, but keep the expenses low because it's only the first of many fabulous nights in your future. Instead of getting your hair, makeup and nails done at a fancy salon, consider planning a get together at one friend's house before the dance. You may find that getting ready together is even more fun than the dance itself.
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5. Browse the Rules
It would be a total bummer to be turned away just because you forgot your school I.D at home. Make sure you read the list of rules before heading over. There may be certain items you aren't allowed to bring in, which might mean throwing away your favorite make up. Alternatively, there might be certain things you need to bring, like your I.D.
6. Leave Your Movie Expectations At the Door
High school movies have a much larger budget than our school's party planning committee. You may be a little disappointed to find those magical movie decorations swapped with tacky cardboard wall decor. But this will hardly matter when you start dancing and scream-singing along to the music with your best friends in the world.
(via Shutterstock)
7. Post-Dance Plans
Consider planning a little something after the dance to top off the night. Even if this just means cruising through a fast food drive thru, you'll want to end the night with a little something extra. Plus, you will have really worked up an appetite after all that dancing. Make sure your parents are in the know about these extra plans before you commit with your friends, though.
One final tip: You may want to work on your moves before hitting the dance floor. But if you aren't sure school dances are your thing, check out THIS list of reasons why they may not be worth your time.
Periods, Boys, and School Dances: a Girl's Guide to Middle School - Your First School Dance: Getting Ready
Periods, Boys, and School Dances: a Girl's Guide to Middle School
Trust me, I know what it's like, I've had experience with these things and many more in middle school and I will help all you girls going into middle school or who are having trouble navigating it. Questions welcome.
#advice #boys #dance #girls #guide #middleschool #periods #questions #school #tips
by ParkerKonner
Oh dear, tonight is your first school dance? Gurl, I can help.
1. Everyone will ask you and you will ask everyone if they are going to the dance. It's just how it goes.
2. These aren't usually formal or ones that you have to ask boys or boys ask girls to go to the dance with them. This is a let's-have-a-bunch-of-kids-with-raging-hormones-into-one-gym-together-with-music-and-see-what-happens dance. Yeah, it's kinda crazy and weird, yet fun.
3. Feel free to dress up, but wear something that you can dance in, or else you'll just have to sit awkwardly to the side with all the popular girls who are on their phones.
4. You CAN wear makeup, but no one will really notice, there will most likely be funky lighting or strobe lights.
One of my favorite things to do after a school dance is have a sleepover with my bestie, so if that's the case, go over to their house with your stuff to get ready and then go to the dance. If they come to your house, have them bring all their stuff to get ready beforehand as well.
6. Show up at the right time or else your friends will think that you changed your mind about coming.
7. You should probably wear something that you can get slightly sweaty in and it won't be noticeable, because you will be dancing for a while and you don't want to look like you just ran a mile in your best dress.
I will continue this! Anyway, I will be posting a new chapter to this guide every chance I get so right now I'm just rapid-fire-updating. Remember, questions are ALWAYS welcome!
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Promotion of a dance school: how to advertise and promote services of a dance studio
Promotion of a dance school requires a non-standard approach in marketing due to the specifics of the business area. Dancing is fun, energy and drive, so advertising for a dance studio should evoke the same emotions. The times when new customers could be attracted by distributing leaflets near the subway are long gone. The modern audience wants everything at once. It is necessary to introduce her not only to the services, but also to the people who provide them. In this article, we will tell you what to do before starting to promote a dance studio and how to attract new customers using different types of advertising.
What to do before you start promoting a dance studio
1. How to determine your target audience
As in any other area of marketing, advertising and promotion of a dance school is based on the study of your target audience. At the same time, you need to understand that dance studios have direct and indirect competitors. Fitness clubs, wellness centers, martial arts schools also offer sports and development services. Therefore, the task of your marketing campaign is to convince people that dancing is the most suitable way of leisure.
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You can analyze the target audience using:
- • questionnaires or surveys;
- • interview;
- • focus groups;
- • thematic blogs and forums;
- • social networks.
The last method is good because with a minimum of money and time spent, you will find out the nature, habits and needs of your target audience. Also in social networks, you can see how and for what audience competitors are promoting their services.
2. How to create a client portrait
After analyzing the target audience, you need to break it into segments and create a portrait or avatar for each. Here is a list of parameters to consider:
- • gender;
- • age;
- • area of residence;
- • income level;
- • marital status;
- • interests;
- • problems and pains.
By “running” clients through this list, you will get their psychological profile. It will help you work out the benefits consumers will receive from your service and identify triggers to influence them.
3. How to build a sales funnel
Think about the customer's journey from the moment they see the ad to the moment they buy the service. If you're promoting with free lessons, your sales funnel might look like this:
- • interest in dancing;
- • search for a suitable school;
- • contact with advertising;
- • sign up for a free lesson;
- • free lesson;
- • receiving an offer.
4. How to form an offer
The offer is formed based on the problems of the audience with the help of its main triggers. This is your promotional offer. “Learn to dance hip-hop in 3 months”, “Sign up for a free trial lesson”, “Become a member of a friendly community of dancers” - these are examples of offers for a dance studio.
5. How to create a landing page structure
The purpose of a landing page or landing page is to motivate the client and involve them in the sales funnel. It is important to remember that several advertising banners can be located on such a page at once. The structure of the landing page is based on the pains of customers. For example:
Banner 1: main offer.
Banner 2: Headmaster's video message.
Banner 3: photos of students and teachers.
Banner 4: school facts or regalia.
Banner 5: a unique offer, such as discounted private lessons.
Banner 6: subscription offer.
Banner 7: School FAQ and contacts.
With this approach, advertising and promotion of the dance school is much more likely to resonate with potential customers. After all, you interact immediately with all segments of your target audience and work out objections.
How to promote a dance studio through contextual advertising
The advantage of contextual advertising is that it starts working immediately after launch. In a short time, you can collect a large number of applications and reimburse the costs of promotion. But it will take time to figure out the settings of the advertising account.
There are 3 contextual advertising mechanisms:
- Search algorithms. By analyzing the most popular queries for keywords, the system brings you to those who right now are driving into Google or Yandex “dance school record online”. When interacting with such a client, it is important to convince him to conclude a deal as soon as possible, otherwise he will go to competitors.
- GMS (display network) Google and YAN (Yandex advertising network). They show ads on affiliate sites for people who are interested in dancing. This method gives a good conversion for a relatively low price, however, the audience received from such an advertisement will be cold.
- Retargeting or remarketing. It allows you to make a special offer for those who came to your site, but for some reason did not leave a request.
How to promote through targeted advertising
Targeted advertising is the most suitable option for small dance schools. An advertising account on Facebook and Instagram is much simpler than on Google and Yandex, and the cost of an application is lower. But contextual advertising has a higher conversion rate, as the target leads to a cold audience that your sales team needs to “finish”.
To make targeted advertising more successful, collect enough leads, upload the data to your Facebook ad account, and create a Lookalike Audience. She may be the most responsive.
How to promote a dance school with SEO
Before you start SEO promotion, carefully analyze your competitors. This will help you optimize your strategy and understand what services are in demand. For advertising to be effective, combine related keywords into groups (clusters) and prioritize queries. Then search algorithms will display the site in the TOP results due to natural traffic. You also need to make sure that there are no technical errors on your site.
Advertising with bloggers to promote the dance school
If you want to agree on a barter, use the following algorithm:
- • through blogger search services, find those who live in your city and who are interested in the services of a dance studio;
- • offer a blogger a free lesson in exchange for advertising;
- • agree on cooperation. Be sure to specify how many advertising posts the blogger will publish in his account.
If the blogger does not agree to barter, consider how necessary this type of promotion is.
Other Ways to Attract Customers
To get maximum exposure, try additional promotion methods:
1. Free Lessons
Dancing is one of the most spectacular art forms. If you organize a public performance of teachers and students of the school, the audience will see the result live and receive additional motivation.
2. Promotions and discounts
To interest potential customers, arrange an open day. Workshops, consultations and discounts on subscriptions - showcase all the features of the school to interest visitors.
Modern dance school in Kyiv
3. Participation in competitions
First place in dance competitions is a sure way to increase customer confidence. To increase the conversion, try adding the phrase to the offer: “Do you want to learn dancing with the winners of the international competition?”.
4. Partner programs with neighbors
The main advantage of such programs is a double budget for promotion, which allows you to organize a large-scale advertising campaign. Anyone can be a partner: a fitness club, a yoga studio or a children's music school. It is important to correctly present information and find common ground with the audience.
5. Offline advertising
Whether this method is needed depends only on the habits of your target audience. If, during its analysis, you found that most potential customers are subscribed to the account of a trendy restaurant, try to negotiate with the administration of the institution to promote your services. It can be both advertising on flyers and street banners.
For a successful advertising campaign that pays off the investment, it is not enough to use one or two promotion methods. Complex marketing is needed with constant analysis and adjustment of the strategy. By combining various tools and platforms, you will be able to provide the school with a stable flow of students, and business with income and profit.
Optimize the business processes of your dance school together with 1C: Fitness Club to increase the effectiveness of your marketing! Leave a request and our managers will contact you for free consultation.
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How dancing for children helps to develop physically and culturally.
Knowledge base
Choreography for children promotes physical and cultural development
- Physical dance training
- Acquaintance with cultural heritage through dance
- What else does dancing give a child?
It is necessary to develop a child not only intellectually, but also physically, spiritually, culturally and morally. And each additional "circle" and section should contribute to this development. It is especially useful to practice dancing for children. They include the formation of good physical health and are necessary for cultural enlightenment and enrichment.
Physical dance training
In the modern world, choreography is especially important, since children spend most of the day sitting in class or at computers. This gives rise to many problems - scoliosis, flat feet, curvature of the spine and disruption of the internal organs. Classes in a dance school for children will help prevent most of these diseases.
Even the basic set of choreographic exercises allows you to align your posture and form a beautiful gait. Joints and tendons are being worked out. The musculoskeletal system and the muscular system are developing - the frame of our body. Developed back muscles reduce the pressure of weight on the spine, legs, as a result, body weight is distributed more harmoniously, there are no clamps.
Classes have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The sound rhythm normalizes the heart rate, evens out breathing, and thanks to aerobic exercise, blood flow improves, the brain and other organs are better saturated with oxygen and work more efficiently. The child learns to control his body, learns it through dance movements.
Acquaintance with cultural heritage through dance
Dance is the knowledge of the beauty of art and the pursuit of spiritual, emotional, moral beauty. It is necessary for the formation of aesthetic taste in the younger generation. Indeed, without a sense of beauty, without admiring the beauty of music and movement, it is impossible to perform a truly bewitching dance. A dancer needs music to evoke feelings, movement to convey them.
Through the socio-cultural orientations embedded in art, a person raises the level of cultural development. And the question no longer arises why a person needs music or choreography. It was in dance that people tried to express folk values, moods, and cultural characteristics. Studying the history of dance gives a deeper understanding of the ancestors, their aspirations and motives, introduces them to their native history.
Just like acting classes, choreographic training implies a complex development and affects not only history, but also literature, music and other arts. This approach enriches the child and ensures the versatile development of his personality.
What else does dancing give a child?
The dance harmoniously combines physical training, music, play, and an emotional component. Thanks to this, choreographic classes develop the child in many ways:
- in the dance class, the child has the opportunity to develop his natural talent
- participating in dance extras, children get practical experience on stage
- students gain self-confidence
- develops emotional intelligence and the ability to experience emotions through movement
- in the classroom the child finds new friends and learns to communicate in a team
We invite you to the Imena Production Children's Production Center to learn modern dance styles - hip-hop, modern choreography, modern jazz and others. Our teachers - experienced choreographers - will help your child get rid of stage fright, develop flexibility and artistry and put on their own dance number.
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