How does just dance track movement
How 'Just Dance' detect my whole body with just one wii remote |
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New Member
- #1
Hi there,
I wonder how can "Just Dance" detect my whole body's motion with just one wii remote? Does it rely on the sensor bar to scan my body?
I found it is really able to detect my motion precisely, not just my hand holding the wii remote, but my another hand, my legs and even my head. How can it do that?
Thank you.
GBAtemp's Backup Reminder + Fearless Testing Sina
- #2
super_vegeta said:
Hi there,
I wonder how can "Just Dance" detect my whole body's motion with just one wii remote? Does it rely on the sensor bar to scan my body?
I found it is really able to detect my motion precisely, not just my hand holding the wii remote, but my another hand, my legs and even my head.How can it do that?
Thank you.
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Sorry, I can't answer the main question (never played Just Dance anyway). What I can tell is that the name "Sensor Bar" is misleading. This thing does not scan anything; it is not a sensor but a lamp. Nothing more than a few infrared LEDs (take a photo of the sensor bar with a digital camera or smartphone while the Wii is on – the light should be visible). There is a light sensor inside the Wii remote that can tell in what angle the remote is pointed to the LEDs.
Last edited by KleinesSinchen,
Jacob9527, super_vegeta and Alexander1970Clydefrosch
Well-Known Member
- #3
Basically, it extrapolates your movement from the movement of the wiimote. It isn't able to see anything else, they likely just chose the dance moves very carefully, for that to work.
Its not working so well for the first game in the series.
New Member
- #4
KleinesSinchen said:
Sorry, I can't answer the main question (never played Just Dance anyway).
What I can tell is that the name "Sensor Bar" is misleading. This thing does not scan anything; it is not a sensor but a lamp. Nothing more than a few infrared LEDs (take a photo of the sensor bar with a digital camera or smartphone while the Wii is on – the light should be visible). There is a light sensor inside the Wii remote that can tell in what angle the remote is pointed to the LEDs.
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Oh thanks for your detail information. I got it now.
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Clydefrosch said:
Basically, it extrapolates your movement from the movement of the wiimote. It isn't able to see anything else, they likely just chose the dance moves very carefully, for that to work.
Its not working so well for the first game in the series.
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But when I exactly match its movements (eg: Jump, kick), I get higher score. So I wonder how it knows my whole body movement..
Well-Known Member
- #5
super_vegeta said:
Oh thanks for your detail information. I got it now.
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But when I exactly match its movements (eg: Jump, kick), I get higher score.
So I wonder how it knows my whole body movement..
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basically, the moves just naturally go with very certain arm movements. for a kick or a jump, you use your arms to brace yourself, balance yourself in a certain way and that's the motion they're looking for.
Well-Known Member
- #6
It doesn't detect the whole body. What Just Dance does is just read the gravity/accelerometer readings for X, Y and Z and compares it to saved data in the game recorded from testers. If it matches close enough, it's a perfect/good.
Only the Kinect Just Dance and the PS3/PS4 Just Dance tracks the whole body.
Last edited by fvig2001,
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... complete silence
@Psionic Roshambo:
@Psionic Roshambo:
Oh they are never silent lol
@Psionic Roshambo:
Usually calling out for God or something lol
@Psionic Roshambo:
I am like why you call for him.
.. He can't help you lol
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@Veho who was it that got their likes taken away for a year over abusing the like system lol
@The Real Jdbye:
@The Real Jdbye:
currently banned
@The Catboy:
Margen, I miss them
@The Real Jdbye:
me too
@Sonic Angel Knight:
The "me too" Jdbye
@The Real Jdbye:
@The Real Jdbye:
Valhalla is now on steam
@The Real Jdbye:
it's annoying
The "annoying" Jdbye
hello chat i just shat my pants
Funny I just shat in the toilet
funny I just watched star trek with william shatner
Did it stain your tv
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Beginner Tips Every Just Dance 2022 Player Needs
The game that promises to keep everyone dancing makes a return once again with Just Dance 2022, the latest installment of the ever-popular dance rhythm video game series by Ubisoft. The series continues to prove successful for the company, even besting some of its recent Triple-A titles.
A lot of that success can be attributed to the games' broad appeal and relatively low learning curve, meaning that just about anyone with a passing interest in music or dancing can give it a shot. Not much has changed since 2021, so veteran players should have no trouble navigating its menus and loading up any of the newly added songs. But for anyone planning to try out the game for the first time, or after a long break from the series, here are a few things worth keeping in mind.
RELATED: The Best Just Dance Games Of All Time
Updated January 20, 2022, by Michael Abayomi: Just Dance 2022 continues to provide entertainment and exercise for fans young and old. We've updated this list to include two additional entries that should help both new and returning players get a hang of those trickier dance routines even faster.
7/7 Available Platforms
One of the first things anyone looking to get into Just Dance 2022 should know is on what platforms the game is available. Like most years, the latest installment of Just Dance is available to play on just about every modern console and gaming service. These include the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Google Stadia. Wii owners have been left out though as support for the Nintendo Wii was dropped with last year's release of Just Dance 2021.
Each platform offers its own unique advantages, like portability on the Nintendo Switch for example, and the ability to take the game with you anywhere you go. The game is still not available on PC for whatever reason though, unless you're willing to settle for Just Dance Now instead, their cloud-based subscription service that works with smartphones and an internet browser, and offers a vast library of past Just Dance hits for players to dance to.
6/7 The Song List
Players of Just Dance 2022 should definitely take the time to familiarize themselves with the list of songs that come with the game. After all, a new Just Dance game is just as good as the songs on its playlist. Thankfully, Just Dance 2022 comes packed with quite a few bangers. These include recent hits like Save Your Tears (Remix) by The Weeknd & Ariana Grande, and Levitating by Dua Lipa, to older classics like Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls and Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake. There are 46 songs in total, including 5 regional exclusives.
RELATED: Just Dance 2022: The Best Songs
And for those players craving even more songs, they'll be pleased to find out that the game comes with a one-month free trial of Just Dance Unlimited (another one of their subscription services) that includes over 700 songs from past games and elsewhere. If you've happened to listen to pop radio or the Top 40 charts anytime within the past two decades, then chances are you should recognize quite a few of them. The best part is that the game offers a nice mix of songs and genres - from rock to pop and even South African house music - ensuring that all types of music lovers will find songs to immediately gravitate towards.
5/7 The Different Editions
Aside from being available across multiple platforms, Just Dance 2022 also has two different editions for players to choose from. There is the standard edition which costs $49.99 at launch and comes with 40+ songs, as well as the one-month free trial of Just Dance Unlimited mentioned above. Then there is the deluxe edition which retails for $59.99 at launch.
The main difference between both versions, aside from sporting slightly different cover art, is that the deluxe edition comes with four months of Just Dance Unlimited. That is the one-month free trial from the standard edition, as well as an additional three months subscription valued at $9.99. There are additional renewal options for Just Dance Unlimited at $3.99 for one month and $24.99 for a full year. It is worth noting that an internet connection will be required to use the service, since the songs are streamed over the internet, as opposed to played from a disc or hard drive like the ones that come with the base game.
4/7 The Controller Options
Just Dance 2022 is a rhythm game and as such, the game is played primarily through motion controls. This means that PlayStation players would want to have a PlayStation Camera handy, while Nintendo Switch players will need to use their left or right joy-cons. Players on the former can take advantage of the peripheral's more accurate, full-body tracking.
RELATED: The Best Games That Use Motion Sensor Controls, Ranked
Xbox Series S and X players on the other hand might have to fish out their old Kinect sensor bars to join in on the fun, because not only does the game not offer support for traditional controllers, it also doesn't allow them to use any other type of camera. Thankfully, all versions can also be played with a compatible smartphone, using the Just Dance Controller app available on the Apple Store and Google Play Store. Though it is worth noting that Nintendo Switch users will still require a joy-con to get past the game's start screen, even if they intend to use their smartphones to play during the actual songs and dance routines.
3/7 The Different Modes
Just Dance 2022 has no shortage of game modes available for players to choose from, which can be quite daunting for newbies. The good news though is that it gives an option to dive right in with a randomized playlist in the Quickplay Mode. For anyone looking to explore the other available options, the game has quite a few.
There is the Co-op Mode, where up to six players can play together locally, using supported peripherals and smartphones. Then there is the World Dance Floor, where you can play with other players around the world in a tournament-styled competition. Sweat Mode is geared towards fitness buffs, and it lets you start your own routine and track the calories burnt along the way. And then there is the Kids Mode, which, as the name suggests, is geared towards children with family-friendly songs and simpler routines.
2/7 Song Difficulty
As was the case with previous entries in the series, Just Dance 2022 has a number of songs for players to choose from. But not all of those songs are created equally. Parents will be pleased to know that younger players have a kid-friendly playlist of songs with simplified dance routines that shouldn't cause them too much frustration.
But for everyone else, they might want to be mindful of their chosen song's difficulty, which can be seen on the song selection screen. There are alternative dance routines for some of the songs that turn them into full-blown workouts, so it is best to avoid them until you are ready to break a sweat. Those looking for an even greater challenge can also unlock an extreme mode on certain songs once they've racked up enough points, which can effectively turn a previously-mastered song into a gauntlet of skill and endurance.
1/7 Practice Makes Perfect
The key to mastery in Just Dance 2022 comes with taking the time to learn the various dance routines. The good news is that most of them have repeating movements that are generally easy to follow. But knowing when to expect them can be quite tricky the first time around.
This is where practice comes in, as you'll grow more familiar with the ebb and flow of each song and its routine the more times you go over them. There is no shortcut to putting in that practice, unfortunately, at least if you intend to stop flailing about awkwardly each time you miss another move which you should have seen coming a mile away. Acquiring the skills needed to dance to each song like one of the pros is relatively straightforward, you'll just need to put in the time and effort.
NEXT: Just Dance: The Most Intense Dances For Home Workouts
7 tips for those who want to learn how to dance
September 9, 2020 Reno5 Life
Dancing is a great way to make friends with your body and gain self-confidence. And yes, they can be mastered at any age.
1. Choose your style
The idea here is the same as for sports: if you secretly hate yoga or iron exercises, you are unlikely to go to workouts week after week. To achieve noticeable progress in dancing, a beginner will have to practice a lot and regularly, so it’s better not to torture yourself and choose a direction that really ignites.
You can focus on the music that you like - you need to catch the drive from movements to it. It is music that forms the style of dance and its energy, so decide what is closer to you: for example, funk lovers should try popping or locking, folk fans may like Irish dancing, and if you respect jazz, swing and everything like that, take a closer look at lindy hop.
Another criterion is the nature of the movements. Some are closer to dynamic, as in hip-hop, others are smooth and sensual - for this in tango. There are also health restrictions to consider. So, twerk is not suitable if there are problems with the lumbar spine, with sore knees it is better not to get involved in shuffle, and it will be difficult for an aged person to master house.
2. Set a goal
Photo: Iakov Filimonov / Shutterstock You can start dancing at any age, but it's important to keep in mind why you started it in the first place. It is perhaps too bold to expect that in half a year of classes it will be possible to reach the level of international dance championships from scratch. But if you want to try dancing in order to develop plasticity and learn to feel the body better, great, go ahead.
Don't expect everything to work out the first time. When you learn from scratch, difficulties are absolutely normal, the main thing is not to score in classes. Over time, both the correct posture and a beautiful gait will be developed, and as a bonus you will also get self-confidence - with freedom of movement, freedom from complexes will come.
3. Don't give up on sports
Some dances in themselves make for a good workout. A vigorous shuffle will replace cardio, and a break can give a load to almost all muscle groups. And yet, without preparation, it will not be easy. A more or less good stretch is needed in any type of dance, and, for example, strong arms and strong abdominal and back muscles are also useful for pole dancing. You can combine dancing with strength exercises, but you need to give the body time to recover and not plan classes in a row, but allocate at least a day of rest between them.
And don't forget to warm up before dancing. So that the training does not end with an injury, the muscles and joints need to be prepared for the load. You can allocate 10–15 minutes for a warm-up, it should include simple articular gymnastics (at least elementary rotational movements of the shoulders and knees), tilts and dynamic stretching.
4. Take some lessons from a trainer
Especially if you have never danced before. Those with experience can learn new styles at home with video tutorials, but that's because they already know how to control their bodies. Beginners are unlikely to succeed, but disappointment in themselves and demotivation are guaranteed - if you can’t repeat elementary movements, then there’s no point in doing it.
Nothing really strange here. Without preparation, it is difficult to just take it and start moving freely. At least the basic elements are better to master under the guidance of a pro, and when you feel that you are coping, supplement these lessons with home workouts.
5. Learn something new in every class
When you repeat the same set of exercises and movements over and over again, classes turn into a good way to pass your free time, only you can forget about progress. Acquaintance with new elements is the same mandatory part of any workout as a warm-up. It doesn't matter if you work with a mentor or on your own.
Do not immediately try to copy cool dancers. First, study the basic movements, then try to combine them into bundles until you hone them to automatism, and then experiment and improvise, creating something new based on familiar elements.
6. Record yourself on video
It is not necessary to record the entire workout from the warm-up, it is enough to record only those moments with which you have problems. These can be separate movements or bundles that are not given in any way. Review the video and, if possible, objectively assess what is wrong: perhaps there are technical problems that are difficult to notice in the process. When you understand what's wrong, try to repeat the movement and record it on video again - and so on until you achieve a good result.
This approach will help you find errors and track progress. You can not even limit yourself to memorized ligaments, but improvise - then see how it looks from the outside.
7. Find like-minded people
Photo: Iakov Filimonov / ShutterstockIf you need an extra reason not to miss classes, then meeting new people can be a good motivation. It is easier here for those who train in a group. Often the dance school becomes the center of a close-knit community, where people come not only for the sake of classes, but also just to spend time together at dance parties.
Finally, the more partners around, the more experience. Do not limit yourself to dancers of your level of training and practice with those who are stronger or weaker than you. In the first case, you will be able to improve your skills, and in the second, you will try yourself as a coach - this, by the way, is a good way to learn to take more initiative and understand the very principle of movement in dance, and not just memorize the alternation of chords.
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Show smart watch and headphones!Read also 🧐
- How to learn how to dance the shuffle
- How to learn street dancing without leaving your home
- Zumba is a fun way to lose weight for those who love dancing
Dive into the depths of the dance.

The article is a continuation of the first part: "Dive into the depth of dance. Muscles"
I met the concept of structure only in the last year of my active motor activity, which, I think it's pretty weird right now. And at first I didn’t really understand what the meaning was in this concept in relation to the body and dance. It was only by delving deeper into the workings of the body and studying the physiology of movement in instructor courses that I began to understand what structure is and how it relates to our body and movement.
The phenomenon of structure is large and multifaceted, and I did not put everything at once in one huge article. Today I will share with you a general understanding of structure, the most comfortable, functional and safe body structure for dancing and the differences in structure in different workouts. About the secret of an interesting, varied, artistically filled dance.
In explanatory dictionaries, I found the two most suitable interpretations that apply to the structure of the body:
- "A certain interrelationship, mutual arrangement of components, structure, arrangement of something"
- "A set of internal connections"
That is, the structure of the body is what our body consists of (bones, muscles, nerves, vessels, etc. - their structure, location, functions), and also (which interests me much more) is the relationship of the components of the structure to each other. Today I will give you the basic idea of how it works and how it affects the dance, and next time I will continue on a deeper level.
In the context of this article, I will not analyze the structure of the muscle fiber as its structure, this is not necessary here. I am interested in the structure of different muscle states as a more global phenomenon that can be felt, touched, it can be consciously changed and used both in dance and in life.
So, there are three states available to any of our muscles: relaxation, tension, stretching.
Soft muscle, limp, feels like a piece of jelly. There is no tension in it, and, accordingly, there is no movement.
Unconscious relaxation of the muscle:
1) Normal healthy muscle: worked, got tired, after the completion of its work, it relaxed, since its further work is not required.
2) Weakened muscle (hypotonicity): does not work for some reason. Making it work at first is extremely difficult, all exercises feel very difficult and nasty (typical exercises for training the thoracic spine). Usually it is not felt in any way, as if it, in principle, is not in the body.
Mindful muscle relaxation:
We can adjust the rate of relaxation - in dance or in special slow exercises (Pilates, etc.) We can also consciously relax what is chronically tense - for some this can be difficult, and this needs to be learned.
Rigid muscle contracted to perform some action. The greater the tension, the shorter and stiffer the muscle becomes. Stress can be dynamic (tense up, perform an action - relax) and static (loads to hold a certain position, move a fixed support, etc.). Figuratively, tension can be compared to a spring compressed before a shot. After the shot, the spring should relax and return to its normal physiological state - relaxed, not compressed and not stretched. If this does not happen, then there is a dysfunction (hypertonicity) that must be dealt with, otherwise it will contribute to the development of more serious problems.
Unconscious muscle tension:
1) Healthy muscle: our nervous system itself controls the tension to perform any action (jump, bend, run, squat) - we do not need to think about the tension of all the necessary muscles in order to move It happened.
2) Muscle in hypertonicity: chronically tense, while not performing any action (lower back, upper trapezius, postural muscles of the spine). Rigid, immobile. At best, we feel its tension, stiffness, sometimes pain, we want to stretch and relax it. At worst, we live with this tension and are not aware of it until it leads to further problems. Here you need to spend extra time on learning to notice your tension, and then this will allow you to continue working on the problem. Chronic tension leads to infringement of nerve endings, to poor blood supply to muscles, connective tissues, internal organs, to the development of osteochondrosis, protrusions and diseases of the joints, to stretching of the tendons. I’ll tell you about the causes of chronic stress another time, I’ll tell you the great Secret ;))))
Conscious muscle tension:
This is when we consciously perform any movements or exercises, tracking the technique and condition of our muscles. A necessary stage in order to develop muscle memory in oneself and then move correctly already unconsciously.
An elongated muscle that is in moderate tone and maintains this condition for some time. Not over-relaxed and not over-stressed. It can be compared to a stretched string or a bowstring. An important condition necessary for the correct execution of many movements, maintaining balance, for the health of the spine, and even just for plastic surgery. You need to learn how to move forward. If a person does not know how to do this, then he will perform all movements through tension, because he cannot do otherwise. Then his body will be rigid, movements angular and sharp. If you are not completely sure that you understand the essence of stretching and do not know for sure whether you can do it, then you do not know how. When you master stretching, there is no doubt what it is and how to do it. This is a real physical sensation that you cannot confuse with something else.
Unconscious stretching : yawned, stretched.
Conscious stretching: we intentionally stretch our body in exercises, in dance. Ballet, Pilates, yoga will help you.
For harmonious control of one's body and technical dance it is important to be able to control all three states, switch them, combine several states at the same time.
Structure as a combination of states of muscle tone
In dance there is a constant alternation of these states. Usually everything is built on traction. This allows you to keep a good balance, makes movements soft, flexible and strong at the same time, protects the joints from compression. By the way, all joint gymnastics and all Pilates are performed in traction.
In Zouk (with proper technique) we clearly see the constant alternation of stretching and relaxation. The same thing happens in contemporary and jazz-modern. In ballet, ballroom and more static styles, there is much less relaxation, and all movements are done on the stretch of the body, arms and legs. In contact improvisation and qigong, on the contrary, there is much more relaxation. But tension in all dances and many bodily practices is present only occasionally when performing some more complex elements and tricks: jumps, lifts, squats. If you are constantly tense in the dance, then you are clearly doing something wrong. Tension is the essence of strength training, not dance.
I think you yourself understand that in dance there will rarely be tension or relaxation in the whole body at once. Tension - in general, still happens - in ballet, etc. But complete relaxation can only be in contact improvisation, when we completely give our weight to the floor or partner. However, the zouk appears to be a very relaxed dance. Why?
In fact, in dance there is a simultaneous combination of states in constant dynamics. In Zouk, the most important thing is to stretch the body and relax the shoulder girdle. This is what allows you to make movements so plastic and flying. Only with a relaxed chest and a relaxed top of the trapezoid will it be possible to make beautiful, soft bones, waves, headworks, and so on. To prevent the body from falling apart and losing balance from this relaxation, the taut structure must be maintained in the center. If your center is something else (jelly or one big strain), then you will not have the physical ability to normally relax the top, and then you will move through tension in the chest, shoulders and neck. Visually, it may even seem flexible and beautiful, but physically you get very tired and feel badly leading / following a partner through your tension. In addition, this tension indicates the absence of a frame.
Spoiler for the next article: if your shoulders rise, then you do not and cannot have a frame. If you are a partner, then you lead with your hands, if you are a partner, then following goes through guessing.
What about the legs? The legs should be soft, this is important for balance, for even distribution of the load throughout the body and for good depreciation - then it does not burden the joints. If the legs are too sluggish, tangled, or, on the contrary, too stiff, then they do not perform this function, and you get an increased load on the spine and knees, as well as a constant overstrain of the muscles of the body.
Let's get back to understanding structure. What will be the structure of the body in the dance?
The whole pattern of tension and relaxation.
Stretched spine, soft legs, light top is an example of structure. A tense wooden body is also a structure, just uncomfortable and non-functional. A weak center and raised shoulders are also structure. I perceive the structure as a set of different materials and qualities of these materials, from which the building of our body and our dance is built. One builds with rubber bands and strong flexible bases, the other with cardboard and snot.
FRAME is also a structure. And in different styles of dance, the structure of the frame is different. The position of the hands, the degree of tension, the manner of touching, the tone of the shoulders, and so on - all this matters.
Grounding and overestimation of the center are also nuances of the structure. In some dances we gravitate more towards the floor (west coast, contempo, improvisation), in some we rush upwards more (ballet, lambazook). Zouk, in my opinion, is universal and allows you to play with the height of the center, which, in turn, will affect the manner of movements and the nature of the interaction of partners. The height of the center will depend on the height of the frame, on the degree of relaxation, on the structure of the bodies of both partners, and on each specific movement and point of contact. Even from shoes. Like it or not, heeled shoes raise the center higher.
Structure and interaction of partners
Rigid body poorly transmits movement and impulses. A tense partner will feel badly leading. A tense partner will lead the partner at the “volume level” available to him, conditionally, yell in her ear. Even if it is a very soft, sensitive partner. He cannot be quieter, simply because then he himself will not hear his words. He does not realize that "quieter" exists, and that this is actually the norm, and not a whim of a partner ("how picky you are"). For him, the norm is to yell in the ear. That's where the problem is.
An over-relaxed, shapeless structure also distorts the interaction, the movement loses control and manageability. In this state, it is easy to get injured, sprained by negligence and inattention.
Only the state of soft tone on the stretch makes the dance sensitive, pleasant and well controlled.
If we imagine the interaction of partners as a pair structure, then it is also heterogeneous. In an interesting dance, this structure will change: it will become softer or denser, tighter or more airy from movement to movement, depending on what is happening in the dance, on the music and on the feelings of the partners. Contrabalances and supports require more stretch and tone. Fingertip contact requires a subtle air pull (in the tooth), which can then go into counterbalance or support. Bodyworks can be very soft and gentle or active and rhythmic. A good dancer is not subject to the same structure (because he doesn't know how to do it differently), he manages his own structure as an artist. This makes the dances exciting, expressive and different from each other, perfectly keeps the attention of the dancers on sensitive contact with each other.
An example of playing with structure in a dance. If you want a deeper understanding of what I'm writing about here, find moments in the video where relaxation, grounding, stretching up and to the side, interaction with the partner's weight, changing dynamics are used. Think about where Anderson and Brenda use their core muscles to move, and where they relax and give their body to gravity and momentum.
Structure and internal state
The structure of your body, the nature of movement and the internal state are closely interconnected and mutually influence each other. Your mood and mental characteristics affect the structure of your body both at the moment and in general (psychosomatics), which in turn affects how you dance and how you want to move. From the dance and movement of a person, you can tell a lot about him and his model of interaction with the world. And, on the other hand, work on the manner of movement, relaxation and stretching exercises will affect your mental state and mood, can even lift layers of old traumas and memories and serve as light therapy for the experience, and this will change the way you feel, how you move and what decisions you make.