How to do the bird walk dance

Why do woodcocks rock when they walk? – Why Evolution Is True

First, have a look at these videos showing American woodcocks (Scolopax minor) walking. This bizarre way of walking (they do it only occasionally; see below), with a rocking motion and an absolutely steady head, is unique among birds. (People can’t resist putting this movement to music; turn off the sound if you don’t want to hear “Walk Like an Egyptian”!)

Juveniles do it as well:

Very young chicks also do it, though not as strikingly as the adults. Woodcocks eat earthworms and invertebrates (ants, millipedes, etc.) that they grub from the soil, and you can see this one probing a bit.

Finally, a range map from the Cornell bird site. If you live in the right place and are lucky, you might see one, though they tend to hunker down in the woods and become almost invisible:


I believe I showed a tweet of this behavior the other day and asked readers, “Why do they do this?”, noting that there are several hypotheses. I put the question to our expert ornithologist, Bruce Lyon of the University of California at Santa Cruz, who put me on to two papers (below), one of which may well have the correct answer. Let me add that we still don’t know the reason, and more observations and experiments are in order; but the one advanced in the second paper below makes the most sense given the data at hand.

Here’s the first paper, which summarizes several theories, but not the one that’s probably correct. It’s from a 1982 issue of The Auk (click on screenshot to read):

Marshall watched woodcocks intently—once for a total of 8 hours during three days in 1978—and describes the motion:

As the bird slowly walked about, its head and neck remained on a level plane, but its body was almost continually moving back and forth, best described as “rocking.” A line between the neck and dorsal feathers was obvious, because, while the body moved, the head did not. One foot was lifted high then placed down ahead with the weight on it; the other foot was lifted so that only the tips of the toes were in contact with the ground. This repetitious movement stopped when the bird picked a small worm from the surface, probed deeply to pull out a large worm, or extracted an insect from under a leaf. The head was well forward and held slightly to one side with the tip of the bill 3 cm or less above the surface.Sometimes progress was broken by repeated rocking in one place, and, less often, the bird stood motionless for several minutes.

He gives four explanations that had already been advanced at that time. The comments are mine:

1.) “A nervous action resulting from fear or suspicion”.  Given that this action calls attention to the bird, it would seem maladaptive to do this if there was a predator around. However, as we’ll see below, it may actually be adaptive in that situation.

2.) “Mimicry of leaves being moved by a breeze.” This seems unlikely as the birds do this when there is no breeze, as Marshall observes, and the rocking is not really very close to that of leaves, which move erratically.

3.) “Mimicry of prevailing shadows”.  As Marshall observes, they walk like this even when it’s overcast and there are no shadows, and the behavior, in fact, makes the birds more conspicuous, at least to a human observer, than when they stand still.

4.) Detection of earthworms or insects under the ground. The hypothesis is that the bird, by walking this way, exerts pressure on the ground that makes the worms and insects move, thus enabling the woodcock to detect them and eat them. At the time Heinrich wrote the paper below, 34 years later, this seems to have become the prevailing explanation. But, as we’ll see, it doesn’t seem likely. If you watched the first and second video above, you’ll probably see why.

Bernd Heinrich is a first-class scientist and naturalist, as well as a world-class long-distance runner, and I’ve read several of his books on corvids (he’s written a lot of popular books). This short paper, based on Heinrich’s observations of woodcocks, was published in Northeastern Naturalist (click screenshot to read the paper):

Heinrich’s observations show that woodcocks only walk like this under certain conditions: when they know they are being watched (Heinrich didn’t see them do it when he hid himself and watched with binoculars), and they do it in open habitat where it’s more likely that a predator would spot them. When Heinrich followed the birds, they rocked only when walking away from him. When he stopped, the birds stopped. When he started walking toward the birds again, the birds started their rocking walk.  Also, they don’t rock when they’re in the woods, where they’re more cryptic.

Although rocking, says Heinrich, occurs during foraging, it’s not likely that it helps the birds detect earthworms or other insects underground. For one thing, as you saw above, they do the “rock walk” on asphalt or on the snow, and there are no invertebrates to be found that way. Further, the way the birds walk is a gentle placement of the feet on the soil, and not, as Heinrich says, “the kind [of walk] designed to cause earth vibrations.” If that were the case, the bird would probably stomp forcefully on the ground, for violent vibrations are what make worms and insects move. (These are created in the American South by “grunters” who use a chainsaw to create violent vibrations in the soil to bring up worms for fishing. )

All of these considerations lead Heinrich to his hypothesis, which derives from observations of other animals that make themselves conspicuous to predators when they know predators are around:

In certain situations, some animals make themselves highly conspicuous to predators, as a defense. Alcock (2013) summarizes these deliberately conspicuous behaviors, such as the slotting of antelope (Pitcher 1979), the waving of the tail by an Anolis lizard when it had been discovered by a potential predator (Leal 1999), and the white tail flashing of fleeing Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann) (White-tailed deer), as “advertisements of unprofitability” that act to reduce the likelihood of attack by a potential predator. This hypothesis for the function of a potentially conspicuous behavior gives relevance to the visually conspicuous “rocking” behavior of Woodcock, given the circumstances of when it occurs and an anecdote of my own.

Here’s a springbok “stotting” (also called “pronking”), one of the behaviors thought to be an alert to predators saying, “Don’t bother to attack; I’ve seen you already.

Why would an animal do this? And why would it deter predators? If a predator knows the potential prey has seen it, and has let it know that detection by a conspicuous display, it’s to the predator’s advantage not to attack, because its advantage of stealth has been lost. Attacking would likely be a waste of time and energy. And it’s to the potential prey’s advantage to make such a display, because it uses less energy to “rock walk” than, say, to fly away,= and potentially leave a spot rich in food.  The evolution of this behavior would probably start by some individuals doing something that makes themselves conspicuous when they see a predator, and those would be individuals in species that have the ability to flee successfully when a predator is close. But it depends on the display deterring the predator, so some learning of the predator must also occur. (Later, that learning could actually become an evolved behavior by the predator to simply not attack when it sees the display.)

And this is, my Best Beloved, is How The Woodcock Got Its Walk. Here’s Heinrich’s hypothesis:

I suggest that the Woodcock rocking-walk display is a response to what it perceives as a mild potential threat situation that is not severe enough to initiate predator-avoidance tactics to disrupt it into flight or cryptic hiding. The Woodcock’s rocking-walk display may act as a signal in a situation of a perceived potential audience or a predator, indicating that it is aware and can explode off the ground and escape if the predator seems likely to attack. The display saves the bird the energy and bother of flying off and possibly being chased.

The rocking walk display is likely to occur during foraging, because foraging is centered at a food-rich place that the bird may be reluctant to leave. In most instances, available video clips of the behavior (displayed on the Internet by interested citizens) were made of Woodcock in potentially threatening ecological settings or during a discrete threat. The Woodcock were either out of their usually preferred woodland habitat (Bent 1927, McAuley et al. 2013) or near humans and were thus potentially “nervous from fear and suspicion” as Pettingill (1936) had originally supposed.

Good scientist that he is, Heinrich proposes further tests, and (not shown below) also suggests tests of the “worm detection hypothesis”.

That the bird’s behavior while walking is variable, including a teetering motion, is undisputed, but the reason(s) for this behavior is still uncertain. To test the display hypothesis that I propose would require observing the bird unseen (perhaps by remote video camera), both undisturbed in its preferred habitat and then under the influence of a mild (but not strong) potential threat in the presence of a resource of significant value to the bird.

Here’s Bernd himself, studying his beloved ravens; I’ve met him once or twice:

Heinrich, born in Poland in 1940 (Wikipedia says Germany, but it’s wrong), is also an “ultrarunner”, and was the best in America at long-distance running during the first half of the 1980s.  He held records in the 100 kilometer race and in the straight 24-hour run (oy!), the latter with a record distance of 156 miles (he was then taken to the hospital). Here he is finishing the record 100K (62 miles!):

Bird Dance Moves. Courtship never looked so cool | by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Updates from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Birds are performers. They sing. They dance. They have great moves. We just have to acknowledge that. Their courtship dances aren’t even limited to the dance floor- they display in the air, on water, in trees, and yes, of course on the ground. These choreographed performances are done in an effort to win over mates and strengthen pair bonds. They can be synchronized or performed as solo acts. They are as intricate as they are fun to witness.

We’ve selected a few moves that we think you should try next time you’re grooving on the dance floor.

Left: Greater Sage-Grouse performing a strut by USFWS. || Right: American Woodcock strutting by Keith Ramos/USFWS.

Western and Clark’s grebes perform a water walk called “rushing” where they skirt across the water. With their feet splayed and moving about 20 steps per second, they can avoid sinking and resemble water skiers in perfect step.

Rushing Clark’s Grebes by USFWS.

Perform these moves: Don’t try this one unless you’re on land. Step quickly and shuttle across the dance floor like a water walking grebe. Make sure you’re in-step with your partner.

Western Grebes dance on top of the water at Bear River Bird Refuge. By Wayne Watson/USFWS. || Clark’s grebes perform their splashy courtship dance. By Dave Menke/USFWS.

Puffins have several mating dance moves, but we’ll focus on one called “billing”, where they rhythmically clash bills. This ritual begins when one puffin approaches their mate swinging their bill from side to side. Sometimes they’ll appear to lightly nibble the bills, but for the sake of dancing, this is irrelevant.

Perform these moves: For the sake of this dance, pretend your nose is a bill. Proceed with caution and only perform with a partner you already know. May not be suitable for children.

Left: Atlantic puffins billing / USFWS. || Right: Tufted puffins billing at Haystack Rock, which is part of the Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuges. Tufted puffins are most visible at Haystack Rock from April through early July. Video shared courtesy of Karen Gartland Murray.

A number of birds perform a “strut” of some kind as part of their love dancing. We’ll highlight the moves of the American woodcock and greater sage-grouse due to their variations on the strut.

American Woodcock perform a “sky dance” as their primary mating dance, but leading up to the show, they also have a great strut.

Woodcock strutting video by Keith Ramos/USFWS

Woodcocks are in the family Scolopacidae, and most members of this family perform some form of aerial display. When they rock their bodies forward and backward they shift their weight from foot to foot. It’s thought that the vibrations from this motion may prompt earthworms to move underground, as well as look cool.

Perform these moves: Shift your weight and rock back and forth while bobbing your head. These moves work with a surprising number of songs.

Groups of male greater sage-grouse like the one pictured above, choose a gathering place, called a lek, where they dance, strut and display their plumage to attract females.

Perform these moves: This move is not for beginners. Perform a belly roll and move in slow motion as you move across the dance floor.

Greater sandhill cranes in the midst of their dancing displays at the Monte Vista Crane Festival. Kate Miyamoto/USFWS

Dancing is an important part of the crane courtship process. Their dancing consists of bowing, jumping, head swinging, and wing spreading. They may even even throw small items into the air and call out. Entire groups may join in the dancing but the group dancing may stop just as quickly as it began (think flash mob). Sometimes after the show, the cranes go back to feeding as if nothing had happened.

Perform these moves: Break into dance instantaneously. Alternate between bowing and jumping on the dance floor, but make sure you’re synchronized.

Each year, albatross return to the same nesting site to meet their mate. They spend time getting reacquainted through their billing and sky-pointing after spending the rest of the year apart, at sea.

Laysan albatross sky-pointing as part of their mating dance.

Perform these moves: Stand to face your partner, count off, stare directly at one another for 2 seconds and then point to the sky.

While many of these dancing rituals happen during courtship, they can also take place at other times of the year. There’s a lot we don’t know about how or why birds dance, but it does seem to strengthen their bond. We have so much to learn about the animals with which we share the world.

We’ll keep learning, but in the meantime — what’s stopping you from dancing like the birds?

Black-footed albatross pair. Dan Clark/USFWS

By Danielle Brigida, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Social Media Manager

Video of the mating dance of a wonderful bird of paradise

The mating dance of birds: from "moonwalk" to "stone down"

The mating season is the most important stage in the life of an animal. Bird courtship rituals are considered the most complex. A male needs to make a lot of effort to please a demanding female.

In the absence of rivals, courtship is purely formal - to show oneself, to give something to a future girlfriend, and that's it. But if the competition is high, then you can’t count on an attractive appearance, and then the females become witnesses of a real show.

Tropical birds are the most inventive in terms of courtship. With their bright and conspicuous coloration, they do not rely solely on it, demonstrating spectacular dances as well.

Inhabiting the rainforests of Central and South America, red-capped manakins are known for their interpretation of the "moonwalk".

First, the male chooses a suitable place, not occupied by others and with a good view. There should also be a horizontally located smooth branch, without leaves and branches. Then the male begins to flap his wings and call the female. When the intrigued lady appears, the dance begins.

The male jumps on a branch, whirls, flaps his wings and makes short sounds. Seeing that the female is watching with enthusiasm, the male fluffs up his red tuft, tilts his head down and, quickly moving his legs, moves back.

The movement is so fast that it looks like a bird is sliding along a branch. The male then turns around and performs a "moonwalk" in the opposite direction. Few females are able to resist this.


Video: The most amusing and spectacular mating dances of birds

One of the important stages in the life of every animal is the mating season. Caring for members of the opposite sex is not so easy. The male sometimes has to make a lot of effort in order to please the "lady of the heart." When no competitors are visible on the horizon, then the males just have to show themselves or present something to their chosen one - and favor is guaranteed. But if there are rivals around, then one cannot hope only for an attractive appearance. This is where the real show comes in. The author of the video below shows us the mating dances of various bird species.

It is said that the Western parotia is the most talented when it comes to winning the lady. They have a rather characteristic manner of courtship: fan long black feathers, show a bright bow tie - and start dancing in front of the chosen one, moving next to her, until she nevertheless agrees to the proposal.

A lyre bird can demonstrate a bewitching ritual for us. But before the start of the performance, the male prepares the so-called “scene” for himself: he rakes the ground with his paws and creates a kind of mound, and then climbs onto it. Now everything is ready to perform. He, being on the top he created, begins to sing in full voice while throwing his tail open like a fan over his head. And it stops flowing only when several charming females gather next to it.

To defeat the opposite sex with your marriage dance, it is not enough just to spin around the lady at random. In order to definitely not miscalculate and please the female, skills are needed. Special movements, beak crackling, looking around and taking on various bizarre forms are what feathered females like. The male tries as much as possible to stand out from the crowd and win the heart of the one who will reciprocate. As a result, if the choice was made, they create a real bird family in which love and fidelity will reign until the end of their days.

By the way, see how the frigate uses to attract attention during the mating season.


10 Amazing Bird Mating Rituals

As humans, we have come up with some strange and complex patterns of behavior when meeting the opposite sex. Each culture, as a rule, has special courtship rituals, most often they come down to banal gifts, perfumes, cosmetics, and, well, pheromones. But the birds, in order to please their partner, improve in songs and dances. They learned to walk on water, imitate a car horn. Against the background of their marital behavior, our feeble attempts to please the opposite sex seem frivolous and boring.

Red-capped piper


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Moonwalking Bird HD Watch later Share View on //

900 Red Hat Pipra or Michael Jackson? Piper males from the manakin family during the mating season blow up the dance floor (tree branches), demonstrating the moonwalk to their partners. At the beginning of the love ritual, the male's goal is to stake out a suitable branch and start lekking (in other words, to put on a show). Not only do the birds move with lightning speed in dance steps, they accompany their movements with original sounds. Tapping and clicking are aimed at impressing the female and scaring off other males.

The moonwalk is just one of the four love ceremonies inherent in these birds. Males also like to show off their yellow “thighs” by twirling back and forth on a branch. They also like to bounce and, intensively flapping their wings, rise with lightning speed from their perch. And before landing on a branch, sometimes male manakins make several circles. Birds live in the tropical forests of southern Mexico and western Ecuador.

California Ground Cuckoo

Please your lady - not an easy task

The way to a man's heart is through the stomach. And the California running cuckoo is the opposite. In the process of courtship, the partner brings plump snakes or lizards in the female's beak, and mating occurs only if the partner is satisfied with the prey of the chosen one. Like many other birds, the vocal range of Californian cuckoos is wide: from quiet cooing to sharp, loud trills. Bringing the female food, the male chirps and twists his tail. And then jumps on it to go directly to mating. Since the California running cuckoo can reach speeds of up to 25 km per hour, it will not be difficult for the male to leave the scene immediately after copulation. But these birds are most often monogamous and choose a partner for life, sharing family responsibilities with each other. The range of the California ground cuckoo is generally in the dry areas of the southwestern United States, but they are occasionally found much further south in Mexico.

Big Lyre Bird

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youth learn various melodies until, finally, they fully reach maturity. After all, all these efforts are needed only in order to impress the female. Males of the Great Lyre bird know four types of songs (A - D). They always start with type A, end with D, and in the central part of the concert they alternate B and C. They memorize and accurately reproduce any sounds around them, be it even a fire siren or the sound of a working chainsaw. Males accompany such “wonderful” singing with an exquisite dance. Distributed birds in the western part of the Great Dividing Range in Australia.

Their concerts are similar to the popular techno music videos of the 1980s. Along with the talented performance of "own" sounds, the large lyre bird imitates the voices of other birds and the cries of mammals. It can even reproduce sounds such as the horn of a locomotive, the click of a camera, or the noise of a chainsaw. And, what is especially interesting, he dances to the rhythm of his songs. Having settled down on mounds and having lifted a lyre-tail over a head, males sing for 20 minutes. Scientists believe that birds imitate strange sounds in order to protect their own territory. But, most likely, the males are trying to attract as many females as possible with these ideas in order to choose the best one from them.

Western American grebe

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Western American and Clark's grebes are the largest vertebrates that magically can walk on water. These walks are more like a graceful ballet for two. North American birds cover a distance of 20 meters in 7 seconds, uniting in pairs or groups. To achieve this result, toadstools need to make from 14 to 20 steps per second. For comparison: a person takes only four to five steps during the same time. Toadstools spend their entire lives in the water, their fingers are not webbed. They have short, strong legs that are not very comfortable for walking on land, but are ideal for defying gravity. Ornithologists studying grebes in the Pacific Northwest have found that 50 percent of the required lifting power is provided by birds hitting the water with their paws. To provide the rest of the power, the birds use an unusual move: when their outstretched paw is slightly submerged in the water, they abruptly move it to the side, making something like a micro-paddle. At the end of each such movement, the toadstools clench their paw “into a fist” and pull it sharply into the air, minimizing hydrodynamic resistance. But before starting to dance, the birds carefully examine each other, then suddenly go under the water to emerge as an already formed pair. If someone in a pair does not fall into the rhythm of this exciting bizarre dance, he remains in flight.

So, do you still think you put in too much effort on dates?

White fronted parrots



White fronted Amazon Couple0005

Turns out we're not the only ones enjoying French kissing. White-fronted Amazons (or red-eyed parrots) kiss each other with pleasure as often as we do. First, they grapple with their beaks, and then they begin to move their tongue back and forth. But then suddenly there is a sharp turn in the romantic story. Demonstrating his love, the male causes himself to vomit and spews food directly into the beak of his beloved.

White-fronted parrots are native to southern Mexico and Central America and can be found in dry areas such as savannahs, rainforests, fruit plantations and crop areas. They kiss loudly, smacking their lips, and can be quite noisy neighbors, especially during the breeding season.

Andean flamingos


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Andean flamingos choose lakes with a high content of caustic soda, gypsum and hydrogen sulfide for mating. In such extreme conditions, as, for example, on the Uyuni salt marsh, birds begin a mating ritual, striking with its coherence and grace. Flamingos gather in a group and synchronously twist their necks, moving in small steps through the water. And only after this performance they break up into monogamous couples to conceive and raise children. Probably flamingos deliberately go to mate in uninhabited places so that other animals do not interrupt their mating show. However, their habitat is often disturbed by human interference due to the growing popularity of tourism or the extraction of salt, sulfur, borax and other minerals. As a result, the Andean flamingo was officially declared an endangered species in 2010.

Ritual of ducks

Jack Mart

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Although ducks are frequent guests on the pages of children's books, their mating rituals are by no means fabulous. In fact, they are quite strange. Only three percent of all bird species have a phallus and a vagina, and ducks are one of them. Most likely, evolution has influenced the structure of the genital organs, because the vagina of ducks has an unusual structure and can selectively reject and accept sperm for fertilization. The length of the penis of drakes can reach 38 cm, which is sometimes more than its height. Most often, drakes attack the female in a group, forcing her to copulate by force. For this, a physiological protective mechanism is provided for the reproductive tract of ducks with many sacs instead of the usual oviduct. The male's long penis is shaped like a corkscrew, which is twisted counterclockwise, and the female's vagina is the same shape, but twisted clockwise, which prevents intercourse with an unwanted partner. If the female agrees to make contact with the male, she relaxes the muscles of the vagina, facilitating the process. With the exception of extremely cold areas, ducks are distributed throughout the world.



House finch courtship dance Watch Later Share View at //

The male finch uses songs and dances to impress the female. But, as far as we know, the ritual of courtship begins after all the female. For example, she can present a blade of grass to her chosen one to encourage him to start the performance. Each genus of the finches family has its own characteristics in the courtship ritual, but, as a rule, the behavior of males is similar. They all dance with their tail up, fluff their feathers, bow their heads in a pleading pose and clear their beaks. If finches are kept in captivity, they can mate with other species, and if females are not available, then resourceful birds try to win over other males. When a partner accepts a male's offer, she either simply tolerates him, or repeats his movements, chirps (because she cannot sing), or immediately assumes a mating position. If she does not like the male, the chosen one simply flies away, or starts hissing, scaring him away. Since these birds do not have external genitalia, they engage in sexual contact by merging into cloacae that connect their urinary, reproductive, and intestinal tracts.


Just like the red-capped feast, Canadian sandpipers during the mating season settle on separate leks and show themselves to females. Males stand apart from each other and raise one wing, showing crystal white feathers, which attracts females. If more than one individual approaches the male, he begins to try harder, raises both wings, stretches them to the sky, shakes his whole body and sings along. The male fertilizes several females, leaving each to incubate the eggs. The chicks leave the nest just 12 hours after hatching. Although courting is quite common, of all North American waders, only sandpipers use it in mating rituals. These birds were actively hunted until they were on the brink of extinction in the 1920s. Although their current numbers are difficult to establish due to migrations, active measures are being taken to preserve the population.



Female peacocks are not the only ones who are delighted with the luxurious, rainbow-colored tails of peacocks. For centuries, they have inspired people who pin feathers to their clothes, copy the color pattern, use it in jewelry, paintings. But Jessica Yorzinski, a researcher at Purdue University, offers a new perspective on the peacock mating ritual. In her opinion, females do not count the number of eyes on the luxurious tails of potential chosen ones, they are more attracted to the strong and hardy legs of their sexual partners. Gaze-tracking equipment has shown that the male's plumage takes up 20 to 30 percent of the attention of the female. The exceptions were those moments when the males made any movements with their tails. Another common misconception is to call birds of both sexes peacocks. This name refers only to males. Their companions are usually called peahens.

Relationships between the sexes in the animal world are complex and cannot be explained solely by primitive instincts. This is an interweaving of psychology, natural features and romance. It's amazing how inventive birds are in the art of seduction. Some of their mating rituals are cute, others are interesting, others are weird. But how all of us, animals, are similar in our desire to win the attention of a partner, impress him in any way possible, snatch a kiss or even something more.


Birds that dance mating dances

It is difficult to find a bird more wonderful than a wonderful bird of paradise. The males of this species are characterized by a complex courtship ritual, during which they fan out black dorsal feathers and lift up a breast apron of the same bright blue color as the bird's eyes. Then they begin to dance, moving in a semicircle next to the female, until she agrees.

Until recently, scientists considered the wonderful bird of paradise unique among 43 other members of the Paradisaeidae family. But in a new PeerJ article, ornithologist Edwin Scholes and photographer Tim Laman detail the new species: the Vogelkop superb bird-of-paradise.

Field observations and subsequent analysis led to the conclusion that Vogelkop is genetically different from the wonderful bird of paradise. She has a different form of feather hood, different dance moves and sounds.

The article says that the new species' German name, which translates to "bird's head", comes from an isolated region of Indonesian New Guinea that is said to resemble a bird's head on a map and was once a German colony.

Vogelkop is getting ready to start his mating dance.

The forests of New Guinea remain a paradise for many subspecies, since human activities have not significantly affected these areas. Ornithologists say that ecotourism is gaining popularity here, as the wonderful bird of paradise is "one of the holy grails for birdwatchers."

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Wonderful bird of paradise (Lophorina superba)

Wonderful bird of paradise (Lophorina superba) is a representative of the order of passerine birds among birds of paradise. Just like sparrows, these birds are quite small. The size of their body in length is approximately 23 centimeters, and the weight of the bird itself is only about 80 grams. These birds of paradise live in the mountain forests of Western New Guinea, while the terrain should rise more than 2,000 meters above sea level.

Scientific classification:

Family: Birds of paradise

Genus: Wonderful birds of paradise

Wonderful bird of paradise feeds on seeds, insects, small fruits from trees. Sometimes they are able to catch small frogs or lizards. Males are polygamous. They can mate with several females.

Females alone make a nest in a tree, incubate eggs and take care of chicks. The wonderful birds of paradise usually have one or two eggs in one clutch. After 18 days, the chicks are already beginning to become covered with feathers.

The plumage of the female is quite variegated (brown-white-gray), while the male is velvety black, but there are turquoise feathers on the breast. The female is slightly smaller than the male in size and wing size.

These wonderful birds of paradise became famous for their dance, with which the male attracts the attention of the female. During the dance, the male spreads his wings, turquoise feathers on the chest and turns into a black ball with a contrasting turquoise shield on the chest with bright spots from the eyes. The spectacle is truly worthy. Below is a video where you can see the dance with your own eyes, because words cannot describe it that way.

Video of the mating dance of a wonderful bird of paradise

Birds live either alone or rarely stay in pairs. And during the mating season, the birds gather and the males begin to start their original mating dance, uttering cries and attracting the female. After the dance, the female evaluates the male and makes her decision.

Scientists suggest that in fact the female evaluates not so much the dance of the male as the state of the turquoise feathers. It is by the color of the turquoise plumage that the female determines how ready the male is for mating. In older representatives of this species, turquoise feathers become more faded.

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How to make your walk light and graceful. How to learn to walk beautifully for a girl

A beautiful gait is not only an obligatory skill for a woman who wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex. A beautiful gait implies the correct position of the spine and the setting of the feet - and this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the state of the musculoskeletal system, all muscle groups and organs of the human body. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to develop a beautiful walk, not only for the conquerors of men's hearts (they just know the answer to this question!), But also for any woman who cares about her own and wants to look and feel one hundred percent.

How to develop a beautiful gait? Anyone can do it - just develop a few simple habits and monitor their daily performance.

Good posture.

A hunched spine, drooping shoulders, and a head tilted forward cannot in any way become companions of a beautiful gait. Its basis is correct posture. To achieve it, you need to perform a simple exercise: raise your shoulders as high as possible, take them back and lower them. Here it is, the correct posture! In this case, the chest should be straightened, the chin raised, the stomach slightly retracted. The feet should be parallel. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs are tense. Fix this position and try to keep it while walking.

Placement of the foot while walking. During the movement, the heel and toe should be almost on the same line. A slight turn of the sock outward is allowed, but in no case inward - you are not a clubfoot bear, but an attractive girl seeking to comprehend the art of how to develop a beautiful gait. When moving, the heel is first placed on the ground, then the emphasis of the body is transferred to the middle part of the foot, then to the toe. Push from the ground - and a new step!

Foot and body sequence. How often can one observe a woman rushing at full speed, whose body moves forward, and only then - legs! You can’t call such a gait elegant - therefore, if you want to understand in practice how to develop a beautiful gait, do everything exactly the opposite: first the foot “goes” forward, then the body.

The right steps.
No need to mince or set your feet too wide. Yes, and walking the "eight" is unattractive to others, despite the fact that this is how models walk on the catwalks. The stride length should be equal to the length of the foot without shoes. Of course, you don’t need to measure your steps with a centimeter, trust the natural “eye gauge” - and go ahead!

Correct hand, head and chin movements.
Do not swing your arms when walking and keep them out of your pockets. Hands should move according to the rhythm of the step, its size. The head must not move. The chin should be directed forward, but not lifted too high.

Training exercises for the back. To maintain the correct posture and, as a result, a beautiful gait, you can perform a set of exercises:

Exercise 1. Lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your head, tighten your neck muscles, pull your socks towards you. Hold in this position for 10 seconds.

Exercise 2. Sit on a chair, put your hands behind your head, bend over. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.

Exercise 3. Sit on your feet. Take your hands back, clasp your ankles with your hands. Slowly lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your forehead. Shift your body weight onto your head. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.

Exercise 4. Stand up, put your hands behind your back, closing them in a “lock”. Stretch your arms. Relax - and tighten up again.

Exercise 5. Get on your knees, grab a chair with your hands, bend over. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

Exercise 6. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body, turn your palms up. Bend over, raise your head, legs and arms a few centimeters from the floor. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

Exercise 7. Turn onto your back, rise, straining your back muscles. At the same time, do not bend your legs and do not tear them off the floor, but support the body with your hands a little. Arch your back, hold your breath.

Exercise 8. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands, arch your back as much as possible. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

Exercise 9. Lie on your back, bend your knees, bend your torso in the lower back (rush your stomach up). Leaning on the head and hands, linger in this position for 10 seconds.

Repeat each exercise 5-10 times - and regular training will soon give the desired result, and the problem of how to develop the correct gait will disappear by itself.

Correct posture training. There are many ways to practice good posture, but walking with a book on your head is considered the most effective. Put a book on your head (you don’t just need to hoist Ozhegov’s dictionary - the book should not be heavy at all!) And try to walk with it so that it does not fall. It seems difficult at first, but over time, you can even turn your head with a book on it, as well as squat in this position.

The right choice of shoes. If you are thinking about how to develop the correct posture, forget about too high heels and sports shoes. The best option for those who want to walk beautifully is shoes with medium heels.

Following our advice, you will decide for yourself how to develop the right gait, become graceful and elegant, attract the admiring glances of others. And do not forget about a sweet smile and a good mood - after all, no beauty is compatible with an unsmiling and upset face!

Learning how to walk beautifully, and most importantly, how to walk correctly is almost a paramount task for any girl, because this is what often sets her apart from the general crowd, attracting attention. The girl's gait should be soft, not jumping, without sudden movements and cause a feeling of self-confidence.

The correct gait for girls

To understand how to achieve, there are several tips. Let's start with the upper body. This advice is especially relevant for tall girls, because it is the most difficult for them to keep their backs and shoulders not stooped. The spine is the main center that supports all the internal organs and muscles, so its correct position in the plane determines our gait. Slouching your shoulders creates the effect of a closed body, as if you are trying to fall with your nose to the floor.

The natural curvature of the spine is disturbed and the gait becomes irregular. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, bring your shoulder blades together and lower your shoulders. Fix for a moment and track this position.

The main mistakes that girls make while walking:

  • shuffling;
  • wagging the hips - makes the gait too sweeping, and the image - vulgar;
  • bouncing while walking - looks funny and ridiculous;
  • arm waving;
  • dropped chin;
  • walking on bent legs or too straight;
  • steps too wide.

Walk in front of a mirror and observe yourself - are there any of the above errors in your gait. If yes, then start walking correctly, train and constantly monitor your body.

Walking rules:

As mentioned above, a very important point is the right shoes. How do you know which heel height is right for you? For this you will need an assistant. Stand on tiptoe, involuntarily, without thinking. With a ruler, measure the resulting distance from the floor to the heel. Do this 3 more times. Take the average of these values ​​and get the ideal heel height. Believe me, wearing shoes with exactly your heel height, you automatically become a girl with a beautiful, and most importantly, correct walk.


Who do you notice on the street, a person who hunches and stoops while walking or people walking beautifully and confidently. You will most likely choose the second option. A stranger is met not only by clothes, but also by the ability to behave. It is the gait that can clearly declare itself in an unfamiliar company. But, how to correct the situation and is it too late to learn to walk again. Not late and good for health. Crooked back, bent legs and drooping shoulders affect the spine. Formed osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal nature. Start changing today. How to learn a beautiful walk?

Pluses of a beautiful gait

A crooked and stiff gait does not adorn a woman. Walking in this way on the street, do not expect a crowd of fans and admiring glances of men. Just as the skin on the neck and arms betrays a woman's age, so her gait reveals the girl's status. By a quick step, it is easy to recognize a busy housewife, by a firm gait - a business woman, and by twitching steps - a naive girl. Do not open the cards immediately, intrigue others with a beautiful walk. Enough attention is being paid to this issue. Remember the famous film by Eldar Ryazanov "Office Romance" and the main character. An absurd costume, lack of makeup and businesslike walking made an old woman out of her. Don't get older too soon.

What are the other advantages of a beautiful walk?

Visual changes. Working on posture, a woman learns to keep her back straight. The result is a taller, slimmer and slimmer look.
. A beautiful gait gives a woman a light step, a luxurious look and the plasticity of a panther. It's hard to miss a girl like that. Despite the assurances that a raised head gives the ladies a proud look, men see off such a girl for a long time with their eyes.
Healthy body. A straight spine is. Regular exercise improves a person's well-being. Headaches, dizziness, discomfort disappear.

A beautiful gait is impossible without a toned tummy and buttocks. Practicing a step, a woman is faced with the need to strengthen her muscles. This not only affects the figure, but also gives health to the internal organs.

How to learn a beautiful walk at home?

Oriental beauties have a thin body and stand out with graceful movements. It's not just about good heredity and mobility of girls. Oriental custom involves wearing a tray of fruit or a jug of water on the head. By training from an early age, beauties get used to keeping their heads straight, hence smooth movements are formed.

How to learn a beautiful walk at home? Follow the example of oriental women and ballerinas. To get used to keeping your head straight, put a heavy book on it. Then walk around the room, trying not to drop it. If it works, then fix the result. Do exercises while cooking, washing, cleaning, ironing things. It is difficult to do homework with a book, so use the modern method. Fill a small bag with sand. Such a pillow is soft in structure, so it will easily be located on the head, take the desired shape. Continue the exercises until the number of falls of the book or bag is reduced to zero. After completing one exercise, you will notice that the camp has straightened up, there is confidence in the gait.

Exercises for a good posture

It is often said about people that they walk as if they were beaten with a stake. A hunched back or too even, tense look the same. The stoop develops in. Girls' complexes about breasts (too big or small) contribute to this. There is a desire to close the chest. The result is a habit of hunching over. If, pay attention to this fact and explain to the child the consequences.

These exercises for good posture will help if there are no diseases of the spine. A arched, stooped back is an occasion to consult a doctor and undergo therapeutic massages. In other cases, perform the following complex:

Start in a seated position in a chair. Take a load weighing up to 5 kg: dumbbells or sandbags. Bend your arms at the elbow joint and spread them apart. Then raise your arms up, making 15 movements in one approach. Repeat arm raises 3 times. Exercise is necessary to create a muscular corset. Regular exercise leads to strengthening of the back and shoulders.
Airplane exercise helps improve posture. To do this, sit on a hard surface with your face down. Then lift your head off the floor and arms, spreading your limbs to the sides. Fix the "flight" for 2-3 minutes. If the exercise does not seem difficult, then connect the legs to the performance.
Start in the starting position as in the second exercise. Rest your palms on the floor, as in push-ups, but do not spread your elbows to the sides. Then lift the body up, adjusting the rise with your hands. At the end point, the arms should be completely straight, with no bends at the elbows. During the exercise, the back arches, the spine is stretched.
Stretching. The task is to stretch the spine and unload after a long sitting, a whole day on your feet. If this is not done, then in the morning you will involuntarily stoop. Hang on the horizontal bar, bend back, raising your hands up and connecting your fingers in the lock.

After completing the exercises, stand in front of a mirror. Look at the image, then straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and slowly pull into your stomach. Carefully observe the picture in the mirror. Notice how your reflection changes. Remember this state and continue to work on your posture.

When you say to a person: “straighten your back”, you notice that the adopted posture is far from ideal. One shoulder is higher than the other, the back is curved, the pelvis is raised, the feet are turned out. A person takes such a position non-specially, he really believes that he is standing exactly. To learn how to stand properly, go to a flat surface and touch your body. Lock in 5 points. Touch the surface with your heels, buttocks, calves, shoulder blades and the back of your head. Now smoothly move away from the wall and try to maintain the resulting position. As soon as you get lost, again approach the flat surface.

Practicing a beautiful step

The gait is formed from many components: the position of the head, back, tucked up abdomen, tightened buttocks. Even after working on your body, you can spoil everything with a frequent or wide step. Either you will walk like Uncle Styopa, making wide movements or mince, copying. If you notice such shortcomings, try to take a step wider or moderate your movements.

How to work out a beautiful step?

Remove the carpets from the floor and take the chalk. Put your foot forward and draw a line as if you were preparing a launch pad while running. Then measure the size of the foot, add 3-5 cm to the resulting number. From the first line, count the distance obtained, draw a second line. Lift the second leg off the floor and set it in such a way that the heel rests on the line.
Continue drawing the ruler. Draw lines across the room. When you step back, you will see that the pattern has turned out. By following it, you will learn how to walk beautifully. Forget about the mincing or wide gait.

Big steps are still removed with tight dresses or skirts. The width of the clothes will not allow you to bring your foot too far. To learn how to walk like a model, girls tie their legs with a rope and walk along the catwalk in this form. Do not use the model gait in everyday life. "Eights" on the catwalk look appropriate and beautiful, in everyday life - strange and vulgar. One thing to learn from models is the smooth movement of the hands. Note how they are loosely lowered and move slightly in time with the gait.

Wearing instep shoes, a woman expects to change her appearance. The body will be tightened, the legs will become longer, and the figure will be slimmer. And so it happens. The inability to walk in heels or the rapid fatigue of the legs can spoil the image. If you rarely wear shoes on the rise, then you should prepare for such a day in advance.

How to learn to walk beautifully in heels?

Walk on your toes. Do household chores barefoot, walking around the room on tiptoes. Make a promenade along the drawn ruler, working out the steps. The main thing is not to overdo it. For the first time, spend 5-10 minutes walking on your toes. Then increase the time to 30-45 minutes. a day or until discomfort in the legs.
Learn to place your foot correctly. It is wrong to completely step on the asphalt or floor with it. The step begins with placing the foot on the heel, then the foot gently lowers to the toe. Pay attention to how women walk in stilettos, it seems that they are wearing stilts. It's not about the wrong shoes, but the wrong setting of the feet.
Spread your socks. Draw a line on the floor or walk along the curb. Make sure your heel and toe are approximately the same level. You can spread the socks a little to the sides, but not inward, otherwise a clubfoot will form.

As you can see, a beautiful gait is a whole science that involves the ability to control your body. Every detail matters. By doing exercises to form the correct gait, you only win. It turns out a beautiful body, toned forms and a healthy posture.

March 17, 2014, 14:46

"Walk as if three men are following you" Oscar de la Renta

You can easily recognize a beautiful and confident woman by her walk. A sophisticated silhouette with a head held high, a dazzling smile and an exciting gait - this is what captivates men's hearts, making them beat even harder, to the rhythm of the sound of your heels. Gait is an integral, perhaps one of the main components of femininity. After all, each of us dreams of being successful with men, attracting admiring glances. A light feminine gait can always skillfully compensate for the shortcomings of the figure and give a special charm to the orbaz as a whole. Do you want to know what is the secret of the success of a woman's gait? Go to a crowded place and observe exactly how women walk. How their arms and legs move, how they hold their heads, carry themselves and open up to the outside world. Our goal is not to invent a completely new gait to replace the old crutches, but to become more natural by integrating the feminine beauty inherent in nature into our own gait. The pursuit of naturalness is what you should strive for. Do you want to learn how to walk lightly, “from the hip”?

Then in this article I will reveal to you 5 important secrets on how to learn to walk beautifully and feminine:


Gracefulness of a cat

While walking, place your foot directly in front of the other, imitating the graceful and smooth gait of a cat. Aim for your footprint to form one straight line, as if you were walking on a tightrope. These movements will help you better understand your body, how your arms and legs should move. Try to look as if you are easily walking into the wind, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, throw them back, and point your pelvis a little forward and ... Go! Bold and Seductive!

2. High heels

Women have a lower center of gravity than men due to wider hips. Therefore, when walking, a woman's hips move smoothly, which gives her sexuality. If you artificially imitate the swaying of the hips, it will look ridiculous and unnatural, it is best to practice walking in high heels, they change the center of gravity and make the spine curve more, which helps to free the hips and naturally makes your movements more feminine. You can enhance this effect by keeping your shoulders straight and still while walking. You will learn how to balance your hips. Once you've mastered how to wiggle your hips seductively in high heels, you can start practicing the same movement in flat shoes. Want to learn how to wear high heels? Read our!

3. Step down

Shortening your stride is another easy and effective way to make your walk more feminine. On average, the length of the female step is 66 cm (this is the distance from the toe of one foot to the toe of the opposite leg). If you want to excel in a feminine walk, grab a ruler, measure your stride length, and start closing the distance between your feet. Keep in mind that the higher the heel, the shorter the steps should be.

Dancing helps develop grace and awareness of your body, which will help you achieve an easy, graceful walk. For example, from belly dancing, the gait will change for the better, as you learn to control your body. And do not forget that dancing gives us a good mood, which is important in our difficult work on the way to creating our own style.

5. Smile

Strange as it may sound, smiling is the most important part of your walk. After all, it is physically very difficult to walk with a light fluttering gait without a smile on your face. Experiment in front of a mirror and see why. Take a “step forward” towards yourself, smile more and more often, no matter what, and then the result will not be long in coming!

With patience and practice, any woman can learn to walk seductively, engaging and intriguing more outside male viewers in her game, but there are also women whose walk has already gone down in history:

Maddening with her curvaceous thighs, Marilyn Monroe is known for her gorgeous gait

The secret of her walk is simple - she filed the heels of her shoes.

Audrey Hepburn attended a ballet school in her youth, where she learned to control her body, keep her posture straight and walk gracefully. Her secret of feminine grace is to wear objects on her head while walking so that they do not fall.

Sophia Loren - During the filming of "Italian Marriage" walked along several rows of bedside tables and closed the doors open on them with her hips, honing her skills so much that she learned to close them silently.

And finally, I want to remind you of Sophia Loren's quote “Often an ugly gait, stoop develops from self-doubt. And beauty, in my opinion, is courage. She draws people to us. If you are self-confident, open to both happiness and adversity, a smile will appear on your face, your gait will become more graceful, and your gestures will become smooth and beautiful.

Yours faithfully,
Svetlana Romanova

How to attract a man's attention? First of all, a beautiful walk, says psychologist and relationship coach Julia Lanske. Is it possible to learn to walk so that people pay attention to you? And what common myths prevent women from learning how to walk beautifully? Everything you need to know about women's walking - and exercises to practice walking beautifully.

Once Marilyn Monroe was complimented: “You have such a beautiful walk. Who taught you to walk like that?”

“No one,” she replied. “Like all children, I went for a year, and since then I have not taken lessons from anyone.” That's right, she didn't take it, although many courses teach how to walk beautifully, but she had a flair for how to present herself deliciously. That is, in a year she, of course, did not think about it, but then she used her natural grace to the fullest.

And another example, the opposite. “Everything will go off, it will tie into a knot, it will shrink like an old tattered shoe, and now it scratches for work, as if it were hammering piles,” secretary Verochka from “Office Romance” very accurately described average women who categorically do not know how to “walk from the hip” .

The same woman can walk in different ways - faster or slower, can take part or lengthen her step, can swing her arms, can put her hands in her pockets, or can carry bags of food in both hands - this also affects her gait.

Walking can be used to judge the state of mind of a woman. When everything works out, the mood is high, we fly, when everything is bad and terrible, we drag ourselves like old nags, raking our feet.

Myth one: men look first of all at a woman's legs

Remember, when men walk, it is the breasts that attract men to women, not the nose, forehead, head, chin, shoulders, hips or knees. Of course, when you take a step, your straightened leg will appear first, but the lower part of the leg is not at the level of the man's eyes. Your chest should be in the center of attention, a man's eyes should stumble upon it.

Try experimenting and see which part of your body is the most "prominent" in the walk you parade through life.

A beautiful gait suggests slightly turned-out toes: starting position - heels together, toes apart, full extension of the knee and a straight back. If you slouch while walking, it adds to your age and reduces the chest, turning the zero size into a minus one. The chest does not stand, but hangs on the belly. Some walk, leaning forward, they will peck with their nose - such a "bird" gait also does not add charm. Others walk on bent knees, trying to balance their heavy bottoms.

Myth two: a beautiful walk is possible only in heels

The way we walk depends on the shoes we wear. Heels are great, but not everyone knows how to walk in heels. If heels interfere with a woman, this is immediately noticeable - movements become constrained, it seems that most of all their owner is afraid of falling. Way out: having bought shoes with unusually high heels for you, first wear them at home (the neighbors below will tolerate it), then in the office, and only then go out into the street. I cannot but say that the constant wearing of high heels deforms the foot. Alternate shoes - a heel for going out and a heel for every day, lower.

Many women walk with their legs wide apart. This is a man's walk. Women's gait is walking along one ruler. It contributes to the "turning" of the female silhouette - an hourglass.

If you stand or walk like "feet shoulder width apart", your silhouette will be rectangular - masculine. And if you narrow your gait and teach yourself to walk in a narrower trajectory, such a gait will contribute to a triangular shape - feminine.

A masculine gait is developed by those who prefer sneakers or flat shoes and slap on the "ski". I agree that the shoes are comfortable. But - on a run or when you are going out of town for a barbecue.

The ideal option is a free sliding gait. The length of the step depends on what you have on your feet, but in any case, you should not mince, however, you should not take too wide steps. Never make sudden movements, they carry nervousness, and this cannot attract a man in principle. Try to lengthen the step and slightly pull the toe so that the graceful foot does not stick out like a poker and is not loose.

Myth three: you have to learn how to walk from fashion models

Evaluating a woman's movements, her gait, I usually single out three directions: down, forward and up.

Down is when you walk as if you are marching with your feet on the ground. There is no need to talk about the beauty of movements here. There is only one thought: how hard it is for you, how many worries you have, what kind of a man is there, to get home as soon as possible.

Forward - this is how fashion models usually walk. Despite the fact that their hips are actively working, the bones of the pelvis often protruding from thinness are moved forward, the figure seems inanimate, or rather, “cartoonish” - there are few natural movements in this gait.

Don't take fashion model's gait as an ideal. They move sharply, worked out, dryly. It is important for them not to show themselves, but to focus on clothes. Your task is the opposite. Neither the image of the wife, nor the image of the mistress, the gait of the fashion model is in any way connected. I would call this gait "working" - for the podium, but not for ordinary life.

And finally, up is the optimal choice: the figure is pulled up, the head is raised, you are not walking, but lightly carrying yourself. Not a burden of worries, not the dress that you are wearing, but yourself, the very best. With such a gait, the muscular corset of the back carries you. Learn to stretch up and you will feel like a bird preparing to fly.

If you get into the habit of reaching up towards the sun, you will have more control over your movements and balance, and walking will be much easier. Unconsciously, positive emotions will turn on, and when an interesting man appears next to you, you can turn on and get into the field of view, whatever your mood was seconds before his appearance. After all, the body is already moving with a flying gait, and turning on a smile is a matter of seconds.

Fourth myth: to walk beautifully, you need to lose weight

Gait does not depend on your weight. You can be full, but at the same time graceful, “delicious”, as men will say. And you can be thin, but walk like a wooden Pinocchio.

Our gait is influenced - at the subconscious level - by clothing. We wear sports or military style clothes - there is more freedom or rigor in movements. Romantic style suggests fluidity, evening wear requires classic precision in every gesture. The chosen style gives rise to an image, and the image involves reincarnation, including a change in gait.

Of course, it does not happen that you get up in the morning and immediately swim like a swan - if your gait is far from ideal, you will have to work on it. You can start with the simplest - morning exercises, which include exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals. A beautiful posture and a beautiful gait are practically the same thing.

I have a course called The Grace of a Gorgeous Woman. At my request, the course participants made videos for me. They came to the store, put on different outfits, left the fitting room and asked the consultants to shoot a short passage on the phone. And then I looked through these videos and suggested what to pay attention to: where is the center of gravity, where is it shifted, how do the arms work, how do the legs, and so on.

Myth five: only long legs are beautiful

I would like to refute the persistent stereotype that only long legs are beautiful. Not at all! It often happens that a long-legged woman walks like a heron. And there are women with “average” short legs, but they will step so gracefully that men will not tear their eyes off.

Learn to draw men's attention to your legs. For example, I have a thin ankle and pumped up calves, because I was engaged in folk dances. My legs are short. When I stand on a heel, my thin ankle looks very beautiful, and, knowing this, I try to demonstrate it. I don’t like everything from the knee and above, and if I don’t like it, I try to choose shoes and clothes so as not to focus on the thighs and hips. But if you have beautiful hips, then you need to show and emphasize them. You are the mistress of your body, so dispose of it in such a way that it would be pleasant for you. And others.

Exercises for a beautiful walk


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