How to move waist in dance
7 TikTok Dance Moves You Can Learn At Home
TikTok is filled with short, fun dance routines that you can watch for endless hours (trust me, I've done it), share with friends, and learn at home with STEEZY.
But, let's face it.
If you don't have a dance background, the short, hard to follow tutorials on TikTok can be a frustrating roadblock to joining in on the fun.
Here are simple, easy ways you can learn the 7 most popular moves on TikTok.
1. The CitiRokk
The CitiRokk is that one SUPER POPULAR TikTok dance move where you rock your body from side to side and cross your arms in front of your chest.
Watch this video with the move’s creator, CitiBoyRio, to see how the move took over TikTok!
While the CitiRokk was popularized on TikTok by the Renegade dance routine, CitiBoyRio just dropped a new routine of his own!
Learn the CitiRokk Shuffle routine just in time before it goes viral. 😎
Hit this link to learn both the CitiRokk and the CitiRokk shuffle step-by-step on STEEZY Studio.
2. The Woah
Just WATCHING people hit the Woah gets me excited.
It's simple, hype, and easy to apply to any song with a dope bass beat.
If you've been lurking on TikTok for any time at all, you've probably already seen it yourself and understand how it's supposed to look.
How you create the reverb motion, where to position your arms, and when to move your body to hit the beat on time is all you need to learn. 👇
3. The Swagg Bouncee
Do your hips naturally sway from side to side when a good song comes on?
Think of the Swagg Bouncee as your natural hip-sway's cooler, trendier sibling.
Lil Rich Swagg, who created the Swagg Bouncee, says to “Stay on your tippy toes to get a full range of motion,” in his STEEZY Studio class.
By committing to the move and making it bigger, you'll look more confident!
4. The Kangsta Wok
In the video below, this TikTok dance move's creator, Zaya Sosho, explains how he based the Kangsta Wok on a "dip" move he saw during a cypher.
When you do the Kangsta Wok, make sure not to over- or under-exert your energy.
Attack each level drop with a little intensity to make the move look extra hype, but don't go so hard that your body tenses up!
You want to make it look effortlessly cool. 😎
Still not totally sure how to make that happen?
Don't worry... Zaya Sosho will teach you in the tutorial below!
Use this guide to help to you practice too!
5. The Smeeze
This move first entered the dance scene in 2009, but at the time, it was mainly used during battles and parties.
When TikTok arrived in 2018, the move's creator, Chonkie, knew this was the perfect platform to bring the Smeeze to the next level.
With hashtags like #SMEEZEEVERYWHERE, and dance crews like the Jabbawockeez picking it up, the Smeeze quickly became a TikTok favorite.
You can learn more about it from Chonkie himself in this video!
While millions of people are, in fact, Smeezin' everywhere, the move can be a little tricky due to the alternating movements of the arms and legs.
Use this step-by-step tutorial to get the timing jussssst right!
6. The Bust Down
As far as TikTok dance moves go, the Bust Down is definitely on the sexier end of the spectrum.
Characterized by a scoop/thrust motion of the hips, the move is great for raunchy club jams like "Thotiana" by Blueface – the song that popularized the move!
If adding a lil sexy swagger to your movement feels like climbing Mt. Everest, know that practice and repetition will be your best friend!
STEEZY's tutorial breaks the move down simply and efficiently, so you can learn it in just 9 minutes and repeat sections LITERALLY AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT.
Trust us, you'll have swag down to a science.👨🔬
7. The Cosby Walk
Yes, when executed the right way, the simple act of marching can become a dope dance move!
Watch our video with Rated R, creator of the Cosby Walk, to see exactly what we mean:
As you're learning this move, make sure you're placing your feet firmly on the floor and evenly distributing your weight!
If your bottom half is weak and wobbly, you'll look more bambi than bad@$$.
Related article: Why Staying Light On Your Feet Is Actually Bad Advice
As much as we love watching the mesmerizing 15-second dance tutorials that already live on TikTok. ..
It's LIFE-CHANGING to have legit dancers break moves down and make them easy to learn.
Now, you have everything you need to master the hottest dance moves and join fun challenges on TikTok.
Start learning now for free!
waist dance moves | TikTok Search
For You
Jasmine Ambarwati
Reply to @user133118678220 This is my tutorial number 3 lmk if it helps 🥰 #waistlinetutorial #whine #fyp #dancetutorial
3.7K Likes, 11 Comments. TikTok video from Jasmine Ambarwati (@jassyyfizzle): "Reply to @user133118678220 This is my tutorial number 3 lmk if it helps 🥰 #waistlinetutorial #whine #fyp #dancetutorial". okay here’s another technique that helped me 😍 | move your hips in a circular motion 🔄 | we are exaggerating movements for learning purposes 😎 | . ... Demon Girl.
Demon Girl - Tommy Lee Sparta
Antwoorden op @LITTLE FREAK ENTHUSIAST ‼️💝 Leggoooo🥰 #tutorial #whineyourwaist #dance #challenge #tictok #trend #whine #waistlinecheck #hipsdonttlie #slimthicc #whinechallenge #whiningchallenge #dancinggirl #fyp #viral #dancetutorial
43.4K Likes, 95 Comments. TikTok video from PXRPLE JAZZ (@pxrplejazz): "Antwoorden op @LITTLE FREAK ENTHUSIAST ‼️💝 Leggoooo🥰 #tutorial #whineyourwaist #dance #challenge #tictok #trend #whine #waistlinecheck #hipsdonttlie #slimthicc #whinechallenge #whiningchallenge #dancinggirl #fyp #viral #dancetutorial". U ready? | Whine tutorial: Beginner edition | 1. Bend ur knees so u can move ur hips 2. Start slow | .... original sound.
original sound - vdkmr
Jasmine Ambarwati
Reply to @user133118678220 keep practicing in circular motions and you’llget faster n smoother⭐️hope this helps 😚 #fyp #waistline #tutorial #whine
7.6K Likes, 33 Comments. TikTok video from Jasmine Ambarwati (@jassyyfizzle): "Reply to @user133118678220 keep practicing in circular motions and you’llget faster n smoother⭐️hope this helps 😚 #fyp #waistline #tutorial #whine". Waistline tutorial ⭐️ | we are exaggerating the movements for learning purposes 😎 | 1. tuck ur booty in 2. pop ur booty out | .... Fayaah X Pas comme ça MK.
Fayaah X Pas comme ça MK - THEOFFICIAL.

Samantha grace
Something small had to check if I still had it😩 #fyp #foryou #waistmovement #waistline #congolesetiktok #congo #afrodance #dance #vibess
1.3K Likes, 17 Comments. TikTok video from Samantha grace (@officialsamanthagrace): "Something small had to check if I still had it😩 #fyp #foryou #waistmovement #waistline #congolesetiktok #congo #afrodance #dance #vibess". original sound.
original sound - B1 Prez
Oliwia Ratyńska
Africa Waist Challenge #poland #waist #african #challenge #dance #afro #pikipiki #best #tiktok #new #dancer #hips #moves #warsaw
651 Likes, 22 Comments. TikTok video from Oliwia Ratyńska (@oliwiaratyska): "Africa Waist Challenge #poland #waist #african #challenge #dance #afro #pikipiki #best #tiktok #new #dancer #hips #moves #warsaw". original sound.
original sound - Mushi
WHINE QUICK TIP! #learnontiktok #whine #waistline #dancehall #dancetutorial
1.1K Likes, 15 Comments. TikTok video from anitaoniria (@anitaoniria): "WHINE QUICK TIP! #learnontiktok #whine #waistline #dancehall #dancetutorial". BEND YOUR KNEES | BRING YOUR HIPS RIGHT & LEFT | BRING YOUR HIPS FRONT & BACK | .... Rebel.
Rebel - Zum
#fyp #whine #waistdance
4. 3K Likes, 12 Comments. TikTok video from 𝚌𝚕𝚊_𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌_𝚎 (@vih_artss): "#fyp #whine #waistdance". son original.
son original - ANOUK 🫦
Michelle A. | Dancer ✨️❤️
#whiningtutorial #whiningchallenge #waistcontrol #whiningqueen #waistlineceo #waistline #waistlinechallenge
697.3K Likes, 1.8K Comments. TikTok video from Michelle A. | Dancer ✨️❤️ (@makosity2.0): "#whiningtutorial #whiningchallenge #waistcontrol #whiningqueen #waistlineceo #waistline #waistlinechallenge". How To Whine and Tic toc on the ground | Open up your legs to the triangle shape and make sure . And most importantly make sure your feet are pointed and placed well to avoid injury | As usual, we will use the Inwards, side , Outwards and side method as in previous videos . | .... Joro.
Joro - Wizkid
Hip movements. Belly dance. Master's Lessons. Advanced level
Hip movements
Starting position: standing on a full foot, legs slightly apart (about the width of the foot) and located on the same line parallel to each other, the body is slightly tilted back, the back is straight, the stomach is relaxed, the arms are lowered along the body, the knees are “soft”.
Performing an exercise “Swinging hips back and forth (“inward” and “awayward”)”. We take the buttocks back as much as possible, while we do not deviate back, hands are brought behind the back. Then we draw the buttocks into ourselves as much as possible, and bring our hands forward with a smooth movement. We tighten the hips, sharply reducing the muscles of the buttocks so that the pelvis leans forward and up a little.
Hold this position for a few seconds. Then we take the hips back as far as possible - the legs and body remain motionless - and arch.
We work in the vertical (frontal) plane. Again, we reduce (squeeze) only the muscles of the buttocks so that the pelvis leans forward and up a little ("inward"). Movement of the pelvis forward and up - back and up, emphasis at the farthest point of this movement - again the pelvis "in itself" - again back and up, emphasis, etc.
Try to keep the movement in the frontal plane along the path of the lower arc of the semicircle. Remember your posture: shoulders down, back straight.
Starting position: standing on a full foot, legs slightly apart (about the width of the foot) and located on the same line parallel to each other, the body is slightly tilted back, the back is straight, the stomach is relaxed, the buttocks are tightened, the knees are “soft” and slightly bent, arms to the sides. We perform a rocking chair with the hips.
The rocking chair is performed by alternately straightening the knees: without changing the position of the left leg, we straighten the right leg at the knee, due to which the right thigh is “pushed” up and we sort of pull it under the rib (in this case, the lateral abdominal muscles contract).
While moving, do not tear off the heels and do not shift the center of gravity from foot to foot. The top remains motionless and does not sway during the work of the hips. We make sure that the hips move only up and down, do not take them to the side or back. They should be relaxed - only the knees work. Now we bend the right leg at the knee - we lead the left thigh up.
We continue the alternating movement with one or the other hip, without deflecting the body and keeping the line of the shoulders in the same position - parallel to the floor.
Imagine that you have a bowl of water on your head and your task is not to spill the water. You can also try to put a book on your head during this exercise and try to move so that it does not sway, much less fall.
Execute rocking hips to the sides in three counts: right-left and a little more slowly to the right - slightly slow down the knee extension until the movement starts in the other direction (without a pause in the movement), left-right and slightly slower to the left, slightly slowing down the knee extension until the next movement starts in the other direction. Movements should be smooth, unhurried, but continuous. Simultaneously with the rocking chair, we perform circular movements with the hands. Again we make a rocking chair with our hips to the sides without pauses. At the same time, we raise our hands up, at the same time performing rotations with the wrists along the trajectory of the eight. Repeat the movement with the hips at a fast pace.
If desired, the pace of side rocking with the hips can be increased even more: increasing it gradually and maintaining the rhythm, move on to shaking the hips. When shaking-rocking chair, the pelvis swings due to the work of the muscles of the lower back, the legs become freer. With this shaking, you can learn to walk quite easily. For example, climb on the "half-toes" and try to go forward with shaking, and then back. The faster the hips move, the more they need to relax. But don't forget to work with your hands.
If at first the shaking is good for you, and after a minute or two the muscles begin to “stone” and the shaking rhythm is lost, it does not matter. Stop, shake your legs alternately, relax your muscles and start shaking again. The vibration of the body is given by muscles relaxed at your will, and not by tension.
Performing a rocking chair at a fast pace, we take the pelvis forward, then back and then move in a circle to the left. So we impose movement "rocking hips back and forth" for movement "small circle of the hips in the horizontal plane" plus circular movements of the hands.
We connect the side rocker with the hips pulling with the hips, continuing to perform rotations with the wrists.
Hip pull is a basic element of oriental dance, a movement from the group of slips. It should be done every day during every workout.
Starting position: we stand straight on a full foot (legs are located on the same line), the body is slightly tilted back, the back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the knees are “soft”, the arms are at the sides. We take the hip as far as possible to the left (without ceasing to perform the rocking chair at the same time), leave the legs and the upper part of the body motionless and transfer the body weight to the left leg. Shoulders, belt line during pulling remain parallel to the floor, knees do not bend. We pull the hips to the right and transfer the weight of the body to the right leg. The hips move to the right and left with maximum amplitude.
Pulling with the hips stretches the lateral muscles, strengthens the muscles of the lower back and abdomen, perfectly tones the muscles of the waist, and also helps to prepare the body for further performance of various oriental movements (in particular, amplitude volumetric eights and rotations).
By sliding your hips, you can move back and forth and right and left.
After pulling with the hips, we move on to another basic movement, simple to perform, but effective and easily combined in dance with other elements, - eights. Let's start with the execution of horizontal eights (movements are performed in a horizontal plane clockwise and counterclockwise).
Horizontal figure eight backwards (“away from you”). While pulling, we lingered for a moment in a position where the left hip was maximally abducted to the left and, accordingly, the weight of the body was on the left leg.
Now we lead the right thigh diagonally forward to the right, turn it as much as possible and begin to outline the first half of the imaginary figure eight - we turn this thigh back.
Next, the left thigh is brought forward (the weight of the body is gradually transferred to the left leg), turns as much as possible (until you see your left buttock out of the corner of your left eye) and begins to outline the second half of the figure eight: to the left until it stops, and then back to the left.
Only the lower part of the body moves. Breathing remains even and smooth, like the movement itself.
You can help yourself a little: when the hips are twisting in one direction, slightly twist the body in the other (so that the hips do not drag it along).
Straight knees, feet that remain parallel, and heels that stay on the floor will help to achieve a smooth, soft and continuous movement. Imagine that you are making your way forward without the help of your hands through some rather dense, viscous substance and, as it were, are raking it with your hips, alternately pushing it to one side or the other.
This exercise increases the elasticity of the ligaments.
Movement "horizontal figure eight forward ("inward")" schematically looks the same as the previous one, only performed in the opposite direction. We take the left thigh back diagonally to the maximum twisted position (in which the chest still remains motionless).
The weight of the body is transferred to the left leg. With a smooth circular motion, we describe half of the eight forward with the left thigh, maximally turning the right thigh back. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg.
In a circular motion, move the right thigh forward and describe the remaining half of the figure eight. We try to bring the hips forward no less than back. We do not turn our shoulders. They must always look ahead. If you are still not very good at “separating” the top from the bottom, try doing the figure eight with your whole body first. I managed to catch the trajectory - you can move on to fixing the body and start moving only the hips.
Try to bring your hips forward no less than back, then the movement will be smooth and symmetrical. Keep an eye on the upper body: it should remain motionless, but not enslaved, keep the line of the shoulders parallel to the floor line.
When performing the figure eight, the legs should be placed parallel to one another and on the same line, not just for stability or beauty: if you put them in eversion positions (heels together, toes apart), then, involuntarily pinching the buttocks, limit the amplitude of their movement.
Another version of the eights with the hips - vertical eights, or, as they are also figuratively called, "pendulums". The second name of this dance component was not born by chance: remember how the pendulum of the clock moves, describing the lower semicircle of an imaginary circle, like a young crescent turned upside down with “horns”. The oriental dancer reproduces the described trajectory with the help of hip movements in a strictly vertical plane. Vertical eights can be performed, like horizontal ones, in two directions opposite to each other: “away from you” (from top to bottom) and “into yourself” (from bottom to top).
We still stand on a full foot (legs are on the same line and parallel to one another), the body is slightly tilted back, the back is straight, the buttocks are tucked up. But now, to perform the "pendulum", put your feet together. Body weight on the left leg. We tear off the right heel from the floor and raise the thigh as high as possible.
The weight of the body is gradually transferred to the right leg. Further, drawing a quarter of a circle to the right and down, we begin to lower the right thigh, at the same time pushing it as far as possible to the side, that is, to the right. From this extreme side point, we continue to lower the thigh to the lowest point of the circle thanks to the “soft” knee. Body weight on the right leg. We put the heel of the right foot on the floor and lower the right thigh down.
Now tear off the left heel (knee is relaxed), lift (due to lifting the heel off the floor) the left thigh up (as if leading to the armpit) and push it to the side as far as possible, without deflecting the body in the opposite direction and outlining a rather steep semicircle of the imaginary eights.
Pull the thigh towards you, returning to the starting position. We continue to draw symmetrical circles in a vertical plane. The body should remain motionless, and the line of the shoulders should be parallel to the floor line. Add hand movement to this dance element.
Hands in oriental dance move depending on the nature of the music, and therefore often their movements do not coincide with the movement of the hips: the hands work at least twice as slowly as the hips. If the hips are the rhythm, then the arms are the melody.
From the previous starting position, smoothly proceed to the next movement - step Suher Zaki, or "stilts".
We stand on straight lines, located on the same line parallel to one another on toes, the body is slightly tilted back, the back is straight, arms to the sides. We begin to alternately lower the heels to the floor in three counts. We lower the heel of the left leg - the left thigh goes down, then we raise the heel of the left leg, returning to its original position (on the toes), and lower the heel of the right leg.
Left - right - left - paused for a moment. Right - left - right - lingered for a moment. And so several times in a row in the rhythm of the sounding melody. We do not bend our knees - we only raise our hips. The head is on the same level: the movement occurs mainly only due to the hips. Continuing to perform the movement, alternately tear off the legs from the floor.
And now we “walk” on the spot without delays and stops, but still in time with the melody.
If this movement is performed correctly, you will feel the movement of the oblique muscles of the abdomen.
Performing the following exercise − hip dumps (otherwise - hip-down strikes). Starting position: standing in a half-squat and half-turned to the viewer. The body looks forward, the hips and legs are turned to the side at an angle of 45 °. We put the leg closest to the viewer (mirror) (working in this movement) in front of the one behind, on the toe, and expose its thigh and turn it forward (toward the viewer), as far as the body allows. The back is straight and slightly tilted back, arms are spread apart.
Try to keep your knees together while moving.
So, keep your chest and shoulders straight. We start the movement with the left foot, so we put it on the toe in front of the right, raise the right hand up, take the left hand to the side. Raise the thigh of the working leg up by straightening the knee, then sharply lower (throw) the thigh, again bending the working leg at the knee.
Do not lower the heel to the floor. We do the emphasis while moving down (at its maximum lower point). At the same time, the hands make smooth circular rotational movements. We repeat the movement a few more times, and then change the leg - we become half-turned to the viewer (mirror) with the right hip forward, respectively raise the left hand up, take the right hand to the side and work with the right hip.
If you relax your hips well and bend your leg at the knee, the hip will "fall" by itself.
Let's complicate the main movement "hip drop" with a leg extension, and we get a new movement - "classic key" (thigh drop with leg extension).
Starting position - as in the previous exercise: standing in a half-squat and half-turned to the viewer. The body looks forward, the hips and legs are turned to the side at an angle of 45 °. We put the leg closest to the viewer (working in this movement) in front of the one behind (supporting), on the toe, and expose its thigh and turn it forward (towards the viewer). The back is straight and slightly tilted back, the arms are spread apart (option - the arm of the same name as the supporting leg is raised up).
We perform one reset with the right hip, the emphasis is while moving down (at its lowest point). Raise the right thigh again, and then lower it, while throwing the right leg forward, the toe of the foot stretches forward and down.
Raising the hip up each time, we continue to alternate the impact with the hip down (hip drop) with the hip drop with leg extension. We perform this movement several times, and then change the leg - we work with the left thigh.
"Key" can be performed on weight. In this case, when the leg lunges forward, its toe does not touch the floor, that is, we keep the leg in the air.
We continue to develop the spine and back muscles.
We change the starting position: we stand on a full foot, legs slightly apart (about the width of the foot) and located on the same line parallel to each other. The body is slightly tilted back, the back is straight, the stomach is relaxed, the knees are “soft”, the arms are at the sides, the weight of the body is on the left leg (as in a pull).
Execute semicircle hips.
We take the hips forward - the body deviates back, but the head does not throw back in any case (!) - and take it to the right, outlining (with maximum amplitude) an imaginary semicircle.
Now let's do a full circle.
Hip circle is a movement familiar to each of us since school or even kindergarten times. He was certainly included and is still included in a variety of gymnastic complexes called "hip rotation".
At first, to help you check if your shoulders and upper chest are moving horizontally or vertically during the exercise, you can put your hands on your shoulders.
Combine the semicircle with the hips forward with the semicircle back and perform a full circle with the hips to the left on straight legs. The hips move along all four points: we take them forward (the body leans back, but the head does not throw back), we take them to the left, wrapping the hips, we take them back, transferring the body weight to the right leg, we take them to the right, etc.
While the hips make a circle, the head, shoulders and arms remain at the same level. We repeat the rotation of the hips to the left again, and then we perform a circle in the other direction: right - forward - left - back, trying not to move the upper body and keep the line of the shoulders parallel to the floor line.
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exercise technique for beginners step by step, history, origin, benefits of dancing
In recent years, twerk is gaining more and more popularity among the youth.
Dynamic movements of one of the most piquant parts of the female body, helps dancers to liberate themselves and pump sexuality. In addition, this is a powerful fitness workout, where the main focus is on the work of the gluteal muscles and thighs.
As a result of such shock physical activity, the body is tightened and acquires the desired rounded shape.
In pursuit of beautiful buttocks and slender legs, modern girls do not need to resort to plastic surgery and go to the surgeon. You can achieve the desired result with the help of twerk classes. Consider whether it is so easy for beginners to master this direction, and what are the benefits of fashionable dance for the body.
What is twerking
Twerking is a new dance direction, which is based on the movement of the buttocks and hips. Sometimes it is called booty dance (bootydance) or booty shake (bootyshake).
The history of twerk is closely intertwined with ancient African tribal customs. The girls performed a dance with characteristic sexual movements to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It was a kind of signal, a suggestion of intimacy. If a man was ready to have a relationship with a girl he liked, then in response he took part in the dance and demonstrated similar movements.
At the beginning of the 21st century, America remembered this forgotten African tradition and decided to take it as the basis of the dance. The new direction was called twerk. It took a decade for local choreographers to stage and perfect the technique. And only then the twerk was demonstrated to the world.
The public was not ready for a long time to accept a new direction, which was perceived as sexually provocative and hurt the feelings of adherents of the classics. However, if you delve a little into history, it becomes clear that the appearance and origin of most dance styles was initially criticized. For example, it was unacceptable for a decent lady to perform tango. But gradually, such heated debates around twerk faded away, and now girls who professionally master this type of dance are only admired.
Twerking continues to conquer the world. If earlier women used to attract male tribesmen with dances, now they resort to buti neck to form and maintain a beautiful figure.
Guys are also increasingly paying attention to booty dance.
Dance cannot exist apart from music. And for a long time, twerk was in dire need of instrumental accompaniment. Performing completely new movements to well-known tunes was not interesting. There is an opinion that for commercial success, a musical style must combine both an element of novelty and reminiscent of what was before. Otherwise, the public will not understand and will not accept the revolutionary idea. Music for booty dance consists of various types of rap, typical of some southern states.
Benefits of classes
Gradually, a new fashionable dance moved from TV screens to the halls of sports centers and added to the list of popular types of training. So, residents of Moscow can master the twerk technique step by step in the La Salute fitness club. Training is conducted by experienced instructors.
Classes are a powerful cardio load, which helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system of the body, improve blood circulation.
Special exercises help to remove extra centimeters in the waist and hips, tighten the figure and improve the appearance of the buttocks, giving them elasticity and roundness.
The benefits of twerking don't end there. This kind of physical activity has a beneficial effect on the female body, not only from the outside. The movements during the dance are a kind of massage for the internal organs. It helps to reduce or completely eliminate menstrual pain, reduce excess bile, get rid of cellulite.
Dancing twerk is also a powerful psychological resource. During the lesson, a woman develops the skill of owning her own body and thus can be liberated, reveal and strengthen her sexuality, and increase self-esteem.
Twerk classes do not require any special physical preparation or physique. In terms of health, there are restrictions only for those who have problems with the spine and the musculoskeletal system.
During the dance there is a serious load on the knees.
These points should be taken into account by everyone who wants to learn booty neck. At the slightest pain, you must immediately stop the lesson and immediately consult a doctor. You also need to be wary if after class it hurts to sit or lie on your side.
How to learn to twerk
Twerk is a very dynamic dance, and the muscles are under a lot of stress, so the body needs a mandatory warm-up before training. You can practice tilting the torso to the sides, forward and backward. Exercises should be done slowly, while feeling how the muscles are stretched and warmed up. It is useful to sit on the longitudinal and transverse twine, if the stretch allows.
Since the main focus in twerking is on the buttocks, thighs, lower back, the main base of exercises consists of the following elements:
- vibration of the gluteal muscles;
- rotation of the hips and lower back;
- work alternately with different buttocks;
- hip 8 rep;
- hip thrusts.
Beginners can try to learn the basic movements at home, this will help various video tutorials, which show the elements of twerk for beginners in stages.
After stretching, you can move on to learning the basic movements that help you master the technique from scratch:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back, squat. In this position, it is necessary to rotate the hip joint, making a figure eight.
- Place your palms on the floor and quickly bend and unbend your knees, vibrating your pelvis.
- Squat down with your hands on your belt. Try to actively shake your lower torso so that your legs and hips vibrate as you do so. This is an important exercise, one of the main elements of the dance.
- Continue with hip crunches with knees bent. To do this, return to the starting position, turn the toe of the right leg inward along with the knee, while shaking the buttocks with the force of the thigh.
Do the same with the left leg. It turns out a twist movement.
Thus, you can learn twerk by starting with the basic elements, which successively turn into bundles, and you get a complete dance.
Comfortable tracksuit, shorts or leggings are suitable for training. Shoes - sneakers or sneakers.
At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in the described movements. But it's not. There are few basic exercises, but not everyone can master them correctly. Therefore, armed with a little home preparation, you can safely proceed to classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer at the LaSalute dance studio.
What music to dance to
The bootyshake dance requires suitable accompaniment. Since the movements of this direction are quite dynamic, the incendiary samba, rap, hip-hop, R&B will be an ideal option. There are several popular songs that go well with dance - these are "BubbleButt" and "Bandz A Make Her Dance".
Why twerking doesn't work
There are reasons why movements may not come out correctly:
- Lack of flexibility in the lumbar spine and hips. In this case, additional stretching exercises will help.
- Deflection problem. If during training you take the body back due to the shoulders and thoracic spine, and not the lower back, then nothing will work.
- Tightness of the body, tension. Immediately liberated and immersed in the atmosphere of twerk may not come out of the first lesson. From this movement look "wooden". In this case, you just need to give yourself time and gradually join the general rhythm of mood.
Buti-shake gradually wins the hearts of people around the world. According to the reviews of people who have mastered twerk, the dance has a lot of advantages - a great mood, the necessary cardio load, health benefits and the acquisition of the desired forms. It liberates, relieves tightness and complexes, increases sexuality.