How to half step country dance
Two Step Dance | Learn the Basics of Country Two Step
Every beginner country dancer needs to learn the basic patterns for country two step. If you want to learn how to country two step, also called progressive two-step, you’re in the right place. Two step is a fun dance that travels around the line of dance with walks and spins to fast country music. First, we need to master the basic steps. Below is a simple syllabus to get you started on the basic two step patterns as a beginner.
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What is Country Two Step?
Country Two Step also known as Texas Two Step is a fun social dance seen in dance halls and country bars all over north america! It’s a partner dance that follows a counter clockwise pattern around the dance floor with lots of spins and wraps. Although it’s typically done to country music, there is plenty of two stepping done to non country music as well!
What is Texas Two Step?
Is it different from Country Two Step, Triple Two Step or Nightclub Two Step?
Texas Two Step is essentially the same as Country Two Step!
It IS different from Triple Two Step and Nightclub Two Step (don’t worry we will explain below)
This is what the basics of Country Two Step AKA Texas Two Step look like.
Remember dance is like language. You’ll find different accents in language across the country just like you’ll find different versions of two step across the country as well. Rest assured Country Two Step and Texas Two Step is all the same dance with slight regional differences.
However there are ‘two steps’ associated with country dancing that ARE different.
Triple Two Step and Nightclub Two Step (AKA Nightclub) are totally different.
This is NOT Texas Two Step nor Country Two step!
It is it’s own form of two step thought. Confused?
Don’t worry we will make it clear as we go 🙂
What is Nightclub Two Step?This is NOT Texas Two Step nor Country Two Step!
To avoid confusion this dance has changed its name and is just known as Nightclub.
Slightly less confusing 🙂
Country Two Step Basic Patterns
Ok now it’s time to learn the Country Two Step Basic patterns In this beginner two step tutorial you’ll lean all the basic patterns you need to look great on the dance floor, even as a beginner! Lean the basic, the outside turns, the inside turns and the couples turns!
Country Two Step Beginner Patterns
Below is a list of individual patterns that you’ll need to know as a beginner. These are the country two step basics that you’ll need to know to feel comfortable in a honky tonk, dance hall or dance studio anywhere in the world! Sometimes two step is called traveling west coast swing.
Forward Basic in country two step
The man traveling forward and the lady backward in closed or open dance position, walking with a series of four walks to the basic timing of quick, quick, slow, slow. Walks may be dance with either a heel or toe lead. This is a debatable topic among many dance professionals, with camps on both side of the fence (or should I say foot)?! An alternate timing is to count by the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5 (holding counts 4 and 6, as they are part of the slow beat).
Backward basic and transition from forward to backward for country two step
This is the same as the first pattern, except the man travels backward while the lady walks forward. To transition from the forward basic to the backward basic, there needs to be a few side steps or chasses to smooth the change of direction.
Lady’s Right Turn ending in Promenade for country two step
The man preps the lady for a right, or outside turn, on the second slow. He leads her spin on the quick, quick, and finishes in frame in the promenade position, with both the leader and follower facing the line of dance, ready for the next pattern.
Lady’s Left Turn to Wrap for country two step
The man preps a left or inside turn for the lady on counts slow, slow, by leading a subtle swivel action with his hands and body. The follower turns to the left on the quick, quick, with her arms wrapping up into the cuddle position around her waist.
Lady’s Right Turn to Back Line of Dance for country two step
The man follows the same procedure as the previous right turn for the lady, except finishes with both partners backing the line of dance. This is the preparation for one of the most popular basic patterns, often referred to as a weave or lace. The free arm may be stylized straight out to the side for both the leader and the follower.
Chasse to Forward Line and Back Line
A chasse (or side together side) is danced facing your partner, first ending in a cross over break line, and then repeated to end in the original line, backing the line of dance.
Patty cake Vine
This combines elements of the chasse with the popular grapevine, which cross back, side, and front. Lady’s left turn to back line of dance or face partners. An inside turn for the lady is a great way to transition to different positions on the floor and to end the current position. Inside turns are generally easier for the follower to dance well.
Check weave
This pattern is the heart of the dance. Many intermediate and advanced patterns stem from this one beginner pattern. So it is very important to master and understand the connections for this figure. This step involves an inside turn for the lady. This is similar to the check weave except is danced with a lady’s outside turn, instead of an inside turn.
Two Step Dance Moves
There are an endless set of two step dance moves you can learn. First you need to master the basics. Then the followers have to be comfortable with their spins and turns in two step. Once you’re comfortable, it’s time to start learning some new patterns. The best way to learn them is with a membership to our website. It’s like Netflix for Dancers! All the moves are laid out step by step so you never have to worry if the next pattern you’re learning is within your skill set. We’ve taken the guesswork out. Give it a try!
Country Two Step Music
Now that you’re dancing you’ll need some tunes to dance to. We’ve got you covered. On the other side you’ll get our top 10 Two Step Dance tunes as well as over 100 songs that you can practice to. We have lists for country music lovers AND music suggestions for non country music as well. Winner. See our Country Two Step Song List here.
The next big step in learning how to two step dance!
Inside our members area we have 0ver 500 instructional videos to help you learn all styles of country dance. Two Step, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Cha Cha, Nightclub, Waltz and more. You can grab a free membership and get access to 50 videos to help you improve totally FREE. Grab your Free Membership
Country 2 Step
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who provides professional dance instruction at HI.
Please refer to our web page Professional Instruction for Mike's contact information if
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Country 2 Step
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Sweetheart (Exit)
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Promenade Grapevine
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Basic Step
The country/western two-step, often called the "Texas two-step" or simply the "two-step,"is a country/western dance usually danced to country music in common time. "Traditional [Texas] two-step developed, because it is suited to fiddle and guitar music played two-four time with a firm beat [found in country music]. One-two, one-two, slide-shuffle."
The Texas two-step is the same step known to ballroom dancers as the international fox-trot. Except for the one-step, which is just that, most Texas dances are variations of a two-step, also called a half-step, which is simply a step-close-step. The Texas two-step is generally done with two long steps and a step-close-step to two-four time. Speeded up, it's a shuffle or double shuffle, but still a two-step.
As with other country/western dances, there are different versions of two step. Even the same dance may go by different names depending on the area of the United States, and even in the particular dance hall. There may be no "correct" way to do a particular dance. "Every dance floor presents a variety of styles. ... Every region, every village, has its own way of doing the waltz and two-step." The two-step is related to the polka, the Texas waltz, and the jitterbug.[5]the syncopation in three-count hustle can be danced anywhere: 1&23, 12&3, or 123&.
Originally called the Texas Shuffle Step (or Foxtrot step), at some point this became better known as Texas Two-Step, which is now the most common dance with that name. Danced to music with 4/4 time signature, it consists of four steps with timing quick, quick, slow, slow, where the pattern of movement is often referred to as "Step-together, walk, walk. " This Two-Step has been taught as early 1983.
The Two-Step can be danced over a fairly wide range of tempos, such as 130 bpm to over 200 bpm.
Basic two-step consists of two quick steps, followed by two slow steps (or alternately, two slow steps followed by two quick steps). Dancing may start with either the slow steps, or the quick steps, as the local custom dictates.
The leader begins by stepping forward with his left foot. The follower begins by stepping backward with her right foot.
Formally, the quick steps are full strides, with one foot passing the other on each step. However, in informal situations, particularly when the beat of the music is fast, the second quick step may be a shuffle, with the foot that's behind after the first quick step sliding up to, but not even with, the foot in front.
This style has roots with the Foxtrot and basic two-step patterns are equivalent to those of many other progressive partner dances.
Cradle/Cuddle Tips
Outside Turn
Multi Turn
Promenade Weeve
Country 2 Step Songs
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Sweetheart (Enter)
- Any Man of Mine4:06
- Wagon Wheel4:14
Heritage Isle Ballroom Dance Club
How to Dance the Polka: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
In this article:
Learn the steps
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Polka is a very funny Central European folklore dance. In Russia, it is most often danced at balls and during ballroom dancing classes. Polka is a fast, head-turning and fun dance!
Play polka-appropriate music. nine0020 Polka was written by such composers as Strauss, Smetana, Dvorak. However, there are also more modern compositions. On any Internet radio site there is music for polka. If you haven’t found one, almost any country music will suit you. For polka, an accordion is recommended, but not required at all.
Hold your partner in the classic position.
The partner's left arm and the lady's right arm must be extended to the side at an angle at the height of the lady's shoulder. The partner's right hand should rest on the lady's left shoulder blade, and the lady's left hand should rest easily on the man's right shoulder. Your position should be firm, not too weak, but not too strong. nine0003
- This is the position you will remain in throughout the dance. Make sure your back is straight and your arms are well braced. The polka is a confident and easy dance, and your posture should reflect this.
Learn the dance leader's steps. There is no simpler dance in the world than the polka. Honestly, you only need to learn three types of steps: the right foot, the left, and again the right. Then you repeat the same combination of steps, but starting with the other leg. That's all! Follow the following combination of steps: nine0003
- Step forward with your left foot.
- Place your right foot next to your left.
- Then step again with your left foot.
- Step forward with your right foot (pushing it in front of your left).
- Place your left foot in front of your right.
- Then step forward again with your right foot. Voila!
- So the whole combination includes full step, half step, half step. And then another full step, half step, half step. The first step is wider than the next two. nine0022
- Step forward with your left foot.
Learn the steps of the follower. The lady's steps do not differ from the gentleman's steps. However, the ladies should start the dance from the right foot back: back, together, back. Back, together, back. Follow the following combination of steps:
- Step back with your right foot.
- Place your left foot in front of your right.
- Step back with your right foot again.
- Step back with your left foot (beyond your right foot)
- Place your right foot next to your left.
- Step back again with your left foot.
- Also remember that the first step is the widest, followed by two small steps. Full step, half step, half step. Full step, half step, half step.
Step in time with the music. The polka usually has a march rhythm of 2 beats per measure. Right, left, right corresponds to the first and second beats. Left, right, left - third and fourth lobes. Thus, you should take three steps every two beats. If you don't have polka music on hand, any standard country music will do. nine0003
- Polka is made for fun. Imagine the decorations of the shining halls of Eastern Europe centuries ago, add your zest to the dance and enjoy.
Polka dance sideways. While performing the same three steps and standing in the same position with your partner, try the polka dance, stepping to the right or to the left.
This technique will make your polka more playful and rhythmic. Try dancing back and forth, in a square, and then back and forth again. nine0003
- Don't lose your posture. Keep your legs in position towards your partner by simply moving them to the right or left. Your back should remain straight and your arms raised. Leave the work for the legs.
Start dancing around. Why? To make it more charming. You have already tried dancing the polka from right to left and back and forth. It's time for rotations. The leader in the dance will decide which way the couple should rotate, to the right or to the left: nine0003
- Start dancing a simple polka. After one or two cycles, the leader should begin to rotate in the direction to the left. To turn left, start turning in the opposite direction. A full 360 degree rotation must be completed in 4 counts. Try doing a few turns in a row!
- If you are dancing to the side, turn 180 degrees in two counts, then change direction and repeat the turn.
If you lead the dance, you can spin your partner over and over again. Most importantly, make sure you don't get dizzy! nine0022
Make turns without changing your body position. When turning, each partner must turn the foot of the foot closest to the partner's linked hands by 90 degrees. In this case, the position of your body should remain motionless.
- If you are confused by this gesture, consider tango. In this dance, the partners stand opposite each other, the torso is straight and motionless, while the legs begin to move to the side. In polka, the essence is the same, but with a slightly smaller number of attacks. nine0022
Add light jumps. When performing the dance in the position described above, nothing interferes with your legs, and you are free to add a few light jumps to the dance. If your feet are not turned to move to the side, but are directed towards your partner, you may collide with your knees when trying to jump.
- Remember those high jumps in PE class at school? So, in polka, you need to perform just such jumps, only with a little more enthusiasm. On counts 1 and 3, add a slight bounce to your steps. You will definitely like it once you practice a little! nine0022
Switch legs. Moving to the side, you can change the order of the legs. Since nothing is stopping them in front, both you and your partner can start walking with the outside or inside foot. This will help create an interesting dance pattern.
- I would like to clarify once again that leg variation is allowed only when moving to the side. If your legs are facing each other and you are moving back and forth, changing legs is not the best idea, otherwise you risk losing your knees. nine0022
- Your steps should be small so that you do not step on each other's feet. It will also help you feel less tired!
- The outline of your dance should run counterclockwise along the edge of the dance floor.
What will you need
- Dance shoes
- Partner
- Open space
Sources & Citations nine0013
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Polka is a very funny Central European folklore dance. In Russia, it is most often danced at balls and during ballroom dancing classes. Polka is a fast, head-turning and fun dance!
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Avril Lavinge
I wonder how many people can boast that already in two years they amazed the public with their vocal talent? And how many will be typed who literally from young nails knew that he was destined for the fate of a great singer (or singer) and would be one hundred percent sure of his talent? But what about those who stubbornly go to their goal and at the same time remain themselves?
We know of at least one person who meets all of these criteria. This is the inimitable Avril Lavigne (or Avril Lavigne, as her parents call her in the French manner). nine0003
Avril Ramona Lavigne (Avril Ramona Lavigne) was born September 27, 1984 in the small Canadian town of Napanee (Ontario), with only 5 thousand inhabitants.
Her parents, Judy and John, raised their three children in the best traditions of Catholic families with mandatory weekly church attendance. But piety did not in the least prevent Avril from growing up as a tomboy. She just loved to play hockey with the boys and ride a skateboard. It even got to the point that she was arrested by the police - for riding in the wrong place. Some in the area, including the schoolteachers whom she haunted in class with her arguments, called her "a little scandal." nine0003
Avril's main hobby was singing. Talking about her childhood, the girl recalls how she sang, standing on the bed and imagining a huge hall in front of her. She always knew that life in little Napani was not for her - the girl was attracted by New York and Los Angeles. And she always knew that she would be a star.
Avril, of course, understood: in order to become a star, one desire is not enough - you need to work hard and hard. And she worked. To begin with, she entered the church choir, then, together with her friends, began performing at fairs, various holidays and competitions for young talents, and by the age of 13, having mastered playing the guitar, she was already writing and performing her songs. nine0003
Avril's very first success on the way to show business was the victory in a competition held on local radio. As the winner, Avril got the opportunity to travel to Ottawa and record a duet with Shania Twain, a popular country music artist.
During one of the performances, Avril met Steve Mead, also a popular country artist, who invited the girl to take part in the recording of the single “Touch the Sky” for his new album (“Quinte Spirit”, 1999). They later recorded two more songs, "Temple of Life" and "Two Rivers", which were included on Steve Mead's next album ("My Window to You", 2002).
Closer to finishing school, Avril sends cassettes of his performances to American record companies. Fate would have it so that one of the cassettes fell into the hands of Ken Krongard, a representative of Arista Records, who, with the consent of his boss António Reid, invited the girl to New York. So fifteen-year-old Avril Lavigne ended up in Manhattan - half a step away from world fame. nine0003
Having signed a contract with Arista Records, Avril did not leave the studio for days on end, but the desired hit never came into her hands. Representatives of Arista, one after another, rejected the songs offered by the girl. There was a creative crisis, and the producers of the company offered Avril to perform other people's songs - preferably romantic ballads. However, the self-confident talent flatly refused such an offer and declared that only his own would sing. And rock and roll was its own, which suited Avril's lively and independent character at the right time. nine0003
Out of respect for the girl's talent and her unwavering stubbornness, Arista's management agrees to Avril's move to Los Angeles. Here she meets producer Cliff Magness, who fully supports her. “He let me lead,” Avril says of Cliff. “He really helps me.”
Having got the opportunity to do what she wants, Avril seems to come to life - songs pour out of her, like from a cornucopia. Not surprisingly, shortly after moving to Los Angeles, under the strict guidance of Cliff and with the support of The Matrix on Board, Avril released her first solo album, Let Go (2002), which debuted immediately at number eight on the Billboard Top 100 chart. and went platinum after the first five weeks. nine0003
Avril Lavigne's debut album earned Avril Lavigne Best Discovery of the Year 2002 at the MTV Video Music Awards, four out of six Juno Awards (2003), World's Best Selling Canadian Singer at the World Music Award, moreover, the album was nominated for eight Grammy Awards.
In 2003, Avril Lavigne embarked on his first concert tour, only to return to studio work and in 2004 release his second album, Under My Skin.
The second album was in no way inferior to the first in terms of popularity and brought the girl a whole bunch of various awards. Among them are "World''s Best Pop/Rock Artist" and "World's Best Selling Canadian Artist" awarded by the World Music Awards, five Juno Award nominations, three of which she won ("Fan Choice Award", " Artist of the Year", "Pop Album of the Year"), as well as the title of "Favorite Female Singer". nine0003
At the same time, Avril Lavigne tries his hand at cinema. Her credits include voicing a cartoon (Over the Hedge, 2006), small roles in the film Going The Distance (2004), dramas Fast Food Nation (Fast Food, 2006) and "Flock" (The Flock, 2007).
In July 2006, Avril married Derek Whibley. However, this did not affect the creative career of the singer. In April 2007, the release of her new solo album entitled "The Best Damn Thing" is planned, the first rotation of the singles of which will go on the air in February. nine0003
According to the singer, the album will be harder and more dynamic than the previous ones and will contain only two ballads. Avril Lavigne promises that fans will definitely like it, because she likes it very much.
Elena TEMNIKOVA (lead vocals, dances). She was born on April 18, 1985 in the city of Kurgan. In 2003 she took part in the national show "Star Factory". "I started studying music at the age of 5. I remember that my violin teacher had a giant foot size, and I really enjoyed it." “Now there is practically no time left for anything other than work. There is no time even to meet with friends. But I’d rather sacrifice sleep, but I won’t refuse to communicate with them. And I can’t refuse books. Now I miss beauty salons and saunas most of all - I love it very much. I am ready to forgive people everything except stupidity. I know for sure that I will never be able to be a normal average wife, because not a single man will break my character. Probably, I will live like this all my life surrounded by music and. .. lovers!” “In general, I don't like a lot of things - acid colors, our newspapers, Internet chats. ” “What do I get high from in life? From the stage, sex, cars. I also love leading people, cultivating food."
Born on April 12, 1985 in Moscow. From the age of 7 she began to practice ballroom dancing. Olya SERYABKINA (backing vocals, dancing). At the age of 17 she received the title of candidate master of sports. Participated in international competitions. She graduated from the school of arts in the department of pop singing. In 2006 she received a diploma of higher education in the specialty of translation and translation studies. I like to dance. By nature - a fighter. He hates to sit around and wash floors. Gets high from sports and chocolate.
Marina LIZORKINA (backing vocals, dances). Born in Moscow. From the age of 12 she sang in the choir. At the age of 16 she entered the University of Contemporary Art. She loves to draw in her own style. Hobbies: cars. "I'm madly in love with driving. If I don't drive for 2 days, I just get stuck. I can't get past a sick or hungry animal. People often get into trouble through their own fault, and injustice to animals hurts me a lot. I love to paint with oils. I write mostly humanoid species - inhabitants of other worlds. True, my paintings make a strange impression on people. Everyone sees something of their own in them, and this is very cool. I prefer not to divide music into genres and styles, I like the most different. I love hypocrisy and cowardice - both in men and women. But in general, I love people, I love this world and I perceive everything that happens around me with a positive attitude. " nine0003
Christina Aguilera biography
Biography of Christina Aguilera. Full name Christina Maria Aguilera was born on December 18, 1980 in New York, USA, to an Irish and Ecuadorian family. For the first five years of her life, until her parents separated, Christina spoke Spanish. The girl's father was a military man, and the family constantly had to move from place to place. In her youth, Christina's mother was a professional musician. She played the violin in the Youth Symphony Orchestra, but after her marriage she was forced to give up further performances. But her daughter received an upbringing that allowed her to fully develop her creative inclinations. The girl's parents separated, and the family settled in a suburb of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania). By the age of five, Christina knew by heart all the songs from the repertoire of "The Sound of Music" and often performed them at neighbors' parties. Even before school, she decided that when she grew up, she would become a famous singer. nine0003
At the age of nine, Christina Aguilera first encountered the fame and disillusionment that often accompanies artists. In the competition, which was held on the TV show "Star Search", she sang Whitney Houston's song "The Greatest Love of all" and took second place, although she firmly counted on first. The upset girl returned home, and here new troubles awaited her. Her classmates, to whom she boasted of her hopes, greeted her with ridicule. It is difficult to say what exactly happened between the children, but Kristina never managed to restore normal relations with fellow students. Later, the mother was even forced to take the girl out of school and tutor her privately at home. nine0003
However, all these problems did not affect Christina's desire for a musical career. In 1990, Pittsburgh hosted the hockey cup games, and a ten-year-old girl was entrusted with singing the national anthem. That same year, she passed an open stage audition for the Disney TV Club. The organizers of the show drew attention to a talented child. By age, she was still too small, but when two years later vacancies appeared in the Mickey Mouse Club, she was invited to take part in the program. Aguilera sang, danced and performed alongside Mickey's new friends: Britney Spears (Britney Spears), Justin Timberlake (group "N'' Sync") and the future star of the television series "Felicity" Keri Russell. She later recalled with pleasure the two years she spent at the club: "It was a huge opportunity for growth. I liked being around kids who had the same hobbies as me." nine0003
However, everything ends sooner or later, and the show is closed. Christina took part in various festivals, and in Japan she sang a duet with local pop star Keizo Nakanishi on the hit song "All I Wanna Do" and starred in the video for this song. Finally she returned home, and here a tempting offer awaited her. Even in those days when Aguilera performed on a TV show, the famous manager Steve Kurtz drew attention to her. Assuming leadership of the young singer's career, Kurtz ordered demos of her songs to be made, which he then sent to the head of RCA Records, Ron Fair. Struck by "amazing voice and blossoming beauty" Aguilera, he decided to offer the 15-year-old girl a recording contract. nine0003
Negotiations were in full swing when Fair was approached by one of his friends with a request to recommend a young vocalist to perform the song "Reflection" for the Disney cartoon "Mulan". Fair promptly proposed to Aguilera. Christina's unprocessed demo recording (she sang the Whitney Houston song "I Wanna Run To You" under karaoke) was sent to Los Angeles, and the performer herself followed - her singing made a deep impression on the studio management. During an additional on-site audition, the singer showed the widest range of her voice. She took notes from "do" of the middle octave to "mi" of the upper one. The girl sang "Reflection", and then took part in a promotional tour in support of the cartoon. The song was a huge success and was nominated the following year for an Alma Award and a Golden Globe for "Best New Song in a Motion Picture". nine0003
While Christina was helping promote the cartoon, she signed a contract with RCA. There was a lot to do, but Aguilera began work on her debut album right away. The most famous American pop composers (Diane Warren, David Frank and Carl Strunken) were invited to write the songs. The studio did everything in its power to ensure that the world could appreciate the extraordinary voice of an eighteen-year-old girl.
The single "Genie in a Bottle" was released on June 22. The song went to number one on the pop charts and sold nearly 500,000 copies within a month of its release. The music video for the song reached number four on MTV's Total Request Live. nine0003
Meanwhile, the promotion of the forthcoming album was in full swing. Christina has performed in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis, Las Vegas. Christina Aguilera sang with the piano as her only musical accompaniment. In addition to solo concerts, Aguilera performed as the opening act for famous musicians, where she again sang under the piano. Also, she has taken part in several popular television talk shows. Radio stations played her songs, rumors grew, and the general anticipation of the promised debut reached a climax. nine0003
The album "Christina Aguilera" was released on August 24 and fulfilled all its promises. In addition to the charming tune "Genie in a Bottle", it featured the dance anthem "Love Will Find A Way", the heartfelt ballad "So Emotional", and Diana Warren's blockbuster "I Turn To You". Aguilera was praised by critics for the flexibility of her voice and confident handling of various musical styles, while the album-buying public helped push the CD to number one in sales. More than 250,000 copies left the stores in a week. Buyer interest continued, and by the end of the year the album was certified four times platinum. nine0003
However, as time has shown, even greater success awaited Christina ahead. In February 2000, she received an unexpected surprise. During the Grammy in the nomination "Best debutant" her name sounded from the stage. Although for the solemn ceremony, Christina dressed up in a dazzling dress from Versace, nevertheless, it never occurred to her that she would become the winner. Aguilera did not even bother to prepare a response speech just in case. "I was expecting the award to be given to someone who has more singles than me. Macy Gray for example - her skill is beyond doubt, so I thought she should win. Or some other candidates," she said. glancing in the direction of his former Mickey Mouse Club colleague Britney Spears. In May, the girl was waiting for a new award. At the Blockbuster Awards, she won two categories - "Best New Artist" and "Favorite Pop Single" for "Genie in a Bottle". nine0003
The attention of the public was riveted to the young rising star, and Aguilera managed to show herself. At a concert in Milwaukee (Wisconsin), the 19-year-old singer, accompanied by six dancers, put on a real show - the team instantly changed countless costumes, and Aguilera herself even performed a back somersault. However, the greatest impression on the audience was again made not by dances and outfits, but by its exciting trills. Showcasing vocal riffs not heard on her studio work, Aguilera bellowed songs like a young Aretha Franklin or Chaka Khan, ending the 70-minute show with a stunning rendition of yet another hit from her debut album, "What a Girl Wants". nine0003
Hard work and vocal exhaustion caused by an exhausting schedule forced Aguilera to cancel a number of concerts in September. Although she appeared at the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards, where the music video for "What a Girl Wants" won several awards, including Best Female Video, Aguilera canceled shows in Boston, Virginia Beach, Syracuse, and a telethon performance. " The Jerry Lewis Telethon.
In September, her first Spanish-language album "Mi Reflejo" was released, reminding the public of the singer's origins. "I've always been proud of my Ecuadorian roots. Recording an album in Spanish gives me a chance to get to know my Latin American side better," Christina said. The disc included translated versions of five songs from her debut album, a traditional bolero and some new tunes that were just as good. "Mi Reflejo" peaked at number one on the Latin Billboard and number 27 on the Billboard album charts. The single "Ven Conmigo" topped the Spanish charts, reaffirming Aguilera's immense popularity. nine0003
The day after the release, the first annual Latin Grammy Awards took place. Invited Aguilera sang "Contigo en la Distancia" and "Genio Atrapadio" (the Spanish version of the famous "Genie in a Bottle") at the ceremony.
In autumn, the singer held a large-scale tour of South America, Mexico and Puerto Rico, during which she sang her Spanish songs to the accompaniment of horns.