How to dance in front of birthday cakes
How to dance in front of different birthday cakes in Fortnite
It feels like the simpler times when no one knew how to build. Fortnite just turned three years old today, and Epic announced that it would be celebrating the occasion in style.
The Birthday Bash event features awesome rewards in the shape of a back bling, a gun skin, and emotes. Completing all the birthday challenges will also reward players with 80,000 XP, which makes the event more than worth it considering how stacked this season’s Battle Pass is.
There are a total of five challenges to complete in the event, and one of them requires players to dance around 10 birthday cakes scattered around the Fortnite map. Challenges like this are usually hard to complete when they first go live since dancing out in the open also means you’ll be a sitting duck. This quest, however, looks to have conquered the heart of many Fortnite fans, and you’ll see many players trying to dance in peace around the birthday cakes.
Here are all the birthday cake locations you’ll need to hit to complete this quest.
It looks like most of the birthday cakes are located in the center of some of the most popular landmarks.
All birthday cake locations in Fortnite – Image via Fortnite.GGThe first birthday cake location : Retail Row – Image via Fortnite.GGThe second birthday cake location : Lazy Lake – Image via Fortnite.GGThe third birthday cake location : Slurpy Swamp – Image via Fortnite.GGThe fourth birthday cake location : Weeping Woods – Image via Fortnite.GGThe fifth birthday cake location : Doom’s Domain – Image via Fortnite.
You’ll need to head over to Retail Row for the first one and it’s located toward the right of the city. It’s quite out in the open, and you should notice its blue table alongside other players who are having a dance party without you.
The second cake isn’t that far from the first one since it’s just in the middle of Lazy Lake. You can easily make your way here with a car or building yourself a ramp to activate your glider in the Team Rumble game mode.
The third one’s a bit far from the first two, and you’ll find inside Slurpy Swamp. It will be waiting for you inside the rather large parking lot in the city.
The fourth one’s one of the few you could miss since it’s inside a house in Sweeping Woods. Unlike other birthday cakes, this one’s slightly off the landmark’s center, and you’ll need to go toward the north after making your way to Sweeping Woods.
The fifth birthday cake could require you to rejoin a match since the circle can be too small for you to get it after dancing in front of four birthday cakes in one game. It’s located in Doom’s Domain, a.k.a. Pleasant Park, and it’s on a sidewalk close to Doom’s statue.
The sixth statue is in Salty Springs, a landmark quite close to Doom’s Domain. The cake will be toward the right of the town. Salty Springs is relatively small compared to the other points of interest, so you should be able to see the cake as soon as you get to the location.
The seventh is one of the more accessible cakes to locate if you’re a frequent looter of Sweaty Sands. This location isn’t too far away from Salty Springs, and the cake will be just outside of the pier’s entrance.
For the eighth birthday cake, you’ll need to make your way toward the bottom of the map once again and set your destination to Holly Hedges. The cake is in the upper part of Holly Hedges, inside a small parking lot.
The ninth birthday cake will be waiting for you in Misty Meadows, and you’ll need to cross the bridge to the right side of the landmark. The cake will be next to the water fountain.
You’ll find the final cake in Dirty Docks. It won’t be in the center of the map, however, so you’ll need to get to the upper part of the landmark. The birthday cake is located in a small alleyway, and you can notice it from above if you approach the destination with your glider.
We recommend completing this quest in the Team Rumble game mode since you’ll be able to activate your glider after jumping off heights to move faster. Considering the zone shrinks relatively smaller in this game mode, and you can respawn after getting knocked out, the odds of completing the whole challenge in one game increase drastically. Dancing or emoting for around three to four seconds will be enough to trigger the quest, and you’ll be able to move onto the next one.
There’ll also be birthday cake slices circling the gigantic cake, and consuming them will grant you five shields. It’s a low amount of protection, but you could take note where the birthday cakes are to make pit stops in your ranked matches until the event runs out.
You don’t have to complete this quest in the order we’ve done either since all the birthday cakes spawn at the same time. You’ll need to complete four other quests to complete the birthday event, however.
How to Dance in Front of Cakes
By Greysun Morales
One of Fortnite's Birthday quests requires players to dance in front of four different cakes.
Fortnite is celebrating its fourth birthday, and Epic Games has thrown in a few new quests into the game to commemorate the special occasion. There are three new quests to complete from Birthday Brigade Ramirez, and one of them tasks players with dancing in front of four Birthday cakes around the island. Using this guide, players will find an easy method to find four as quickly as possible.
The large Birthday cakes to celebrate Fortnite's Bday are scattered about the map, but there are plenty of locations to choose from.
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Where to Find Cakes in Fortnite Season 8
The birthday cakes are located at pretty much every named point of interest on the map, besides Weeping Woods and Boney Burbs. Players can use the map below to determine which parts of the map they want to visit first. The birthday cakes themselves are very easy to spot in the named locations, as there will be a couple of balloons and other party items nearby. It's not as tricky as finding cans of cat food, for example.
Here's a list of all of the locations to find a birthday cake:
- Believer Beach
- Pleasant Park
- Coral Castle
- Craggy Cliffs
- Corny Crops
- Steamy Stacks
- Dirty Docks
- Retail Row
- Catty Corner
- Lazy Lake
- Misty Meadows
- Sludgy Swamp
How to Dance in Front of Cakes
By pressing down on the d-pad, Fortnite players should be able to bring up their dance emotes, and as long as players perform it closer enough to the cake, it'll count towards the quest completion. The hard part about this challenge is that players will need to visit four different locations and dance in front of four other cakes.
Players can choose any of the four locations listed above, but it might make things slightly easier if players head to the named locations in the southeastern section of the map. Places like Retail Row, Lazy Lake, Catty Corner, and Misty Meadows are all reasonably close to one another. Also, Catty Corner has many vehicles lying around, so players can head there first, dance at the cake, take a car, and then hit up the other spots close by.
Fortnite is currently available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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About The Author
Greysun is the lead guides editor at Game Rant, covering all the biggest AAA titles to the smaller indie gems. He's been a big Nintendo fan since the SNES days, and is patiently waiting for a Super Mario Odyssey sequel. Favorite Series: Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Uncharted, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Mario
3DNews Software News Fortnite will celebrate the birthday of... The most interesting in the reviews 07/22/2018 [16:07], Evgeny Lazovsky Epic Games is getting ready to celebrate the first birthday of Fortnite. In honor of this event, the company announced an in-game event that will begin on July 24th. Players will have the opportunity to complete several special tasks and receive unique cosmetic items for this, as well as bonus experience points. To get all the holiday content, you have to run a lot. nine0007 Players will be able to complete three different challenges, each with a different reward.
In the Battle with the Storm mode, tasks related to the birthday of the project will also appear. If they are completed, they will give a festive hero - birthday commander Ramirez. It will also be possible to save tickets and buy birthday llamas with heroes and weapons from all events of this year, excluding quest rewards. The event is dedicated to the birthday of the game as a whole. It became available in July last year, but at that time it only had the “Stormbreak” mode. Battle Royale arrived in Fortnite in September. Among other things, the developers offer to dance in front of birthday cakes and post pictures with the #Fortnite1st tag on Twitter, Instagram* and Facebook*. * Included in the list of public associations and religious organizations in respect of which the court has made a valid decision to liquidate or ban activities on the grounds provided for by Federal Law No. 114-FZ of 25.07.2002 "On countering extremist activity." Source: If you notice an error, select it with the mouse and press CTRL+ENTER. Related materials Permanent URL: Headings: Software News, Games, PC, Action, Shooter, iOS Games, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Tags: epic games, fortnite, birthday, battle royale ← В past To the future → |
Challenges Fortnite Season 9 Birthday - cheat cards and walkthrough
Fortnite's birthday comes, oddly enough, every year, and from time to time the developers indulge their players with free items and interesting challenges. If you remember the tests of last year, then you probably noticed that their essence has not changed. We also have to dance in front of cakes and play matches. nine0007
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Completing all Fortnite Season 9 Birthday Challenges will reward us with a great pickaxe with a cake and a candle. A memorable souvenir, what can I say!
In addition to the pickaxe, for each completed birthday challenge, we will receive separate and quite good rewards: a wrap, music, graffiti and an emote.
In these challenges, we don't have to complete something just for the sake of a reward for another challenge. All tests are independent and await your passage! nine0007
Take part in the matches
Nothing could be simpler! You just need to play 10 matches of and no additional conditions. You don’t even need to kill and survive - beauty!
For those who have already reached level 100 and play only for the sake of challenges, we advise you to land solo near the cliff and immediately jump into the sea. But actually playing a brawl or other modes, you will not save time, but this option is suitable for all those who are still downloading the battle pass or get incomparable pleasure from games. nine0007
At reward you will get a Sprinkle wrap:
Dance in front of different birthday cakes
Cakes are an essential attribute of any birthday, so Epic games did not complicate anything and scattered cakes all over the map. Probably, the invitation to the table should have sounded differently, but the developers have a unique style..
To celebrate an unforgettable holiday, you need to find 10 cakes and dance before each0014 .
Fortnite cake map:
Do not forget that enemies can guard you at the cakes and prevent you from passing this test. To prevent this from happening, arrive at the cakes either first or some time after the match. In our experience, by the end of the game, few people are interested in cakes and everyone is only concerned with killing and surviving.
In award you will receive the music "Holiday beat":
Survive the opponents
You need to survive the enemies in total 500 , so be patient for the upcoming single games or their series in a team brawl. If you play solo matches, remember the great strategy - hide in trees, bushes, secluded places and do not enter into an open confrontation.
Reward: Double Victory Spray
Restore health or charge a shield by eating birthday cake
If there is a cake, then there are pieces of it, also scattered around the map! Their search is easy to disgrace, so let me rant.