How to do a male lap dance
How To Give A Striptease / Lap Dance For Your Woman
Welcome to the complete beginners guide for men who wish the learn how to give their wife / girlfriend / whoever… a sexy striptease and lap dance in private!
If you want to ignite that spark in your relationship, or add a new bedroom skill for future dates, then you’re seriously in luck.
There’s a lot of bad information out there on the internet, with many false fact’s and misleading instructions.
I’m not joking – the amount of bad information out there is insane! And I don’t want YOU to get the wrong advice.
So If you want accurate information regarding how to give your woman a striptease, backed by my own personal experience as a male stripper – then keep reading!
So giving an authentic lap dance for your woman is not as easy as one may think. Simply put – the more effort you put into practice, preparation and appearance, the more effective this skill will be.
Don’t think for 1 minute you can spend a few hours and come up with something that will blow her away – you’re kidding yourself.
To seduce your wife / girlfriend with a lap dance requires you to fully commit to the idea of seduction, and to invest time into planning how it’s all going down on the night.
Follow my beginners tutorial on lap dancing your woman below – and you’ll have a much better chance at success!
Choosing Your Striptease Song/s
Obviously we’re going to be lap dancing to music, but the more important questions are what song/s? How many songs? What genre should I choose?
My first piece of advice to choose something that she will enjoy listening to, however also consider if you feel comfortable dancing to it. It’s very important that you strip to something she actually likes and also something you’re able to get emotionally connected to whilst performing the striptease.If you and your woman both listen and enjoy music that’s highly not appropriate for performing a striptease, such as heavy metal or classical music, then my suggestion is slow R’n’B music.
Especially the R’n’B music from the 90’s and early 2000’s.
Think About What You Will Wear During The Lap Dance.
So there’s 2 options for you. You either use a costume or not. It’s entirely up to you. There’s no wrong answer here, just your personal preference.
Would you feel comfortable giving your woman a striptease in a police uniform? Or a Builder Outfit? Or even dressed like an army soldier? If the answer is yes, and you can also envision your woman being into the ‘role play’ aspect, then i highly recommend it.
It’s a great way for both of you to get ‘caught in the moment’ and really embrace the experience of of striptease.On the other hand – If you decide costumes aren’t your thing. Thats ok! A lap dance can be just as effective in your own clothes – so long as you dress appropriately and don’t look like you just woke up! The casual clothes appearance can be a great addition to ‘take her by surprise’ and bust out a lap dance without her knowing. -
Where Will You Give The Lap Dance?
Your room set up, and how much space you allocate for yourself is very important.
Preparation is key.
Knowing your environment, the space you have to work with, the lighting, floor surface and chair (for her to sit on) is all crucial.
You’ll need adequate space to give her a lap dance and show her some of your male stripper dance moves, please do not try an attempt a lap dance in a confined, crowded or messy space. There’s nothing worse than knocking over some ornaments, or even slipping on a rug whilst dancing. It’s going to 100% kill the mood in the room immediately.
Please take the time to plan where you will do the lap dance, then clean the room and move around furniture to allocate space if need be.
We talk more about room preparation,space and most importantly, the lighting, in our lap dance masterclass online course. -
Planning Your Striptease
Please don’t play your favourite track and cross your fingers and hope for the best. That’s why i’m here! To help you!
You should give yourself some form of structure to your show.Now let me be clear – i’m not suggesting your choreograph everything you do. In fact, I don’t recommend that. Why? Because choreographing dance moves for a TikTok video is 1 thing, but lap dancing is a whole different universe.
The emotional (and physical) connections you need to make with your partner whilst lap dancing require you to be ‘present in the moment’ and also constantly aware of her movements and reactions.Lap dancing It’s a 2 way process, on the other side, choreographing a dance routine for an audience is a 1 way process.
A dance routine is simply delivering your show to an audience who just watches it, that’s it. A lap dance is you delivering a show to someone you have an emotional connection with, in which they will receive your advances and react in response to your actions.
A good lap dance should be a 2 way process, 2 people connecting and feeding off each others ‘energy’.Having said that, this is why you shouldn’t choreograph everything. Your lap dance will become stiff, rehearsed and lack any sort of passion.
It will become a 1 way process.
In order to achieve a lap dance experience with 2 individuals immersed in each others presence, we need to allow us time to improvise and flow with the ‘moment’.
This is where my ‘anchor point’ system is so important. It’s a full proof system that will give structure to your show (so it still looks professional and clean) – whilst still giving you opportunity to interact with your partner however you like.
The anchor point planning system was designed to give ordinary, everyday men who can’t learn or remember choreography, the chance to put on a show without having to remember tedious amounts of dance steps and positions.In our online course, we teach the fundamentals of sexy body movements, along with lap dance moves / tricks and finally masculine dance moves.
Make sure you know exactly what your plan is when performing a striptease for your woman
How To Initiate The Striptease?
Actually starting the show, or even bringing up the idea – can be more difficult than you may realise.
For some it may come easy, but for others, it may present a problem.
Sure – you can just blurt it out like an impatient 6 year old waiting for the film to begin, or, you can subtly suggest the idea, leaving a thought of the concept in her mind, so she can ponder on it and let it grow into a desire of her own.
This is the optimal method of transitioning into the lap dance, it should be something both individuals eventually desire.There are some great methods you can apply when smoothly hinting the idea of a lap dance. First of all, I suggest only doing the striptease when she is relaxed, in a good mood and is feeling appreciated. For this reason setting up the night with a dinner date is a fantastic idea. Proceeding this, a gift can also make your woman feel loved, thus more likely to receive the lap dance wholly.
Those are just a few example of how to approach the situation of a striptease show.So I hope you’ve learnt a few new things, and these steps has you moving in the right direction.
Yes I know I didn’t cover everything – but this is just a beginners guide, ok?
It’s designed to give you a little more clarity around the situation.
If this is something you’re looking to move forward with more seriously, I highly suggest you check out the ‘Lapdance Masterclass’ – It’s a complete online course packed full of video tutorials on how to give the best lap dance of your life.
We are giving away a FREE 5 day trial, so make sure to check that out!Your author Tommy ‘Gun’ Harvey is the founder of Male Stripper Academy. An international training organisation committed to developing the highest standard of male strippers world-wide. Tommy has been heavily involved in the male stripping industry for over 8 years, he has toured around the world with internationally acclaimed male revues, worked in Las Vegas and currently runs his own agency in Gold Coast, Australia.
How To Give A Lap Dance That Will Drive Your Man Crazy | Pleasure Mechanics
If you've ever fantasized about mesmerizing your man with a slow striptease before sex, rest assured you're not alone.
Wanting to tap into your inner diva and mastering the art of seduction to sexy music is totally natural (not to mention incredibly sexy).
Foreplay is not only just a fun part of initiating sex, but it can actually be an incredible time to bond you to your partner — and what better way than by turning your man on by learning how to give a lap dance with the sexiest movements your hips can offer?
Men enjoy lap dances — but there’s more to it than just watching as you gyrate and dance. It can also be an incredibly freeing moment for you as well, and make you feel sexy and confident before you even touch each other.
But lap dances can also seem a bit intimidating, and that’s okay!
Those of us who aren’t skilled in dancing or have never given a lap dance before might not know where to start. But once you’ve got a good place to begin, you can have an incredible amount of fun learning how to lap dance and showing off your best moves.
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If you want to get your man hot and bothered as a special occasion or even as a new form of foreplay before things really take off in the bedroom, then lap dances can be an intimately fun way to initiate sex.
We know a thing or two about how couples can improve their sex lives and become better lovers, and sharing something as passionate as a lap dance can certainly make for an interesting evening together.
Lap dances should last as long as you want them to, depending on your level of comfort, your playlist, and the overall mood. While the cost of a lap dance typically varies at certain venues, it's totally cool to give your boyfriend a lap dance. (And if you want to charge him, that's up to you.)
One of the most common questions you might have before you start is: “How can I give my man the best lap dance of his life without seeming like an amateur?” And if you’d like to know the answer to that, keep reading!
How to Give a Lap Dance Like a Total Pro
1. Treat the lap dance like it's a (sexy) special occasion.
Lap dancing isn't an everyday activity, but a seductive gift you can offer your man for special occasions.
These days, people automatically assume that erotic dance is only for strip clubs and music videos, but it's so much more than that.
Imagine your lover being completely spellbound by your every move, quivering with desire, ready to follow your every command. Learn to lap dance, and you'll gain tremendous erotic power and confidence.
2. Practice your lap dance moves.
Long before you give your man a lap dance, start dancing for your own pleasure. Find a few songs that you think are sexy and seductive and then practice dancing to them, enjoying the way the moves feel in your body.
Ditch the mirror and don't worry about what looks sexy. Focus on what feels sexy to you.
One of our golden rules is "get out of your head, get into your hips!" Women spend too much energy worrying about how they look, what their lover is thinking and if they are performing adequately enough.
Take all of that energy and focus on how you feel. Bring the focus of your attention down into your body and notice the sensations of pleasurable movement.
Start with your hips. Place your hands on your hips and sway your hips left and right. Notice how your whole body curves in response. Then thrust your hips forward and notice how your spine arches. All of these bends and curves are crazy sexy.
Have a little extra flesh? Use it to your advantage and accentuate your curves as you bend and sway with the music.
Firmly put your hands on the arms of the chair. Sway your hips from side to side.
Next, find a song that you love dancing to. You can choose a fast, booty-thumping song that makes you feel feisty and alive. Or you may prefer a sensual dance to a slow love song.
Find the songs that make you feel most alive, most erotically charged and most ready to seduce your lover. Then dance to the song over and over again until you are at ease, moving your hips and swaying to the rhythm.
You don't have to choreograph a whole routine, just find a few good moves that feel sexy to you. The more confidence you have, the more desire you will build in your audience of one!
RELATED: 9 Exotic Dancers Offer Sexy Tips For The Perfect Strip Tease

When you are ready to give your man a lap dance, take a few moments to prepare the space.
Clear the floor around your most comfortable chair. Imagine your man sitting in the chair, beaming at you with love and appreciation. Make sure you can walk all the way around the chair so you can dance in a 360-degree circle of seduction!
Dim the lights if you can or flood the room with candlelight. You may even want to buy colored light bulbs to create a new atmosphere. It doesn't take much to create the thrill of novelty!
Create an atmosphere that makes you feel sexy, seductive and in the mood to dance. As you prepare the space, start taking long deep breaths and get yourself in the zone.
4. Make sure your body and mind are in the zone.
What you wear for your lap-dancing performance is totally up to you.
You can go all out and dress up in your finest dress and high heels, go out on a date and give your lover a lap dance as dessert. Or you can hide gorgeous lingerie under casual clothes and surprise him on Sunday morning.
Make it your own. After all, a lap dance is an authentic expression of your sexuality!
You'll be getting very close and intimate with your lover, so take the time to take a long shower or bath and anoint yourself with a scent you love.
You'll feel more confident and relaxed if you take a few moments to tend to your body before you present yourself to your lover.
Set aside all worries about mundane life. Ditch your to-do lists. Mindfully step into the role of seductress.
Your only job for the next stretch of time is to feel so good in your body that you cast a spell, seducing your lover into your pleasure zone.
As much as you are giving a gift to your lover, you are also giving yourself the gift of a time to feel sexy, fully alive and sensually awake.
5. Build up the anticipation — it will drive him wild!Don't tell your man what he has in store for him, but hint that you have something special to offer him. Let him wonder what's coming next.
Start your lap dance in whatever style you prefer. You can put the music on and strut your stuff.
Or just turn away, look over your shoulder as the song begins, wink at him and start to move. Whatever you do, commit fully.
Trust us, he is not going to evaluate your dance moves. He'll get excited at the opportunity to take in all of your beauty and will love the confidence in your body.
Don't worry about getting every move right and just let yourself have fun with it. Your own pleasure is the secret sauce that will make your lap dance the most memorable of his life.
So own your power, move for your own pleasure, and know that you are giving him the profound gift of watching your gorgeous body dance!
6. Ladies, strip tease it out.
Start far away from him, and time your approach with the song so the last few moves are right on his lap.
As you gain confidence, you can even create a playlist for a multi-song seduction, starting slow and working up to serious grinding on his lap. But to start, pick one sexy song and know that you have three to five minutes to give it your all.
From far away, make eye contact with him and slowly start moving into your dance. Then peel away one item of clothing at a time — or leave it all on! You can even combine striptease and lap dancing, and he will love it, no matter how nervous you are.
If it makes you feel more confident, leave all your clothes on and leave the undressing for later. Or strip down just to your lingerie. This is your expression, so do what makes you feel best.
As you move, slowly approach him and then back away. Then move around behind him, lightly stroking his hair and shoulders. Let him feel your breasts and hair graze the nape of his neck.
Then circle back around. Your goal is to tease him as much as possible, making him ache to touch you.
RELATED: I Learned How To Striptease For My Wife To Save My Marriage
7. Keep it simple.
You don't have to go crazy with your lap dance!
Once you have built up anticipation, start dancing closer to him. When you feel ready, let the climax of the lap dance begin.
Turn so you are facing away from him and slowly let your hips sink closer and closer to his lap. Whether he gets fully erect or not, remember that an erection is not a full measure of his arousal. So don't worry about how hard he is.
Here are four simple moves for once you are dancing in his lap:
1. Start by swaying your hips left and right.
This simple move is surprisingly powerful. Add a little dip by bending your knees as you sway.
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32 Best Lap Dance Songs To Strip To At Home
2. Lower your hips so they are just barely above his pants and then move your body in circles in time with the music.
3. Try a pelvic tilt by thrusting your hips forward and back.
Give your hips an extra push as you move back to make your booty bounce in a delicious way!
4. The fourth move you can try is a simple bounce squat.
Position yourself squarely above his lap and then squat quickly up and down, bouncing on his lap without ever making full contact. This move is a huge tease and turn-on. Play with speed; start with slow squats and then bring up the tempo until you are bouncing in the air, just above him.
Glance over your shoulder once in a while and make eye contact. He'll want to both look in your eyes and at your beautiful body — the desire to do both will be a delightful form of erotic tease!
8. Remember to finish the lap dance strong.
When you are ready to finish off as the song comes to an end, turn around so you are facing him, straddling one or both of his legs. Then do the same four moves: sway, thrust, circle and bounce.
Facing your lover means that your breasts (covered or not, they will still be a treat) will be at about face level. Use this to your advantage, and as you move your hips around his lap pay attention to all the delicious ways you can tease him.
When the song comes to an end, you have two choices. You can settle right into his lap and then let the charge take you into making out (and whatever other intimate activities you have on your mind!).
Or, you can get up and strut right out of the room, leaving him out of breath and dazzled by your presence. Remember, you are in charge!
9. Give your sexy self a pat on the back.
Choosing to give your lover a lap dance is a very powerful step toward more sexual confidence, in and out of the bedroom.
When you can accept the fact that you are gorgeous and a worthy object of his attention, you start to forget to care about the little imperfections and instead focus on the incredible pleasure your body can feel.
Lap dancing is a gift for both of you. Your lover gets the joy and arousal of watching you dance, and you get all of the pleasure of feeling like a powerful seductress.
Remember, start the journey by setting aside time to dance in private and bring your awareness to how much pleasure you can feel just by moving to one of your favorite songs.
Once you feel great and are ready to seduce your lover with a lap dance, follow the steps in this guide and you'll create a potent pleasure spell that is sure to transport you both.
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More for You:
The Pleasure Mechanics are a team of sex educators and touch experts dedicated to providing people around the world with the tools and strategies they need to experience maximum sexual pleasure. Their books and videos offer time-tested strategies based on human anatomy, psychology and an understanding of the social nature of human sexuality.
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How to dance a lap dance for your husband at home
When passion attacks you and your beloved, then, of course, you rip off each other's clothes and indulge in love right on a dog rug or some other unsightly place. But how common it all is, just to the point of nausea. Why not diversify the noble impulses of passion? Why not lap dance for your husband? And you won't have to buy any poles. You can get by with simple improvised cheap means. But first…
Overcome shame
Without internal liberation, a lap dance will turn into a miserable awkward clowning. Of course, alcohol can help here, but if you are cold to it, then you will have to engage in self-hypnosis - stand in front of the mirror, stroke yourself and suggest that you are the goddess of body movements, the true queen of bacchanalia.
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Create the right atmosphere
Without atmosphere, the dance will not find a proper response in you or in your beloved.
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Choosing a place
Start with the room. Which one to choose? It's hard to say, but definitely more spacious. Everything superfluous from the room will have to be removed.
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You will need a couple of chairs, of course with a high back. One, of course, for her husband - you will parade around him, right? You can't do without a chair either - it will help you not to fall off when you slowly undress.
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Declare a temporary war on Ilyich light bulbs and all energy-saving technologies, well, proclaim the world to romantic candles and the mysterious play of light and shadow. You can also hang a shawl with a scarf on table and wall lamps - this will add romance, a charming twilight will reign in the room. Floor lamps and garlands will also perfectly fit into the exciting atmosphere of temptation.
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They should be special too, so don't feel sorry for your favorite perfumes and fumigate the room with aromatic incense.
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It greatly liberates. Without beautiful music, it will surely be difficult for you. Pick something to match the lap dance. It can be, for example, Kylie Minogue's relatively simple song "Chocolate" or Madonna's full of passion and very exciting composition "Justify my love". If you don't want to rack your brains, then just turn on the classics of the genre - Joe Cocker's song "You can leave your hat on". The choice is yours. The main thing is to catch the rhythm, become one with it.
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Get dressed and comb your hair
Have you decided on the atmosphere? Well done. Now dress up. You can put on a nightgown that is usual for home conditions or create a unique image of a teacher or student girl. In any case, the choice is yours. You can also put on a work overalls - the main thing is that you feel comfortable in it, and your husband is turned on by such an "outfit".
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Easy-to-remove outfit
Choose clothes that are easy to get rid of - dance is a dynamic thing, you have to remove everything deftly and quickly. Men's shirts or a jacket are considered classics for intimate movements. So don't use the same jeans. Although a button-down shirt and a pencil skirt are fine, they are much easier to take off quickly.
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Choosing underwear
The most important element of strip clothing is, of course, underwear. Try to create a "composition" so that the bra matches the panties, creating a whole image. By the way, tanga panties and tights are almost perfect for such an “event”. High-heeled shoes are another classic of the strip genre. But if you are not sure that you can keep your balance in them, it is better not to wear them.
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sleep. It would also be nice if the head was wet and shiny, and the guy wanted to stroke you.
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Pick up teasing accessories
You have a wide choice here:
For example, you can take a scarf, ribbon, or (for especially riotous) handcuffs to tie your husband's hands, and he would not be tempted to drag you into bed before the end of the dance or try to masturbate.
There is a time for everything - let him suffer, deserve the main prize with his long-suffering.
You can also take a pen (they sell them in bulk in a sex shop) to tickle your lover or move it over your body while sitting on a chair.
Tie is another great accessory. "Clamp" him with it, drag him to you, pierce him with a passionate look and abruptly let him go.
If you like to please yourself, then, of course, a "dildo" will also come in handy.
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How to tease
You are the forbidden fruit. The one that is sweet. The husband should get excited, but not get discharged! That's the whole point, after all, to bring his excitement to the limit, to wake up a real beast in him!
Explain to him right away - you look at me, you get excited, but touch - no, no! By the way, you also need to touch him in moderation, and you certainly don’t need to pull your loved one’s penis.
Gently stroke, pinch and smack him on the cheek or neck, whisper something in his ear and run your hand through his hair, but nothing more.
And be sure to throw seductive playful glances in the direction of your man. Try not to lose eye contact with him.
By the way, it wouldn't hurt to learn how to turn a man on with words.
How to defile
Imagine yourself as a model and defile like you are on the catwalk. Put your hands on your hips and walk with your head held high, your back straight and your chest forward. As you do so, swing your hips, place one leg as straight as possible in front of the other, and try to exude confidence.
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How to undress
Do not take off more than one piece of clothing at a time. Start from the top and move down: first you take off your glasses (if you are in the form of a teacher) and let your hair down, then you start pulling off your skirt, then your bra, tights, panties - in that order.
Don't forget - the purpose of a lap dance is to tease, so you should not just take off your clothes, but first hint that you are going to do it - for example, unbutton one button, or a zipper, and not just take everything off right away. Run your hand over your dress, and only then start pulling it off. Pull the panties a couple of times, lower them down and only then take them off completely.
Try to let the clothes fall freely on the floor at the end, and you can just get off without bending over.
Basic actions during the dance
You don’t need to learn any complicated choreographic figures at all, but still the most elementary rules of beautiful and seductive body movements, you need to know their sequence:
At the beginning of the "warm up" just move your hips and dance.
After taking off each item of clothing, approach your husband with a defiling step, but immediately move away from him.
A couple of times you can gently lower yourself to the floor and bend forward on your knees like a cat.
Suppose you have already passed the first "simple" stage of the dance, took off your outer clothes and moved on to the main "dish" - taking off your underwear. So:
Grasp the back of a chair, lean forward very slowly so that your tempting ass is in the field of view of your beloved.
Put your foot on a chair and slowly lower one stocking, and then the other.
Without getting up from your chair, completely get rid of stockings.
Turn your back on your husband and unfasten your bra, lower its straps.
Turn to face your beloved. Keep your hands on the bra, as if not letting it fall.
Start moving your hips before letting go of the bra.
Stand with your back to your husband again, spread your legs wide and start taking off your panties.
Turn sharply so that the panties fall to your ankles.
Lift one leg and free it from the panties, and throw the other to the side.
During the dance, constantly move your hands, passionately move them over your body - as if it were not you, but your beloved.
Privat on your knees
It is better to go to private on your knees when you have almost completely undressed, left in your panties. Before that, just sit on your beloved for a couple of moments, rub your ass, but immediately get up and return to your chair:
Approach your loved one, “saddle up”, put your hands around his head, and put your hair down on your face.
Pull sharply towards you so that he buries his face into your chest. Let him kiss her, but don't let him touch her.
Touch your loved one, jump on him, hug him to you - in general, do whatever you want, but don't let him touch you too much.
Actually, this is where the dance ends. The "icing on the cake" for your loved one can be oral sex - in a "bar" striptease, they usually dance and decorate it. But in the "home" version, the scope for imagination is much wider.
How long the dance will last
Not long - 10 minutes maximum. It is better to limit yourself to 7-8 minutes. Do not forget that you have passionate sex ahead of you. If the dance is too long, then your man may "burn out", get too excited and "cool down" prematurely.
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Striptease lesson: how to make a spicy gift - Relationships
Striptease as a gift is controversial. Someone will be delighted with such a present, and someone will be shocked.Experts told which men would appreciate a spicy gift, and also gave advice and basic lessons on how to prepare a private dance on your own and how to create an appropriate atmosphere for home striptease.
From Western films, we clearly understood - a striptease as a gift will please any man. Yes, and a woman, if we are talking about a private dance, performed by a man. Ladies even take strip dancing lessons themselves to surprise their beloved at home, and expect such a foreplay to be appreciated and received with gratitude. But in real life is not so clear cut.
It turns out that some people don't want to receive street music as a present, and it doesn't matter who will perform it. Especially if outsiders are present during the dance. Psychologists warn that a stripper is a gift to a man who experiences any kind of sexual complex. sphere, will only remind him of the problem. Therefore, it is important to consider who and in what situation to do such a gift.
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humiliated. It can cause shame, embarrassment if it happens in public, kill holiday mood. Therefore, a woman must find out in advance what will be reaction. If a couple can visit a strip club together and freely discuss such topics, then perhaps the gift will be received positively,” says the head of the psychotherapeutic department of the clinic "Insight" Igor Lyakh (Novosibirsk).
Giving a striptease to a boss, colleague or business partner — unacceptable, etiquette specialist Evgenia Skiba (Barnaul) is sure. "In business situations, most people behave with restraint. This is allowed in some creative company. Among people who are merry and jokers in life. They can recognize by behavior, manner brightly, look unusual. They do it themselves such gifts, and appreciate if they are congratulated by a stripper, ”explains expert. Housewives and sportswomen: who learns striptease
Professional dancer and owner of a striptease agency Alexei Zhorkin in his own experience confidently declares that most of the orders are just the same as gifts. Of these, a lot for the boss of any gender. Strippers and strippers are often invited to February 23, March 8, hen parties, stag parties, birthdays, and once, in his memory, they ordered for a wedding.
“There is a negative reaction. The husband begins to be shy, because he does not know how his wife will react if behave uninhibited with the artist. Therefore, we ask that they break through the soil in advance. Or we ask you to leave the room so that they do not embarrass you with your presence. It happens that the people themselves, to whom they give, are asked to stop the dance. This was at a bachelorette party with a very moral bride. In this case, the artist can continue the dance for the public. But more often the reaction is good,” says Zhorkin.
A large proportion of couples believe that the teasing dance able to increase the degree of passion and diversify routine family life. But also here experts advise to approach carefully, and take into account the many factors: from the situation, the occasion to the current state of the relationship. The last one is perhaps the most important.
“There are troubles in family relationships — routine, ritual, adaptation. When a married couple begins to limit fantasies about each other, then such an important part of sexuality as flirting disappears. Many industries exist for due to the fact that this flirting is provided, for example, by Internet dating. That's why many women at one time were so carried away by half-dance that in their relationship novelty, mystery appeared, things connected with fantasy appeared. Usually it strengthens the couple, ”Lyakh believes.
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flirting, then the reaction to the striptease of the wife or girl is likely to be positive, and she will achieve the desired effect. And if such an important component is no longer there, a woman runs the risk of causing discontent or other negative emotions that before this was restrained, the psychologist warns.
As strip dance choreographer Marina Ignatenko said, most often women apply for lessons when they find out that a man is looking “on the side” or go to strip bars. And then, having learned the strip, they draw attention to myself.
“A woman becomes more self-confident, her gait becomes more graceful. A woman begins to change from the inside, they begin to look at her differently, her man feels it, thinks what has changed in her and thinks about her, the choreographer says.
If you want to dance a striptease, she advises you to take at least a few lessons dancers to master the basic set of movements, and then act with an eye on their own opportunities and benefits. So, if a girl has flexibility, then be sure use twine and braces. And if a woman has long beautiful hair, then dance it out.
In general, the basic set of strip dance elements is simple - "kitty", backbends, stretching, half twine (twine for those who can afford it), half-bridge, touching yourself. Basically, almost anyone can do it.
But we must remember that home striptease is a small show, therefore, appropriate attire is important (you can buy a role-playing costume in a sex shop or just put on a beautiful set of underwear and stockings), manicure, pedicure, makeup, hairstyle.
Especially for readers, the choreographer told how to prepare for home striptease on her own, and showed the basic movements. We start with a warm-up and train plasticity.
According to Ignatenko, striptease is impossible without heels. Ideally, you need to stand on strips - shoes with a platform that professional women use. If there are no similar shoes and you don’t want to buy specially, you can do without a platform, but heels are required, and as high as possible.
At home, there is usually no stage or pole. But there are always walls and floors, the use of which will also help to hide the lack of physical fitness. A well-warmed body, practiced movements and personal imagination are the main components of a beautiful home dance.