How does fast dancing affect your heart rate hypothesis
Sweaty Science: How Does Heart Rate Change with Exercise?
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Key concepts
The heart
Heart rate
Have you ever wondered how many times your heart beats in a day, a month, a year—or will beat in total throughout your life? Over an average lifetime, the human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times. For a person to keep their heart healthy, they should eat right, not smoke and get regular exercise. In this science activity, you'll measure your heart rate during different types of physical activities to find out which gives your heart the best workout to help keep it fit.
A 150-pound adult has about 5.5 liters of blood on average, which the heart circulates about three times every minute. A person's heart is continuously beating to keep the blood circulating. Heart health experts say that the best ways to keep our hearts healthy is through a balanced diet, avoiding smoking and regular exercise.
Exercise that is good for your heart should elevate your heart rate. But by how much, for how long and how often should your heart rate be elevated? This has to do with how fit you are and your maximum heart rate, which, for adults, is about 220 beats per minute (bpm) minus your age. For example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate would be 190 bpm. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends doing exercise that increases a person's heart rate to between 50 to 85 percent of their maximum heart rate. This range is called the target heart rate zone. The AHA recommends a person gets at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise—exercise that elevates their heart rate to the target heart rate zone—on most days of the week, or a total of about 150 minutes a week.
• Scrap piece of paper
• Pen or pencil
• Clock or timer that shows seconds or a helper with a watch
• Comfortable exercise clothes (optional)
• Simple and fun exercise equipment, such as a jump rope, bicycle, hula-hoop, two-pound weight, etc. Alternatively you can do exercises that do not require equipment, such as walking, doing jumping jacks, jogging in place, etc. You will want to do at least two different types of exercises, both of which you can sustain for 15 minutes. (Remember to always stop an exercise if you feel faint.)
• Calculator
• Practice finding your pulse. Use the first two fingers of one hand to feel your radial pulse on the opposite wrist. You should find your radial pulse on the "thumb side" of your wrist, just below the base of your hand. Practice finding your pulse until you can do it quickly. (You can alternatively take your carotid pulse to do this activity, but be sure you know how to safely take it and press on your neck only very lightly with your fingers. )
• Measure your resting heart rate, which is your heart rate when you are awake but relaxed, such as when you have been lying still for several minutes. To do this, take your pulse when you have been resting and multiply the number of beats you count in 10 seconds by six. This will give you your resting heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). What is your resting heart rate? Write it on a scrap piece of paper.
• You will be measuring your heart rate during different types of physical exercises over a period of 15 minutes. Choose at least two different exercises. Some examples include jumping rope, lifting a two-pound weight, riding a bike, hula-hooping, walking, etc. Gather any needed materials. (If you want to make a homemade hula-hoop, steps for doing this are given in the activity Swiveling Science: Applying Physics to Hula-Hooping .) Do you think the activities will affect your heart rate differently? How do you think doing each activity will affect your heart rate?
• Choose which exercise you want to do first. Before starting it, make sure you have been resting for a few minutes so that your heart is at its resting heart rate.
• Perform the first exercise for 15 minutes. While you do this, write down the number of beats you count in 10 seconds after one, two, five, 10 and 15 minutes of activity. (You want to quickly check your pulse because it can start to slow within 15 seconds of stopping exercising.) How do the number of beats you count change over time? How did you feel by the end of the exercise?
• Calculate your heart rate after one, two, five, 10 and 15 minutes of exercise by multiplying the number of beats you counted (in 10 seconds) by six. How did your heart rate (in bpm) change over time?
• Repeat this process for at least one other exercise. Leave enough time between the exercises so that your heart rate returns to around its normal resting level (this should only take a few minutes). How did you feel by the end of the second exercise? How did your heart rate change over time for this exercise?
• Take a look at the results you wrote down for this activity. Which exercise increased your heart rate the most? Which exercise increased your heart rate the fastest? Which exercise(s) elevated your heart rate to the target heart rate zone (50 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, where your maximum heart rate is 220 bpm minus your age)? Do you notice any consistent patterns in your results?
• Extra: Try this activity again but test different physical exercises. How does your heart rate change when you do other exercises? How are the changes similar and how are they different?
• Extra: Measure your heart rate while lying down, while sitting down, and while standing. How does your heart rate change with body position?
• Extra: Repeat this activity with other healthy volunteers. How does their heart rate compare to yours? How does their change in heart rate while exercising compare to how yours changed?
• Extra: Try this activity again but vary the intensity of your exercise. What intensity level elevates your heart rate to 50 percent of its maximum heart rate? What about nearly 85 percent of its maximum? Be sure not to exceed your recommended target heart rate zone while exercising!
Observations and results
After just a minute of exercise, did you see your heart rate reach its target heart rate zone? Did it initially jump higher for a more strenuous exercise, like hula-hooping, compared to a more moderately intense exercise, such as walking?
If you did a moderately intense exercise, such as walking, you may have seen an initial jump in your heart rate (where your heart rate falls within the lower end of your target heart rate zone within about one minute of exercise), but then your heart rate only slowly increased after that. After 15 minutes, you may have reached the middle of your target heart rate zone. To reach the upper end, people usually need to do a moderately intense exercise for a longer amount of time (such as for 30 minutes). If you did a more strenuous exercise—hula-hooping, for example—you may have seen a higher initial bump in your heart rate (such as reaching the middle of your target heart rate zone after just one minute of exercise), and then your heart rate stayed about the same for the remaining 14 minutes of exercise. Overall doing a more strenuous exercise generally raises a person's heart rate faster compared to doing an exercise that is only moderately intense.
More to explore
Target Heart Rates, from the American Heart Association
Cut to the Heart, from NOVA and PBS
Life's Simple 7—Get Active, from the American Heart Association
Heart Health: How Does Heart Rate Change with Exercise?, from Science Buddies
This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies
How does exercise affect heart rate?
By Emma Vanstone 5 Comments
How does exercise affect heart rate?
This activity is a great way to introduce correct scientific procedures, thinking about variables to change and keep constant.
Exercise increases the rate at which energy is needed from food, increasing the need for both food and oxygen by the body. This is why when we exercise both pulse/heart rate and breathing rate increase.
Pulse rate is an indication of your heart rate as your arteries expand each time the ventricles pump blood out of the heart.
The heart speeds up to pump extra food and oxygen to the muscles, while breathing speeds up to get more oxygen into the body and remove carbon dioxide.
How does exercise affect heart rate investigation
Step 1
Use the stethoscopes and timers to record how many heartbeats you can hear in 30 seconds.
Step 2
Exercise – this could be 30 seconds of star jumps or a mini obstacle course.
Step 3
Use the timers and stethoscopes again to record how many heartbeats you can hear in 30 seconds.
Let’s think scientificallyA scientific investigation should be a fair test, think about what conditions you need to keep the same and what condition you will change. You should also repeat the testing 3 times and find the average heart rate.
Heartbeats must be counted before and after exercising for the same amount of time.
The person whose heart rate is compared must be the same.
Things to change:Heart rate should be measured before and after exercise.
Make a predictionWhat effect do you think exercise will have on heart rate?
Why do you think this?
Clue – when you exercise your muscles need more food and oxygen from your blood, so your heart has to beat faster to transport them.
What is recovery time?Recovery time is the time taken for heart rate to return to normal. If you have time, can you work out how long this is for you?
The pulse rate and breathing rate of a fitter person rise much less than in an unfir person during exercise, fitter people also have a shorter recovery time.
Links to Maths
Design a method of recording your results? Can you work out the average heart rate for 10 participants before and after exercise?
Calculate the difference between a person’s heart rate before and after exercise.
Links to English
Can you write a letter to a friend telling them about your findings?
More Science for KidsFind out how to make your own stethoscope with a funnel, tape and cardboard tube.
Make a pumping model of a heart, or try one of our sports science investigations.
Exercise and Heart Rate InvestigationSuitable for:
Key Stage 1 Science: Animals including Humans
Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Key Stage 2 Science: Animals including Humans
Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function
Last Updated on June 17, 2021 by Emma Vanstone
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Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.
These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.
Reader Interactions
Dance. The influence of dance on the psycho-emotional state of a person. The history of the development of dance culture
Sometimes many people have a crisis, depression, a bad mood. In teenagers, this is especially pronounced, at the age of 16 it is now important to prepare and pass exams in order to understand who you want to become and enter the coveted university. In our article we touch on this important topic, we will try to prove that dance affects our emotional state. Let's try to develop a small course for teenagers and not only, which will help improve attention and psycho-emotional state with the help of dancing. We will consider this phenomenon from a scientific point of view and turn to the opinion of psychologists. The article presents comparative analyzes of two groups: control and experimental, in both cases these are adolescents (15–17) years old. We have conducted an experiment that will help us confirm or disprove our hypothesis. nine0006
Keywords : dance, emotional state, psychological state, Münsterberg test, Beck anxiety test.
Dance has always been present in our lives. A person usually fills the most positive emotions, joy and happy moments with dance movements. There are also expressions that we often use in life: “I danced with happiness” or “You have a five, dance!”. Nowadays there are many dance TV shows, new styles are emerging. Dance culture has always been and still is creative, exciting for strong and creative people. Where did some dance trends come from, what role did they play at a certain stage of development. Does dance affect the emotional state of a person? Indeed, many argue that we express emotion through dance with certain movements: anger - sharp, fast; fearful or very cautious. In this work, we will find out this and much more. nine0003
1.1 Relevance
Electronics and gadgets have recently captured our minds and literally our bodies. Every young person spends a lot of time at the computer. Electronics gave us many opportunities and a large information field, but took away our movement, in this work we will return to the origins of dance culture and prove not only that simple movements can serve as a means of communication, but also that dances affect our internal state. nine0003
1.2 Purpose of work:
To prove that dance can affect a person on a psychological and emotional level, as well as improve attention.
1.3 Tasks.
1) to study the history of the emergence of several types of dance styles
2) find out how dance affects the psycho-emotional state;
3) find out how mindfulness improves after the session.
nine0009 1.4 Hypothesis
Dance has an ancient history and affects activity, and can also improve mindfulness and affect the internal state of a person.
Objects of study: 2 groups of students in grade 10, teenagers from 15 to 17 years old.
Subject of study : influence on the psycho-emotional state
Research methods: Munsterberg test, Beck anxiety test, literature study, practical experience, observation, testing, access to the Internet, questioning, analysis. nine0003
2.1 Dance and its types
In order to understand how dance can affect a person, let's understand the concept of "dance".
Dance is rhythmic and expressive body movements, usually arranged in a certain composition, the performance of which is accompanied by music. The main characteristics of dance are rhythm, dynamics, pattern, technique and emotion. Since ancient times, people have accompanied any phenomenon with a dance, such as the birth of a child, death, the election of a new leader, or the healing of a sick person. nine0003
At the moment, there are many types and styles of dance. They can be divided into several large groups.
The first group is the folk dance. Folklore dance, performed in a natural environment, has traditional movements and rhythms for the area.
Ritual dances are the oldest type of dances performed to the sounds of percussion instruments. The peculiarity of this type is that initially the motive was symbolic values, as a way of conveying spiritual meaning. nine0003
Ballet - this is the name of theatrical performances, the characters with the help of facial movements and dance, show different characters, thoughts and passions. A type of stage dance characterized by facial expressions and plasticity. It is intended for spectators unlike many other species.
Historical dances are dances from past eras that are performed at the present time.
Acrobatic dance is a type of sports dance in which participants compete with the technical performance of dance elements and acrobatic ones. nine0003
Modern dance is modern dance. A type of modern foreign choreography that originated in the late 19th and 20th centuries in the USA and Germany. A dance that rejects classical and traditional ballet forms.
Street dance is a dance whose culture developed outside of dance studios, but on the streets of the city, in parks, clubs and schoolyards. These dances are usually improvised and social in nature.
We can trace that there are many types of dances and they are completely different, in order to study the dances a little more, we will learn their history. nine0003
2. 2 History of the origin of the dance
Even at present, the period when the dance appeared is not known, but we can say with certainty that it was born from ancient times. Scientists have repeatedly found images of dancing people in caves. We can also assume that the dance originated during any activity, be it everyday or festive. We can take folk dances as an example, because even by the name they let us know that these dances were created and introduced by the people. nine0003
Russian folk dance cannot be confused with any other dance. It is distinguished by a large number of jumps, dynamics, tricks and requires good physical preparation. Basically, mass festivities with dancing in Rus' were associated with church holidays: Christmas, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala and many others. Consider some of the main varieties characteristic of Russian dance.
The round dance was distributed throughout Russia. Each area brought something new, creating variety in style, composition, and manner of performance. Round dances were performed at different tempos: slow, medium and fast. The basis of the round dance was the performance of a round dance song by all its participants. Dance, song and game were the obligatory components of the round dance. The round dance brought together a large number of participants. Round dances had cult-ritual, social, as well as everyday themes. nine0003
It is interesting that in different regions of Russia there were local features of the performance of round dances, associated with natural and climatic conditions, with the specifics of everyday life and work, human relationships that were formed in various living conditions.
If in the text of the song accompanying the round dance there was no specific action, plot, characters, then this is an ornamental round dance. The participants in the round dance walked in circles, in rows, braided various figures from a round dance chain, performing their step with the rhythm of the song. Sometimes ornamental round dances revealed the content of the song with their pattern and construction. The text of the songs accompanying ornamental round dances was most often associated with images of Russian nature, the collective labor of the people and their way of life. In the drawings of ornamental round dances, the element of representation was very strong - “curling a cabbage”, “braiding a wattle fence”, etc. The entire round dance consisted of only a few figures and rearrangements. In different regions of Russia, round dances were called differently: “curly”, “lace”, “patterned”. nine0003
A game round dance is a round dance, in the song of which there were characters, and a plot, action, and the content of the song was played out by all participants in the round dance. Performers with the help of dance created various images and characters of the characters. In game round dances, the main thing was the disclosure of the plot of the everyday scene. Many themes for game round dances were contained in songs about the life of the people. The choreography of the round dance organically included a scarf, ribbon, wreath, etc. These items served as symbols.
The dance was born in a round dance and left it, breaking the round dance chain, complicating the technical basis, creating its own forms and patterns, replacing the round dance with a dance song and various musical accompaniment. Dance could express various states of a person. The dance consisted of a number of separate movements - elements that differed in a characteristic manner of performance, had a Russian national flavor. Every movement in the dance was filled with meaning. A variety of movements, the number of which increased many times due to the improvisation of the performers, is a characteristic feature of Russian dance. The performer of Russian dance had very expressive hands, head, shoulders, face, hands, etc. The dance made it possible to reveal personal, individual character traits. Boys and girls, men and women, teenagers and the elderly could participate in the dance. nine0003
The dance could be accompanied by many Russian folk instruments. Instrumental accompaniment is another main feature that distinguishes dance from round dance.
The dance is a competition in strength, dexterity, ingenuity. This is a display of the artist's personality. Two guys or two men took part in the old Russian dance, the girls did not take part. The dance was performed to the accompaniment of musical instruments, less often to a song. The dance started slowly and ended at a fast pace. With the change in the way of life, the dance began to be performed by everyone (women, men, the elderly), but only two participate. The dance was performed to well-known common melodies, sometimes to ditties nine0003
Moldovan folk dance is one of the oldest types of folk dance. Moldovan folk dances are divided into ritual and household. Ritual dances included wedding dances or ritual acrobatic dances. Labor dances can also be attributed to household dances. One of the types of labor dances is poama. This dance is performed with handfuls of grapes in hand. Moldovan dances reflect the work of the people, that is, the assembly and processing of grapes. This dance is characterized by plastic, clear and soft movements.
Tatar dance has had a ritual character since ancient times. It is considered a ritual dance of shamans. In this dance, one can consider movements that seem to imitate various animals, but most often birds, for example, a wave of the arms, drawing the image of a bird. Tatar dances were not only ritual, they could also depict and convey their culture or economic structure in the dance.
Thus, we can conclude that most of the dances originated over decades and even centuries. They also changed with the change of life and were the main attributes of the holidays. Each dance has its own history of origin, which emphasizes the way of life of this people. nine0003
2.3 The impact of dance on human health
Dance accompanies us throughout our lives. There were dance lessons in the kindergarten, there were many circles at school that they were part of, energetic music sounds at various events, to which the body itself performs light and rhythmic movements. Is dancing really a part of our lives just for fun?
Dance, like sports, has a lot to do with human health. Many parents send their children to gymnastics, to various dance classes in order to strengthen their child's posture. Posture is the habitual posture of a person, in an upright position, at rest or in motion. Indeed, doctors confirm that the posture is getting better and the bones of the spine are being strengthened. Sitting at school or studying, our spine involuntarily begins to take on an irregular shape. This leads to pain in the back and neck, because the load on the spine becomes uneven, leading to various posture disorders (lardosis, kyphosis, flat back, round back, scoliosis). nine0003
Nowadays, it is often possible to meet a person with respiratory problems. Frequent exercise also affects the respiratory system. There are many complexes for breathing exercises, the implementation of which helps to improve the general condition of a person, and also reduces the likelihood of colds. So, slow dances require even and rhythmic breathing, and fast dances contribute to the fact that the lungs can increase in volume. This will help control your breathing, and the brain will receive more oxygen, which will improve memory. nine0003
Many types of dances affect the cardiovascular system, it is also important to devote a lot of time to it. Training and dancing help strengthen the cardiovascular system, slow and rhythmic movements will be cardio training after a hard day's work.
Dancing makes your brain work much better. Since in the dance we have to concentrate and at this time several parts of the brain are involved. The cerebellum is a part of the brain that is responsible for coordination, balance and muscle tone. The midbrain performs physiological functions, which include concentration, attention and orienting reflexes, and more. nine0003
Dancing, of course, requires physical fitness, and you can do it to improve it. In many types and styles of dances, flexibility, endurance and strength are developed, which will certainly come in handy in everyday life. When you dance and perform at any events, it helps you fight stage or public fear. Everyone has ever had to speak to the public, defend reports or even recite a verse in front of the whole class. Of course, we can’t say that everyone should dance or perform on stages, but what prevents you from standing at home in front of a mirror for 10 minutes and moving to your favorite music, cheer yourself up and recharge your batteries for the whole day? nine0003
2.4 Opinion of psychologists, doctors and scientists
The main topic of our project is “the influence of dance on the psycho-emotional state of a person”, touching on this topic, let's turn to the opinion of psychologists and doctors. Having studied the literature, I can say that many psychologists agree with this hypothesis.
So, Dr. A.V Shtor believes that any dances are a weapon against complexes and stresses. He explains this by the fact that the part of the motor cortex of the brain, which is responsible for movement, is located next to those structures that are responsible for our feelings, in connection with this, changes that occur in the motor cortex contribute to changes in feelings. When we dance, we release “hormones of joy” - endorphins. nine0003
Many scientists, such as A. Girshon, K. Whitaker, V. Bamberri, believe that dance improves the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the brain activity of both hemispheres: one regulates the work of figurative thinking, which is activated during improvisation in dance, and the other is responsible for logic movements.
Psychologist Irina Solovieva wrote an article about how dance affects our state. The following conclusion can be drawn from the article: unusual and new movements will help you get out of the vicious circle, break your internal patterns and let something new into your life. With the help of dance, we can free ourselves from negative emotions, as their suppression can lead to psychosomatic illnesses. nine0003
Psychosomatic diseases are mental disorders that manifest themselves at the physiological level. Psychotherapists believe that many diseases begin at the subconscious level, and then on the body. Many scientists claim that 80% of diseases are psychosomatic. Our state depends on our mood, on the ability to find and see the positive. The psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud is that the symptoms and diseases of various organs are a symbolic language with which the body communicates repressed mental conflicts. nine0003
In the article you can find an opinion on how pair dance affects girls and men on an emotional level. A girl, paired with a man, can feel support and trust, and a guy can take responsibility and overcome infantilism.
Confirming the idea that dance can improve the emotional state, consider one of the areas of psychotherapy. Dance Movement Therapy (TDT) is a branch of psychotherapy that uses dance and movement as a process that promotes the emotional and physical integration of the individual. In TDT, psychotherapists adhere to a number of principles: nine0003
- Body and mind are inseparable and have a constant mutual influence on each other;
- Dance is a communication that takes place on three levels: with oneself, with other people and the world.
- (The principle of integrity) The triad of thought, feeling, behavior is a single whole, and a change in one aspect entails a change in the other two.
- The body perceives as a process, and not as an object, object or subject.
- Appeal to the creative resources of man as an inexhaustible source of vitality and creative energy. nine0154
Now quite a relevant topic for us is the coronavirus, and one girl from the Netherlands said that dancing can help in the fight against coronavirus. Yulia Morozova is a specialist in the field of TDT. The girl, doing dance-movement therapy, expressed and explained her opinion about this as follows: when a person is under stress, his immunity decreases, and accordingly, susceptibility to diseases increases. Conversely, the release of positive emotions reduces the release of stress hormones, supporting our immunity. Therefore, it is good when a person can allow daily practices that help to cope with anxiety and uncertainty, helping to restore balance between the external and internal world. nine0003
Experimental part.
To clarify the tasks set, we conducted experiments to diagnose the psycho-emotional state and determine the level of attention of the subjects.
3.1 Object of study
The objects of the study are adolescents 15–17 years old. We selected two groups: experimental and control. Group No. 1 (control) included teenagers from 15 to 17 years old who did not dance for a long time or did not do it at all. Group 2 (experimental) included teenagers from 15 to 17 years old who are fond of dancing or do it daily. nine0003
Conditions: gym, carpet, musical accompaniment.
3.2 Research methods
In order to determine the level of attention of adolescents, as well as their psycho-emotional state, 2 tests were used.
The Münsterberg test is a psychodiagnostic test for determining selectivity and concentration of attention. The test was developed by the German-American psychologist Hugo Münsterberg at the beginning of the 20th century. This technique can be used in professional selection for specialties that require attention and high noise immunity. nine0003
Participants are provided with alphabetic text, which is a random sequence of letters. Among this alphabetic text there are words. The task of the subject: to find the words as quickly as possible by looking at the lines. Found ones are marked somehow (underlined). Look for words in the nominative case, singular. Without specific terms and abbreviations. If the subject marks the words that enter into each other or intersect, then the word of the greatest length is counted. The technique is aimed at determining the selectivity of attention. The experimenter fixes the task completion time, the number of words found, the number of words misunderstood by the subject, the number of words incorrectly underlined, and the number of words found in excess of the norm. The time to complete the task is 2 minutes. nine0003
The second test we used is the Beck Anxiety Test. A technique that has been determining the degree of anxiety in people since 1961. Available to members aged 14 and over. The test can be used for professional examinations or for people with somatic pathology.
The test contains 21 questions, participants can take the test on their own, without the help of specialists. The test results are not a diagnosis, but only indicate the likelihood of a disorder. Subjects are asked to rate their condition over the past seven days (including the day of testing). nine0003
3.3 Subject and hypothesis
Subject: dance exercises and the psycho-emotional state of the student.
Hypothesis: systematic dance classes have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of high school students and improve attention.
3.4 The course of the experiment
At the beginning of our experiment, we conducted a survey, during which we found out that most adolescents are confident in a change in their emotional state and their attentiveness after attending dance classes. Also, most adolescents noted that their irritability affects activity and attention in the classroom. According to the results of this survey, we found that the majority of adolescents are sure that their well-being and perception of the material in the lessons improve after attending dance classes. nine0003
The control group (No. 1) underwent the Münsterberg test to determine the level of attention in adolescents who are not involved in dancing and active activities.
The results of the Munsterberg test were processed according to the following indicators: the number of highlighted words and the number of errors (missing or incorrectly highlighted words) were evaluated. The text contains 25 words. 18 or more words were considered a good result (preferably without skipping words). Less than 18 words were considered low. nine0003
The results showed that 11 subjects passed the test with low scores, and 2 with good scores.
Group No. 1 was also asked to take a test to determine the level of anxiety according to Beck.
The results of this test were processed according to the Beck anxiety scale:
0 points - not worried at all
1 point - slightly, not too disturbing
2 points - moderately
3 points - very much I can hardly bear it. nine0003
0 to 21 - low anxiety
From 22 to 35 - average anxiety
36 and above is a potentially dangerous level of worry and anxiety.
3 subjects had moderate anxiety, and 10 had low anxiety.
For the experimental group of teenagers (No. 2) from 15 to 17 years old, it was proposed to attend dance classes every day for a month. Classes were held in the gym, with musical accompaniment. We took the movements of the flash mob as the basis of the dance, so that it was not difficult for all the subjects to perform the dance movements. nine0003
A dance flash mob is a dance movement performed by a large group of people who repeat simple dance elements. The purpose of such flash mobs is to entertain, get a lot of positive emotions and feel free from social stereotypes of behavior.
We tried to create comfortable conditions for each test subject, so that they would be distracted from the routine and recharged with positive emotions. After classes, the general atmosphere in the hall was moderate and positive. nine0003
After the end of our experiment, group No. 2 passed the tests that were offered to group No. 1.
The results of the Munsterberg test showed that the attentiveness and selectivity of the experimental group is higher. 12 subjects completed the test with 18 or more points, which is a good result and the norm.
The results of the test for determining the anxiety of the participants showed that one of the subjects had a score of more than 21, which means average anxiety, and 12 had low anxiety. Analyzing the results of the experimental group on the Beck scale, the data show low anxiety among adolescents who systematically engage in dance practices. nine0003
3.5 Results of the study and their discussion
By reading and studying the history of dance, we can confirm our hypothesis put forward earlier. The dance is indeed a part of the ancient culture of every nation and arose in the process of the main activity and historical events of each nation and reflects the milestones of its development, as well as the moments of labor activity. As a result of the work carried out, we found out that dancing classes have a positive effect on the physiological and psychological state of adolescents. Classes contribute to emotional unloading, improving the psychological state. Not complicated dance movements will help develop mindfulness. This is confirmed by the results of the Münsterberg test. The positive results of the experimental group exceed the results of the control group by 6 times, and the low results are inferior by 77%. After testing, which determined the level of anxiety of the subjects, it was found that the low level of anxiety in the control group was 15.4% less than in the experimental group, and the average level was 3 times higher. nine0003
Conclusion: In the experimental group, where dance classes were held, the level of attention is much higher than in the control group, with which such classes were not conducted. Also, the control group had an average anxiety, which affects the psycho-emotional state, while the group No. 2 had low rates. With this experiment, we confirmed our hypothesis that dancing has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, namely, it improves attentiveness and reduces anxiety, contributing to a good psychosomatic state. nine0003
In the process of studying the theoretical material, I learned a lot of interesting things about the development of dances of different peoples. In the course of the study, we confirmed the hypothesis. Dance is a part of the most ancient culture of every nation and arose in the course of the main activity and historical events of each nation and reflects the milestones of its development, as well as the moments of labor activity. If the folk dance is alive, the culture of the people is also alive. Dance breaks included in the educational processes help high school students to get used to the team and become more stress-resistant, increase the level of attention, which has a positive effect on health and academic performance. nine0003
As a result of the work carried out, we found out that dancing plays an important role in our life. They help us improve our mood and performance and improve learning outcomes.
The proposed hypothesis is considered proven. Based on the research, we have developed recommendations.
Having become acquainted with the history of the emergence of various popular dance styles, a clear pattern can be traced. Dance arose in society at the time of its progressive development. With the help of dance, people tried to explain the phenomena of nature and "make friends" with her or ask for the protection of natural forces. With the help of dance, the correct relationship of a man and a woman as partners and their role in the community and family was emphasized. The dance served as a means of bringing like-minded people together and helped to survive difficult life situations with faith in a brighter future, truth, justice and love. Performing dance movements helped the fighters become more dexterous, and future mothers gave birth to healthy children, while maintaining their own health. In general, in the history of the development of human civilization there has always been a dance. He served as an outlet in difficult situations, supporting the spirit of people, and a means of strengthening the body in order to fight all the hardships of life. Having applied dance classes in our main activity, study, we saw positive results. Just like in all times, dance has helped us cope with difficulties in learning and interpersonal relationships. He made our school days brighter, relationships more positive, improved well-being. These wonderful emotions improved our psycho-emotional state, which had a positive effect on the assimilation of educational material. nine0003
Our study confirmed the hypothesis that the use of dance classes in educational activities has an impact on improving performance and reducing anxiety. To improve physical fitness, as well as psycho-emotional state, we recommend attending dance classes at least 3 times a week. These classes will help improve and increase well-being. May have a positive effect on mental activity and health levels. Dance breaks of a thematic nature will help to learn new material, to establish communication in the team. nine0003
I recommend that elements of the dance culture of the peoples of the world be included in the lessons of history, music, and physical education. This will make the lessons more interesting, meaningful and add positive emotions to the learning activities. We recommend organizing various thematic flash mobs in school groups once a month. These activities will improve the well-being of adolescents and make their stay at school more interesting and productive in terms of learning.
- Bogdanov G. F. “The Tale of Russian Traditional Choreographic Folklore” Methodological guide. M.: VKhTTs, 2012 nine0154
- Klimov A.
A. "Fundamentals of Russian folk dance." -M.: Art, 1981
- E. V. Shakhmatova "Research of European Directing and Traditions of the East". 2019.
- Summary: Canonization of dance forms in the process of formation and development of Russian folk dance -
"The influence of dancing on the child's body"
Municipal budgetary educational institution
secondary secondary school №3 with. Serafimovsky
municipal district Tuimazinsky district
of the Republic Bashkortostan
Section: Scientific discoveries tempting world”
Direction: "Man and Health"
Tuimazy, 2018
Table of contents
The concept, evolution and types of dances.
1.1 The history of the dance ……………………… ... 5
1.2 Varieties of dances…………………………………… 5
Chapter 2 Dance and health
2.1 Health effects of dance person…………………. 8
2.2 My posture is a guarantee health………………………………. 9
Chapter 3 My research………………………………… 11
Conclusion ………………………………………………….. 13
References … ....................................................................................................................................0003
On my question is “why are you dancing?”, often answer: “just like it” or “ For health!" Dancing and health are very closely related to each other, so I I wanted to find out how they affect human health. To reply to all these questions, I began to attend the Bagheera dance club, which leads Pashina Yulia Vyacheslavovna
Purpose of my work: to determine the impact of dancing on human health and general physical condition.
In the course of my work, I need to decide next tasks:
- learn from sources of information about dance history;
- find out the types of dances;
- to study how dance classes affect on my body;
- analyze, summarize and organize the received data;
- prepare multimedia presentation on the research topic.
Hypothesis my research:
Suppose that “dance is a universal means of maintaining one's health"
- work with literary sources;
- analysis and generalization of information;
- sociological survey;
- computer work;
First, answer yourself to questions: Have you ever seen a dancer with crooked legs? Or stooped dancer? I think no. And why? To do this, we need to remember how our musculoskeletal system. It consists of bones (skeleton) and attached to muscle bones. The bones themselves only affect dimensional proportions. (long arms, short legs), but to develop posture, gait and, most most importantly, the position of the bones is influenced by the muscles. They are like threads stretched between bones, and the state in which these “threads” are located depends on how you you look from the side, how you walk and how you move. Muscles can be formed any age, which means you can change your body, make it beautiful and plastic. If you want to be young all the time - dance and strengthen your health in dance. nine0563 2
Chapter 1 Concept, evolution and types of dances.
1.1 The history of the origin of dance
What is dance?
Dance is the art of plastic and rhythmic movements of the body, which arose a very long time ago.
Dance art from time immemorial occupied an important place in human life. Already in rock paintings (Appendix 1), created several thousand years ago, there are pictures of people dancing. The dance arose when the feelings expressed in movement and gesture, obeyed rhythm or music. nine0563 3
A person started dancing a long time ago, much earlier than he began to speak. The desire to dance reflected the need communicate your feelings to others using body language that everyone understands. For primitive man dance was a way of life - almost all important events in lives were celebrated with dances: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, healing of the sick. The dance expressed prayers for rain, for the sun, for fertility, about protection.
Conclusion: Every dance among the ancients marked the experience of important events in their lives and the connection of a person with "higher forces of nature". Ancient man did not have a specific technique dance, but excellent physical preparation allowed completely give in to the dance. The dance could last several hours. nine0003
1.2 Varieties of dances
The dance existed and exists in cultural traditions of all human societies. For the long history of mankind it changed to reflect cultural development. 4 Today it is customary to allocate the following directions and styles of dance are: (Appendix 2)
Among many peoples dancing was an integral part of all feasts and holidays. Every dance is very interesting, has its own characteristics, since different dances originated in different countries. To for example, polka and mazurka came from Poland, and the waltz is traditionally Austrian dance. A lot of dances came to us from Latin America, which is famous all over the world for its dance festivals and parades. nine0563 5
styles and forms of dance.
Here are just some of them. (Appendix 3)
Lezginka - folk dance in the Caucasus. This is a male solo dance (often with swords), as well as a pair dance.
Samba - bright colors of Brazil, energy, enthusiasm, joy in every movement.
Quadrille - this is the playful and kind disposition of Siberians.
Paso Doble - passionate nature of the Spaniards.
Indian dance strikes with its deep meaning and plasticity of gestures.
Polonaise - Polish national dance. Polonaise has always been an instrumental genre.
Gavotte appeared in the 17th century. and at first was a round dance. In the 18th century he turned into pair dance and took its place at European courts.
Mazurka – this is also a Polish folk dance, which at the beginning of the 18th century. became a favorite dance sir. nine0003
Polka - Czech folk and ballroom dance origin, popular in Europe since the mid 19.
One of the youngest classical dance is waltz .
Waltz - a pair dance based on a smooth whirl, combined with a progressive movement. It has been recognized worldwide as the official ballroom dance.
A lot has been said about the waltz,
It is sung in songs and poems.
How many dances have never happened,
There is no better waltz.
There are no barriers for dance lovers. Not despite the state of health, people continue to exercise. There are contests for people with disabilities, where dance gives strength to a happy life.
Output: dance has always been and continues to be the informer of life. Today we dance the most variety of dances, slow and fast, flowing, lyrical and energetic, those which people have been dancing for a long time and those that have entered our repertoire recently. nine0003
Chapter 2 Dancing and health
child health
Dance gives a person health. (Application 4)
Me it seems that modern people lack movement. We spend most of of your life, sitting at the computer, sitting in an armchair, lying on the sofa.
Teachers and parents often remind us children that health must be protected from a young age. Good health provided by physical education, observance of the daily regimen and nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle…
Dance classes have a lot of value for physical development children. They begin to move easily and freely, acquire the correct posture, get rid of the stoop lowered when walking the head, the habit of putting feet inside with socks, physical defects are gradually corrected. Same improves coordination of movements, muscle strength, develops dynamic opportunities and the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Also, dancing classes allow you to develop the spine, its flexibility, pump up the muscle corset and certain muscle groups, helps to stretch child, relieve or prevent "clubfoot", scoliosis. nine0563 2
I talked (Appendix 5) with coach Elena Vyacheslavovna, and medical worker Enzhe Rifovnaya. They talked about how dancing is good for health person. Dancing is good because in almost any age you can start doing them. Proved that movement to music is a good, and most importantly, pleasant option for recovery.
(Appendix 5) Dance gives impetus work of internal organs. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, it is can lead to premature aging of internal organs, while dance, in addition to making them perform better, also energizes whole body. Dancing develops the respiratory system of the human body. nine0003
Dance straightens the back, turns shoulders and lengthens the neck. Especially strong strengthening of the muscles of the back contribute Spanish dances such as flamenco or paso doble. This contributes to change gait, makes it more even and beautiful. 1
Output: dancing helps to get rid of regular colds, bronchitis. Regular dance classes have a positive effect on the psyche. Improves mood endurance, performance. Improves coordination movements and strengthens the vestibular apparatus. This is also important for health: a person with a good sense of balance is much less likely to stumble or cling to something. Dancing develops mobility and flexibility. nine0003
2.2. My posture is a guarantee health
Today, more than half modern people have problems with the spine. When I dance I have correct posture is developed and this contributes to the improvement of the spine. Even if you are adults and have just started dancing, you can still grow another 2 - 3 cm (!). In fact, it simply straightens the spine.
As a student, I spend a lot of time studying: either at school or at home. If you do not follow the correct fit, then the posture is disturbed. (Annex 6)
I want to have good posture and a nice walk. Third year I am engaged in the choreographic group "Bagheera". (Appendix 7)
Each of our lessons is not only acquaintance with new movements and their improvement, but also work on our posture. To begin with, we warm up the muscles with a warm-up. (Appendix 8)
To check your posture, I suggest test (Appendix 6)
Poor posture can lead to health problems if don't fix it in time. Posture disorder accompanied by a disorder in the activity of all internal organs, since the movement of the chest and diaphragm decreases, and, therefore, the vital capacity lungs. This adversely affects the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, complicates the work of the body with an increase in physical loads. nine0563 2
Posture affects our joints, ligaments and muscles. Correct posture distributes forces throughout the body.
Conclusion: dancing prolongs life, contributes to the maintenance of general tone and allow a person to maintain working capacity.
Chapter 3 My research.
So, dancing lessons are positive affect the general health of a person.
To verify this, I turned to to our school nurse. Together we reviewed my morbidity and my peers for the two years that we attend school. It turned out that with each I get sick less and less every year. (Annex 9)
Output : This proves once again that dancing is useful.
Questionnaire (Appendix 9)
I asked my classmates questions that would help in my research.
1. Are you dancing?
Yes - 20 pers. No - 2 pers.
2. Why are you dancing?
For fun and relaxation - 8 pers. Good music - 14 people
3. Do you know how dance affects the development of a child? nine0012
Yes - 20 students. No -2 student
Output: Many of my classmates love to dance. Dancing when good music sounds and for the soul.
3. Would you like to learn how to dance beautifully?
Yes - 12 pers. No - 2 pers. Highly – 4 people Very, very - 4 pers.
Output: All my classmates want to learn to dance.
4. What is dance for? (classmates gave multiple answers)
Develop flexibility - 17 people. For jumping - 2 people.
For posture - 15 pers. For leg development - 1 person.
For health - 7 people Be beautiful - 1 person.
For general development - 5 people.
Output: Classmates think that dancing is good for health, for development jumping ability, for general development, for appearance.
5. How does dance affect health? nine0003
Good - 4 pers. Improves mood - 12 people. I don't know - 6 people.
6. What kind of dance will help you recover?
All, any - 11 people. Fast, fun - 6 pers.
Slow - 4 pers. Not know - 1 person
Conclusion: Odnoklassniki believe dance has a positive effect on health, improves mood, that dancing help to recover.
Results of my research showed: parents want to send their child to development circles. today children sit a lot: first at school, then at home - at the computer, and most children have scoliosis and generally back problems. But if the kids are dancing, about it you can forget. No other sport corrects the back and promotes healing and alignment of the spine. nine0003
So Thus, dance is a very special kind of art. He is something more than just moving to music. This is the way to work on yourself helping you achieve success in any field of activity!
As shown studies put forward by the hypothesis that "Dance is a universal means of maintaining one's health" were confirmed: Dance is the most an easy way to get a slim and beautiful figure. Dance is not only a set of movements connected to each other. Dance is a big concept including a variety of movements, and a certain composition, and the right tune, and the idea. Without these components, the dance loses its meaning, stops be interesting to the viewer. This is a way of working on oneself, helping to achieve success in any field of activity. And dancing is a great medicine, helps to get rid of many diseases and improve health! nine0563 4
Indeed, when I became to dance, then he began to get sick less. Choreography develops physical abilities of the child, his moral qualities, teaches to be cultured, expands horizons, has a great power of emotional impact and therefore is an indispensable means of holistic formation of the child as a person.
Remember " It's better to dance clumsily than to walk lamely..."
Dancing does not need to be learned. Everything happens simple enough. To do this, you just need to put music so that it liked you. nine0003
Dance to your heart's content and be healthy! (Annex 10)
References and Internet resources
1. Berendakov V. Rhythm of life and dances [Text]/V. Berendakov // Moscow - 2012
2. Romm V.V. Dance and health. [Text] / V.V. Romm / / MSA. - 2015.
3. E. Keogh, I. Tokmakova. Let's Dance. // Literary and musical almanac, 2009.- No. 3.- 304 p.
4. Yankovskaya O.N. Teaching a child to dance 2010 required. -No. 2.
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Annex 5
“… Classes dances have a positive effect on the development of memory, imagination , help navigate in space, feel the melody and rhythm.