How to do the leg wiggle dance
10 Basic Dance Moves Anyone Can Learn
Do you ever watch someone dance and wonder how they come up with moves so easily?
Great dancers often master a specific set of moves that they can fall back on again and again.
Read on for 10 basic dance moves you can learn in minutes and use every time you wanna dance.
P.S. You can learn all of these moves for FREE on STEEZY Studio! No cc required. 😉
1. The Two-Step
When I first started dancing at parties, the Two-Step was the first move that truly came naturally to me.
It really is as simple as stepping from side to side to the beat!
If you're looking for something foolproof that allows you to just groove and enjoy the music...
Boom. Here it is.
2. The Monestary
This move was born in a club called Monestary out in St. Louis!
It’s built on a Two-Step, so if you took that class, you’ve already got a foundation for the footwork.
But rather than bringing your feet together, you’ll tap them to the front with your knee and foot turned inward.
Then, as you tap the feet, you’ll move your arms and shoulders in a circular movement.
3. Booty Pop (Side To Side)
Like the Woah, this sexy move is super TikTok-friendly – but with more feminine energy.
To do a booty pop to the side, you’re gonna bend your knees, put your hands on one knee, and then bring the other leg from bent to straight while turning your knee inward.
If you’re a long-haired baddie, be sure to keep all your hair on one side so it doesn’t flop in your face as you pop!
Read this article on How To Dance Sexy to get more tips on pulling off moves like this one!
4. The Billy Bounce
Surprise – this club-ready move is built on… a bounce!
But what makes it unique is that your knees will come inward on each bounce rather than just up and down.
Once you’ve got the funky lil knee bounce down, you’ll add in an upward kick on each side.
The best thing about this move is that while the footwork takes a few minutes to learn, you don’t necessarily need to add an arm movement to make it look cool.
Just keep your arms front and center.
5. The Woah
Even if you’re not actively involved in the dance community, you’ve probably seen people hitting the Woah – on TikTok, Reels... all over your newsfeed!
Whether you wanna make a viral video of your own, or you’re just looking for a fun, basic dance move to pull out at the clerb, this one is too good not to learn.
Since the locking arm motion is so sharp and pronounced, use the Woah to accent the heaviest bass beats in your favorite songs.
6. The Dougie
Yes, the Dougie is a real dance move!
Like the Two-Step, you’ll be shifting your weight from side to side, but this time, adding some shoulder movements and a lil more attitude.
Try this one out to some songs other than the one that made it famous – you’ll find it works with any hype beat.
7. Scoop Arm Into Hip Sway
Sooo this one is more of combo than a move, but it only takes a few minutes to learn and it works with any fun sassy song…
So it deserves to be here, ok?!
For this move, you’re gonna scoop your arm across your chest, then bring it over your head, and finally point it in front of your chest.
Once you point the arm in front of you, you’ll sway your hips from side to side and groove it out.
8. The Bust Down
The Bust Down was popularized by LA rapper, Blueface, in his 2019 club jam “Thotiana”.
You’re gonna grab your belt, put one arm in the air, and allow your body to dip with the beat.
Note: Licking your eyebrows like Blueface is fun, but not required. 😛
9. The Biz Markie
The Biz Markie is an old school party dance inspired by, you guessed it, rapper Biz Markie!
It rose to popularity in the 90s, when Biz Markie himself began performing it on stage.
As you practice it, remember to allow your shoulders to bounce – the bounce is what gives this move its cool, laidback flavor.
Wanna learn more about classic Hip Hop moves? Read this: How To Dance Hip Hop for Beginners
10. The Humpty
For this bouncy move, you’re gonna circle your hips to one side as your bend your knees.
Then, you’ll jump and cross your legs, allowing your feet to tap the floor briefly before you jump back to your original legs apart position.
Once you’ve got that down, you can complete the move by adding in a windmill motion with your arms.
The leg cross in this move makes it perfect for any Hip Hop song that features a double bass (aka that BOOM BOOM sound that you hear in songs like “Lip Gloss” by Lil Mama)
We hope you enjoyed learning some of our favorite basic dance moves.
Of course, this list is just a start!
In addition to the 10 moves on this list, STEEZY Studio has 100+ other FREE beginner classes where you can learn step-by-step from the world’s best teachers.
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30-Minute Dance Workouts That'll Trick You Into Becoming A Better Dancer
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Easy Dance Moves You Can Use at a Party
Want to learn a few cool and fun dance moves to bust out at your next party?
There are a lot of shy people who do not know how to dance and end up being wallflowers when everyone else is having fun. Don’t let that be you! We will show you easy-to-follow steps to master popular dance moves to wow your friends at the next party or on your latest Tik Tok video.
The Two-Step
Let’s start with the basics: the Two-Step. The first dance move to master is as easy as they come. You can rely on the Two-Step to get you into any dance beat.
Start by stepping one foot to the side and bending your knees while bringing your other foot together with the first. Clap when your two feet come together. Next, step to the other side, in the same way. Then bring your feet together and clap. That’s it. You have the first move in your easy dance arsenal.
Once you are comfortable with each dance move, feel out which combination fits together the best.
The Biz Markie
This dance is named after rapper Biz Markie who made the move popular. It is an energetic dance move that will really get the groove going.
This dance move requires your arms and legs to be working simultaneously. Start by hopping to the left side while raising your right arm. As you land from your hop, bring your arm down in front of your body with a snap. Then hop to the right while raising your left arm, and bring it down in front of your body and snap.
This may take a little bit to master. However, this dance move will look cool, and you will also be able to show off your knowledge of hip-hop history.
The Bust Down
The Bust Down is a sexy dance move made popular by Blueface and the club hit “Thotiana. ”
For this dance, it is all about swinging the hips. Grab your belt buckle area on your waist and raise your other hand in the air. Dip your hips and swing in a circular motion. Your body has to feel the groove for this one.
You can switch it up by raising the opposite arm and grabbing your belt with your other hand. Whatever you do, don’t stop swinging those hips.
Booty Pop
Another sexy move is the Booty Pop. When in sync with the beat, a variation of twerking, the Booty Pop should definitely get you noticed.
Start with your hands on your hips and your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the knees. Swing your hips forward, then pop your hips back. Repeat to the beat. Get lower in a squat, placing your hands on your knees. Finally, pop that booty back, repeating 1-2, 1-2.
Depending on what track is spinning will determine the tempo. Putting the booty pop on your list is an easy way to add a sexy, go-to move.
The Monastery
The Monastery is easy to learn and looks great on the dance floor.
Start by stepping in place, turning your knee towards the opposite leg. Alternate this movement with your steps. Let your hips follow your inward steps. Now the arms. Bring your two arms up in a circular motion opposite to the inward step. Repeat on the other side.
The Monastery may take a minute to master, but it will be a move you can play around with. Go low with it, bending at the waist while moving your arms. Before you know it, you will be bringing out this dance at the next party.
The Smeeze
Another dance that is part of hip hop lore is The Smeeze. It dates back to 2009, made popular by dancer Chonkie and his cousin, Smeeze.
It is an easy dance step to master. First, you stomp with one leg, followed by a bunny hop to the same side. Next, stomp with the other leg and hop to that side. Repeat from left to right to the beat.
Your upper body movements are freestyle. Do what you feel. Swing your arms or move them in a circle like in the Monastery. Either way, this dance is a good way to get the body moving and into the groove.
The Running Man
Another popular move that is easy to master when learning how to dance is the Running Man.
Start in a standing position and hop so that one leg goes forward and the other leg goes back. Hop back to the starting position, but lift the back leg bringing your knee up as you do. This leg now goes forward, the other leg going back. Return to the starting position by lifting the back leg/knee up. The result will be the illusion of running on the spot.
You can pump your arms to mimic the running motion. When the music is thumping, this is not only an easy dance but also a decent workout.
Toosie Slide
Thanks to Drake’s video for his song, the Toosie Slide became a Tik Tok challenge. He does the Toosie Slide while dancing around his mansion. It proved to be rather popular, garnering billions of views.
As the song’s lyrics go, “left foot up, right foot slide, right foot up, left foot slide. ” Furthermore, you can add a little shimmy for flair, but this is one of the easiest and most popular dances you can bust out at any party.
Fun and Easy Dance Moves
Now that you know the basics of these fun and easy dance moves, you are now ready to impress your friends. The next step is to join a couple of moves into a routine.
Once you are comfortable with each dance move, feel out which combination fits together the best. Of course, your routine may change depending on the music played at your party. But having several easy dance moves under your belt will keep you on the dance floor all night long.
5 dance styles that will help strengthen the legs
One can talk endlessly about the benefits of dance and its effect on the human brain. Today we will talk about more applied, but no less important things: for example, about which types of dances will make your legs toned and strong.
1. Salsa
Salsa is a modern social dance that originated in the 1970s in the United States and Latin America.
Suitable for: for those who want to pump their lower body without exhausting strength training and recharge their batteries.
What muscles are involved: all major muscle groups. The movements in the dance are very intense - when performing different sequences of steps, the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps muscles of the thighs and calves actively work. The back and arms in the dance must take certain positions, so they also receive a load, although to a lesser extent.
The famous salsa step: with minor adjustments for different dance styles (there are seven in total) the basic movements consist of fast-fast-slow steps to four percussive rhythms. Every fourth count is used to slowly transfer weight, pause, or - in some styles - to kick (throw out the leg) or tap (kick the floor with the foot).
Why else do you need to do salsa:
- while dancing improves blood circulation;
- active movements burn 5 to 10 calories per minute;
- regular salsa exercises help control lipid levels and blood sugar levels;
- improves emotional health;
- social skills are improved (since salsa is primarily a pair dance).
2. Flamenco
Flamenco is a southern Spanish folk culture that includes both song and dance. Flamenco can be sung, danced and even played (guitar).
Suitable for: for those who want to try something completely new (and train their brain at the same time). By the way, experienced dancers passionately claim that flamenco has no nationality, gender or age.
Muscles Used: flamenco is essentially rhythmic tapping of fractions with the feet, so that during the dance all the muscles of the legs work intensively, and all areas are involved, from the hip to the foot. When performing turns, tilts of the body, twists and other asymmetric elements, the oblique abdominal muscles receive a good load.
In terms of technique, this folk single dance is one of the most difficult. He allows constant improvisation, his drawing is intricate and contradictory, his movements require good physical preparation, flexibility and control of his own body, and the rhythm requires decent endurance.
Why else do you need to do flamenco:
- dance “sculpts” a relief back, forms an impeccable posture and beautiful hands;
- dance develops intelligence. Flamenco is called a “smart art”, to comprehend which you need to learn Spanish (at least at a basic level), master solfeggio, rhythm, ideally, master the basics of vocals and even improve your knowledge of mathematics (flamenco has very complex rhythms that need to be calculated in your head) .
3. Contemp
Contempo is a combination of dance techniques from Western (classical dance, modern jazz) and Eastern (qigong, taijiquan, yoga) arts of movement. The main exercises are built by analogy with classical and modern ones: from simple to more complex. The lesson includes exercises in the stalls (work on the floor), relaxation techniques, as well as stretching.
Suitable for: for those who want to explore themselves deeper, as well as fans of martial arts.
What muscles are involved: all, since the peculiarity of the dance is the alternation of muscle tension and relaxation, falling and lifting, sudden stops (often on straight legs) and balancing.
Why else do you need to do contemporary:
- it's aesthetically beautiful;
- dance will help you master breathing practices. Breathing during the contempo plays a big role - it should be measured. This feature kontepm learned from martial arts.
4. Irish solo dance
Solo Irish dances owe their origin to the masters of dance
- traveling teachers who appeared in Ireland in the 18th century. The peculiarity of the Irish dance is in fast and clear foot movements, while the body and arms remain motionless.
Who will suit : independent fans of James Joyce and lovers of order in everything.
What muscles are involved: all the muscles of the legs (to beat an energetic rhythm) and the back (which is always tense). Since the Irish dance is characterized by the eversion and cross position of the legs, as well as the aspiration of the dancer upwards, a beautiful posture and a fixed body play a very important role - the hands should be pressed to the sides during the dance.
Why else do you need to learn Irish dancing:
- it is physically difficult - about 800 calories are burned per hour of training;
- is fun. Seriously, thanks to its energy and positiveness, Irish dances in various manifestations and forms continue to win the hearts of people in all corners of the world, from Japan to Africa.
5. Bachata
This is a couple dance that originated in the Dominican Republic in the 1960s during the country's economic decline. Bachata was danced in spite of: dictatorship, military coups, difficulties. There is a version that the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic tried to support each other in difficult times, hence the gentle, almost intimate performance of the dance.
Suitable for: for those who want to develop body flexibility.
What muscles are involved: since there are many different steps, bends and turns in the dance, as a result of regular training, the joints of the ankle, knees, pelvis, hands and forearms will be strengthened, plasticity will develop, the muscles of the back and the press will be strengthened. The gluteal muscles and hips receive a large load.
Why else do you need to do bachata:
- It has been proven that passion for pair dances and smooth movements has a complex effect on the body.
The cardiovascular system improves, the musculoskeletal system functions better, breathing evens out. The brain also receives a positive impulse - spatial imagination and reaction are trained.
Subscribe to The Challenger!
- Muscles and body parts: Legs
- Sports: Sport
- Types of training: Dancing
5 TikTok dance challenges you'll want to repeat
September 18, 2020Reno5Inspiration
Selected and recreated the cool dances that have been put on by TikTokers around the world. It turned out to be not so difficult. You can do it too!
0Masha Rubtsova
Actress of the Sovremennik Theatre. Helped us deal with challenges.
1. Like That Challenge
- Difficulty: 1 out of 5.
A short and rather easy dance that will not cause any difficulty even if you have never done choreography. It can be worked out even in the bathroom in front of the mirror. The challenge song is a hit by rapper Doja Cat. Tiktokers joke that she doesn't have any tracks left that wouldn't go viral because of dancing on TikTok. By the way, this bunch will easily fall on other music. So if you usually do not know where to put yourself on the dance floor, the challenge will help you relax and start dancing.
@ayiram21##1♬ Just like that come my way - jordanaudiož
Tutorial from Masha:
- Try to get to the beginning of the music - it will be easier to follow the rhythm;
- make a wave under the right hand, click with the fingers, then wave under the left hand and click;
- bend back in a wave, and then twist your arms in front of you;
- swing forward with your hands in front of you and immediately another swing on your right leg;
- stretch your right arm forward and point your finger at the camera or at the person you are dancing for, circle your arm around your head;
- stretch both hands forward one by one, call to yourself with your right palm, sitting down.
2. Don't Start Now Challenge
- Difficulty: 2 out of 5.
Learn this link to add an 80's vibe to your dancing. She is uncomplicated. The main thing is to roll a wave with your body, point to the clock and effectively leave in the style of Michael Jackson. It is performed to the song of the English singer Dua Lipa - a great lover of the charm of those times. This challenge was first recorded by a Tiktoker named Hannah Kaye Balanay, and then her dance was repeated by 3.8 million people around the world.
@ayiram21##2♬ Don’t Start Now — Dua Lipa
Tutorial from Masha:
- Dance in place and emphasize by straightening your half-bent arms down and pointing your palms to the floor;
- clench your hands into fists, bend your knees and rock your hips. Move your arms along with your pelvis;
- keep swinging your hips, release two fingers from each fist;
- wave to the right, clap your hands and spread your arms;
- dance on soft knees (as at the beginning of the dance), put your right hand behind your head, and then smoothly straighten it;
- place your fists on your pelvic bones, then tap your fingers on your wrist as if telling the time;
- clench your hands into fists again, bend your knees and swing your hips from side to side;
- make a small circle with your shoulder, turn sideways and moonwalk out of the frame.
3. Challenge Supalonely
- Difficulty: 3 out of 5.
Happy dance to the sad song of New Zealand singer BENEE. If you do not listen to the text, you will not even suspect that the content is rather depressing by the cheerful rhythm. In general, if you get bored alone - here's an activity for the evening. A bunch can be learned pretty quickly: tap on an imaginary drum, spread your arms, pretend that you are drinking from a bottle - you're done. And smile! How did the tiktoker with the nickname zoifishh, who launched the challenge.
@ayiram21##3♬ Supalonely (feat. Gus Dapperton) — BENEE
Tutorial from Masha:
- Wait for the right beat, bring the clenched fist of your left hand to your right shoulder and swing your shoulder forward, pretending to pull it with your hand;
- turn your head to the left, punch an imaginary wall on the right;
- stretch your left arm to the right and then up.
Emphasize head to the left along with the pelvis, then a small circle with the hand to the left;
- Raise your arms in front of you as if holding a camera. "Take a photo" in front of you and to the right;
- cross your arms over your chest and straighten them down twice;
- make a “table” out of the hands: the right hand under the left elbow, and the left hand under the chin;
- strike with the left hand on the left pelvis bone, with the right hand on the right;
- lunge forward on half-toes on bent knees, and at the same time make a wave forward with your hands;
- circle back with your right hand and step in place, then with your left hand and step in place;
- fold your hands into a “bottle” and pretend to drink, making a wave in both directions;
- take two steps in place, twist your finger at your temple and straighten both arms up.
4. Kill This Love Challenge
- Difficulty: 4 out of 5.
Suitable for fans of K-pop and fast movements. The challenge is inspired by a song by the Korean band BLACKPINK. The performer will need some choreographic skills. Or it just takes you a little more time to learn. But you can spin from the heart and throw out energy. The dance looks great when performed alone or with a group of friends. The music is very dynamic - the best thing is if a house party begins to fade.
@ayiram21##4♬ Kill This Love - BLACKPINK
Tutorial from Masha:
- Bend your left arm - elbow points to the left, fist at the shoulder. Take a step back with your right foot and take your left hand back. Do the same on the other side;
- turn left side, pretend that you have a machine gun in your hands, from which you shoot. Simultaneously with the “shots”, do a slow wave back;
- put your foot on the toe and rotate the foot in different directions, “dancing” with bent arms near the body;
- straighten up sharply, turning to face the camera: hands behind head, feet together.
Take your right hand up diagonally, and put the other on your belt;
- put your left leg out to the side, then put your left hand on your thigh and sit down on your left knee;
- make a circle above your head with your right hand, turn your right side in the same position, touch your left shoulder with your right hand;
- make three circles with your arm above your head and work your hip up. With two hands make a circle through the bottom, and then a point with the hands and thigh two times;
- step with your left foot, pointing down with your hand. Take your elbows back as at the beginning of the dance;
- gather your legs and put your hands in a frame, and then spread them apart. Make two waves with your body, lower your right fist to the floor.
5. WAP Challenge
- Difficulty: 5 out of 5.
This is the bomb. Complicated, but very effective bunch. If you are doing well with stretching, you can impress everyone. Practice the dance in knee pads if you don't want to get hurt. Some inexperienced dancers ended up in the hospital with knee injuries due to bad landings. WAP was created by professional choreographer Brian Esperon from the small Pacific island of Guam. This dance has high batmans, twine, twerk - a full arsenal of dance and gymnastic elements.
@ayiram21##5♬ WAP(feat. Megan Thee Stallion) - Cardi B
Tutorial from Masha:
- Jump in place with a leg lift: bent left knee to the shoulder, and then right straight up;
- sit in a grand plié and open your arms. Get on all fours, but keep your knees on the floor. Turn your head and pelvis to the same side;
- straighten up for a second: push your pelvis forward, take your arms and head back, make a backbend. Then kneel down again in the "cat";
- lie on your stomach through a soft wave: the right knee is in the “frog”, the left leg is straight.
Hit the floor with your right hand and at the same moment lift off the floor and lower your buttocks to the beat;
- turn over your left shoulder onto your back, roll over, opening your legs into a cross split. Get back into the "cat";
- walk three steps on your knees, alternately arching your back up and down;
- stretch your knees, make a big circle with your right foot and sit on the longitudinal split. Raise and lower your buttocks to the beat of the music.
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