How does dancing affect your heart rate science project
How does exercise affect heart rate?
By Emma Vanstone 5 Comments
How does exercise affect heart rate?
This activity is a great way to introduce correct scientific procedures, thinking about variables to change and keep constant.
Exercise increases the rate at which energy is needed from food, increasing the need for both food and oxygen by the body. This is why when we exercise both pulse/heart rate and breathing rate increase.
Pulse rate is an indication of your heart rate as your arteries expand each time the ventricles pump blood out of the heart.
The heart speeds up to pump extra food and oxygen to the muscles, while breathing speeds up to get more oxygen into the body and remove carbon dioxide.
How does exercise affect heart rate investigation
Step 1
Use the stethoscopes and timers to record how many heartbeats you can hear in 30 seconds.
Step 2
Exercise – this could be 30 seconds of star jumps or a mini obstacle course.
Step 3
Use the timers and stethoscopes again to record how many heartbeats you can hear in 30 seconds.
Let’s think scientificallyA scientific investigation should be a fair test, think about what conditions you need to keep the same and what condition you will change. You should also repeat the testing 3 times and find the average heart rate.
Things to keep the same:Heartbeats must be counted before and after exercising for the same amount of time.
The person whose heart rate is compared must be the same.
Things to change:Heart rate should be measured before and after exercise.
Make a predictionWhat effect do you think exercise will have on heart rate?
Why do you think this?
Clue – when you exercise your muscles need more food and oxygen from your blood, so your heart has to beat faster to transport them.
Recovery time is the time taken for heart rate to return to normal. If you have time, can you work out how long this is for you?
The pulse rate and breathing rate of a fitter person rise much less than in an unfir person during exercise, fitter people also have a shorter recovery time.
Links to Maths
Design a method of recording your results? Can you work out the average heart rate for 10 participants before and after exercise?
Calculate the difference between a person’s heart rate before and after exercise.
Links to English
Can you write a letter to a friend telling them about your findings?
More Science for KidsFind out how to make your own stethoscope with a funnel, tape and cardboard tube.
Make a pumping model of a heart, or try one of our sports science investigations.
Suitable for:
Key Stage 1 Science: Animals including Humans
Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Key Stage 2 Science: Animals including Humans
Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function
Last Updated on June 17, 2021 by Emma Vanstone
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Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.
These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.
Reader Interactions
Health & Wellness Fridays: Heartbeat Dance Party
Have you ever felt a thumping feeling in your chest after playing your favorite sport or game? That’s your heart pounding. Your heart is a muscle that sends blood through your arteries to provide oxygen and nutrients to the rest of your body. When you’re active, like when you run, jump, dance, or climb, your heart beats faster because the rest of your muscles need more oxygen than normal! The sound of your heartbeat thumping away is the sound of your heart making sure your body has enough oxygen to keep on running, jumping, dancing, and climbing.
The arteries that are closest to the skin are known as pulse points. That’s because it’s easy to find and measure your pulse there. Two of the easiest pulse points are on your wrist and on your neck. Today, we’re going to get our heart pumping, then learn how to measure our heart rate. Get ready for a heartbeat dance party!
Note: The average heart rate for a child is 90 beats per minute when not exercising. During exercise, their heart rate may increase to between 120 and 220 beats per minute.
Materials & Instructions
Stopwatch or timer – try using the one on your phone!
Something to write with
Good dance music (see kid-friendly playlist below)
STEP 1: Get comfortable! Sit down and take a few deep breaths. You’re about to take your starting pulse. Place two fingers either on your neck under the jaw or on your wrist near the bottom of your thumb. Can you feel your pulse? Grownups, you may need to help with this step.
STEP 2: Set a timer for 15 seconds (or have your stopwatch run for 15 seconds) and count how many times your heart beats within those 15 seconds. Multiple the number of times your heartbeat by 4. Grownups, you may need to help with multiplication. This is your resting heart rate. Your body doesn’t need extra oxygen right now.
STEP 3: It’s time to dance! Turn on some catchy tunes and dance your heart out for a few minutes. Jump, run, kick, breakdance, wave your arms, wiggle your nose. Get that heart rate pumping! Once you’re done, take your pulse again. This is your heart rate after exercising.
STEP 4: Do some stretches, take some deep breaths, or sit quietly for a few minutes. After you feel your heart rate slow down, measure your pulse again. How has it changed?
For older children, help them create a simple graph of how their heart rate changed with movement like the one shown here. Use the vertical line to represent heart rate; use the horizontal line to label the different steps we tried today – your resting heart rate, your heart rate after exercising, and your final heart rate.
Resources: |
Vocab Words
Heart: A muscle that pumps blood through your arteries so that your body gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs.
Arteries: Arteries are tubes that carry blood from the heart to all parts of the body.
Pulse: Your pulse is the thump you feel from the blood flowing through your artery. Because the speed of your heartbeat determines how fast the blood flows through your artery, measuring the thump of your pulse is the same as measuring your heart rate!
Heart Rate: How fast or slow your heart is moving.
What scientists know about dance
On April 29, people around the world celebrate International Dance Day. About what type of dance is best for retirees, why flamenco will not help much with weight loss, and whether dancers need painkillers, says the science department of Gazeta.Ru.
Many people see dancing as more than just a hobby or a professional sport. Often we start dancing to get in good physical shape, without resorting to visiting a sports club and exhausting walking on a treadmill. Numerous scientific studies show that dancing really has a positive effect on the physical and psychological state of a person.
First of all, dancing has an extremely positive impact on health, regardless of gender and age. Physiologists from the University of Illinois at Chicago conducted experiment , during which 54 elderly participants practiced Latin American dances twice a week for four months.
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Prior to testing, scientists measured the time it took subjects to walk a 400-meter distance. Before the experiment, the participants were not very physically active, and as part of the dance program, they had to attend classes in salsa, cha-cha-cha, bachata and merengue.
The study found that the participants took 10% less time to walk the 400-meter walk than before the experiment, and their overall physical activity increased, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
In the future, the researchers want to check, using MRI, how positively dancing has an effect on human brain activity.
A similar study, published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, was carried out by scientists from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. It turned out that Greek dance (for example, sirtaki) helps older people with heart failure become more physically resilient. Zacharia Vordos, one of the authors of the paper, suggested that such "dance therapy" could attract more patients than traditional treatment programs.
Scientists also claim that partner dancing can have an effect on a person similar to that of an anesthetic. In the journal Biology Letters , a study was published in which biologists measured the amount of endorphins formed in the blood of people after dancing. They found out,
the more difficult the dance movements were and the more synchronization of actions the dance required, the more “hormones of joy” were in the blood of the participants.
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Researchers attribute this to the fact that in addition to the pleasure of a correctly performed dance element, people feel a social connection, which, in turn, also affects the concentration of endorphins.
It is obvious that dance is different and many people who are eager to practice this sport are faced with the choice of their style. American scientists agreed on that hip-hop is the healthiest dance. The fact is that dance classes do not always involve active physical activity. Using accelerometers (portable electronic counters of the number of movements), scientists measured the physical activity of 264 girls aged 5 to 11 years old, involved in 66 different dance classes. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that children spend an average of 17 minutes of active exercise and spend the rest of the activity, which usually lasts about an hour, listening to music and doing quiet exercises or stretching.
Flamenco turned out to be the most “inactive” of the seven types of dances studied: the children involved in it moved only 14% of the time. In hip-hop classes, the children devoted about 57% of the time to increased physical activity.
Today there are a huge variety of dance styles, some of which are known to relatively small groups of people. For example, in South Korea there is a musical genre called K-pop, which has absorbed elements of Western electropop, hip-hop, dance music and modern rhythm and blues. Thanks to the Internet, Korean pop culture has spread to parts of Southeast Asia, and an entire dance genre, K-pop, has been born. Korean engineers from Pohang University of Science and Technology developed the virtual K-pop dance teacher, which allows you to track the movements of the 15 joints of the human body, making it easier to learn dance at home.
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Deijin Kim and colleagues presented the development at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) in 2015. To create the "trainer", the team took 100 K-pop moves performed by a professional dancer and recorded the changes in the position of his joints. Then, using 3D tracking technology, they checked how similar the movements of an aspiring dancer and a professional choreographer are.
Another type of dance, previously unknown to almost anyone, but which has made a lot of noise over the past few years, is twerk. By the way, the word itself is not something new - linguists found in the 1820 edition of the Oxford Dictionary the word twirk , denoting twitching movements. The verbal form of the word was found in the dictionary of 1848, and in the current form ( twerk ) the word appeared in 1901.
The dance itself is an active movement of the hips, buttocks, abdomen and arms, and the word "twerking", denoting a dance direction, appeared in the dictionary in 2013.
Fiona MacPherson, Senior Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, commented: “We were convinced that the word twerk came from twist and jerk . However, the presence of earlier origins in the name of the dance surprised us.”
Even more surprising is the fact that the concept of "twerking" occurs in nature. Arachnologists at Simon Fraser University in Canada have discovered that male black widow spiders, one of the most dangerous spiders on the planet to humans, oscillate their abdomens to prevent the female from eating them. Such movements cause the vibration of the female's web. “Spiders take a few steps, then shake their belly. Then they take a few steps again and repeat their movements, ”explained Samantha Wiebert, study author, published by in Frontiers in Zoology. The nature of the oscillations in this case differs significantly from the convulsive movements of the victim.
Dance is the way to health
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It's better to dance clumsily than to walk lamely...
Nietzsche (German philosopher)
When I was asked to write a research paper, I did not have any questions about the direction. Of course, dance! Since I myself have been dancing for 5 years, it was very interesting for me to learn the history of the origin of dance, to find out what effect dance has on the mental, emotional and physical development of the younger generation. From the first lessons, dancing has become a favorite pastime for me, and I advise all my friends to dance more often. With this research work, I will try to prove that dancing is not just a good hobby, but also a healthy activity. Having become acquainted with the work, you will be convinced that learning, appreciating the art of dance is one of the greatest joys of a person, ennobling his spiritual world and awakening people to creative work.
Relevance of the topic : teachers and parents often remind us children that health must be protected from a young age. Good health is ensured by physical training, adherence to the daily routine and nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle ...
I became interested in what effect dance classes have on me and other children involved in a dance studio, how dance and health are related to each other, how they affect human health.
The purpose of the project is to familiarize students with the art of dance, to develop dance abilities. Get the kids interested in dancing.
Project objectives:
1) study the reference material on the topic of the project, get acquainted with the history of dance;
2) analyze the impact of dance on human health;
3) develop a questionnaire and conduct a survey;
4) prepare a multimedia presentation. (video of my classes)
Object of study: pupils of the dance studio.
Research subject: dance.
1. Work with literary sources.
2. Analysis and generalization of information.
3. Sociological survey.
4. Work at the computer.
Hypothesis . Dance is the key to good mood and well-being. Let's say that "dance is a universal means of maintaining one's health."
As a result of the study, I found out that many children want to learn how to dance, that dance is beneficial for health, for the development of feelings, for communication, for appearance.
During the research, various questions arose: why does a person need to dance? Does dancing affect human health? What is the significance of dance for the general and aesthetic development of a person?
Main body
Dance history
What is dance?
Dance is a way of expressing one's feelings, emotions and moods. This is another kind of art, thanks to which you can reveal your inner world, a certain image, using plastic, music, rhythmic movements and gestures.
Where does its origin come from?
Even in the most ancient times, dance was one of the first languages in which people could express their feelings
Dancing is the oldest of the arts: it reflects the need of man, dating back to the earliest times, to communicate his joy or sorrow to other people through his body. Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were celebrated with dances: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of a sick person. The dance expressed prayers for rain, for sunlight, for fertility, for protection and forgiveness.
Gradually, the movements of primitive dances changed: they became more complicated, became smoother, more beautiful. This is how the art of dance appeared - one of the oldest areas of folk art.
Dance is a sport or an art.
The ability to dance gives you the greatest of freedoms:
express yourself fully as you are.
Melissa Hayden.
Of course dance is an art! However, many people argue with this, trying to prove that dance is a physical activity, and therefore a sport. I really wanted to understand this while studying at a sports school.
What is the most important thing in sports? That's right - competition! That is, the struggle for victory, the desire to be stronger, more resilient, to show the best results. Dance also has this aspect! Contests, battles. In addition, for example, ballroom dancing is called sports ballroom dancing, and their competitions are no different from sports!
However, despite this, the main thing in the dance is its content. This is what makes dance art! The dance is not intended to show the best physical results. What makes him beautiful is, first of all, expressiveness and artistry, and technique is just a means here. The better the technique, the stronger the artist, the more he can convey to the audience with his performance, and the more beautiful he will look on stage.
Sport takes a lot from dance. For example, none of the performances of gymnasts or figure skaters can win a medal without dance expressiveness. Therefore, athletes of these types necessarily receive choreographic training, where they are taught not only technique, but also the basics of artistry. Even the most technical gymnasts will lose to those who will not only show the elements on the carpet, but also play the image!
Professional choreographers don't like it when a dance class is called a workout. This name is suitable specifically for sports, when they train some skill, work out an element. In dancing, it is correct to use such names as a rehearsal, a lesson or a lesson.
So what is dance? This is the most harmonious form of art, which will include not only spiritual development, but also physical! Dance makes a person beautiful, flexible, teaches you to hear music, and therefore helps to become more cultured, reveal yourself, improve! In addition, in the dance you can compete! One does not interfere!
Dance is a lot of opportunities, it's a new life, new acquaintances, new goals! In order to feel this world, you just need to come to the dance school! Start from any direction, and you will feel how your life will be painted with new colors!
The influence of dance on the development of children
The influence of dancing on physical health is very great. In children who are engaged in this type of creativity, endurance increases, the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle are strengthened due to the increased load. Blood circulates faster, which eliminates congestion, and this helps fight any inflammatory process. As a result, children are much less likely to get sick. Blood saturates all organs, and most importantly, the brain, with oxygen, useful substances, which contributes to their development. Dancing helps to harmoniously develop all muscle groups, which favorably affects the figure.
Dancing also has a very positive effect on psychological development and health. A child who is passionate about this kind of art trains the will, learns patience, and also experiences problems with self-esteem much less often. Dance involves the study of beautiful movements, which helps to accept yourself and your body, teaches you to master it almost perfectly. Ease, as well as grace of movements, implies the transfer of these qualities to the sphere of communication. The child is liberated, his self-esteem rises, he becomes much more confident.
The influence of dancing on the development of the intellect is great. Freedom of movement helps to improve creative thinking, contributes to the development of the ability to improvise and spontaneity. The ability to develop a dance behavior strategy is a whole science that children can quickly and easily master.
Dance is a wonderful healer
Dancing is a very special kind of art. Not exhausting, not exhausting, but only bringing satisfaction and beneficial effect on health and psyche. Having learned to dance, a person found a silver key to his health. Why? Because dancing is a conductor of music in the human body. Dance gives a person health. Dance is a great healer . You can start dancing at almost any age.
The first effect that you will notice very quickly is an increase in mood. Moving to the music, the muscles begin to relax, and endorphins - the so-called "hormones of joy" begin to enter the bloodstream. This allows a person to find harmony with his body, starting to feel lightness and spiritual uplift.
Various movements, rotations, jumps make all muscles tense.
Almost all types of muscles are involved in the dance. Before starting a dance lesson, you need to do a series of warm-up exercises. They serve to give the muscles elasticity and prepare them for intense work. If you don't warm up, you can damage your muscles while dancing.
While dancing, you need to breathe correctly, using both the upper and lower parts of the lungs. Thanks to proper breathing, many processes occurring in your body will return to normal, metabolism will improve. You will catch a cold less often, and even if you get sick, you will recover much faster.
Scientists believe that the brain activity of both hemispheres improves: one regulates the work of figurative thinking, which is activated during improvisation, the second is responsible for the logic of movements. This improvement contributes to the increase in the dancer's coordination of movements and dexterity. It also improves memory. And yet, in people involved in dancing, the risk of developing a disease such as Alzheimer's disease, which contributes to brain degradation, is minimized.
Dancing classes are also useful for vision problems, as it is necessary to change the focus of the gaze all the time. Thus, the eye muscles are also strengthened.
Dancing develops the respiratory system of the human body. Dancing really helps get rid of regular colds, bronchitis, and even ease the course of the disease in people suffering from asthmatic attacks.
When performing muscle stretching exercises, they produce substances that strengthen the body's ability to resist infection.
Dancing promotes the development of good posture and beautiful gait. Balanced moderate loads on all muscle groups gradually form a strong muscular corset that keeps the spine in the correct position. Even if there is a violation of posture or the initial stage of scoliosis, after a while there is a significant improvement in the condition of the back, and with constant, persistent training, the sad diagnosis will be forgotten. A beautiful gait and the ability to "keep yourself" is one of the components of success.
Dancing people have a sense of self-confidence, they can not only move beautifully, but also dress beautifully, be the center of attention.
Dancing brings up composure and organization. Being able to complete all the tasks, write essays, and then rush off to training is only possible for people with a strong will.
Dancing is the best remedy for stress. Dance takes care of the spiritual well-being of a person.
Thus, dancing prolongs life, helps to maintain general tone and allows a person to maintain working capacity until the last days of life.
Dance style and health
Each style of dance has its own influence on the body. For example, ballroom dancing is beneficial in that it strengthens the heart. It was also noted that belly dance classes have a beneficial effect on the complexion and back of . Belly dance actively develops coordination of movements, the vestibular apparatus, has a beneficial effect on the ligaments, the cardiovascular system. In our time, belly dancing has also turned out to be an excellent prevention of hypertension and cervical osteochondrosis.
No less popular today are Latin American dances . The influence of Latin American dances on the physical condition of a person is undeniable. Being engaged in them constantly, you can keep your figure in shape without any extra effort. During the dance, most of the load falls on the legs and buttocks. It is these parts of the body that can be significantly improved with the help of Latin American dances. That is, these dances are a good prevention of cellulite and varicose veins. In addition, latina lowers blood pressure.
Jazz is an energetic and expressive dance. Dancing jazz is a lot of fun, and it also improves coordination.
Tap dance is one of the most stylish types of dance. Tap dancing, as professionals say, is very fun and interesting. The qualities that a tap dancer needs to have are a good sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.
But all styles have one thing in common: they improve the respiratory system, which reduces the risk of colds and bronchitis, even asthma in dancers is not as noticeable as in ordinary people. From regular exercises, flexibility, reaction improves, grace appears. The person begins to feel energetic and cheerful. This is the hallmark of every dancer. Even in old age, you can determine that this person was dancing.
6. Dance therapy
Many people ask if dancing is good for you? Physicians of all countries, of course, will answer you: "Yes"! In addition, dance therapy is considered a new and very popular trend in modern medicine. According to doctors, the benefits of dancing are really great, and regular practice of them can contribute to a gradual improvement in the overall health of a person.
Dance therapy is one of the most effective directions for harmonizing the physical, mental and emotional activity of a person.
According to psychologists, each of us has his own protective shell of shackled muscles. Dancing, a person is freed from it, and his soul finds harmony.
Modern dance therapy aims to reduce muscle tension. It helps to increase the mobility of a person.
Dance therapy , as part of psychotherapy, puts its main emphasis on the inner state of a person, on what is happening with his emotions at the moment. Therefore, the goal of dance therapy is to teach a person to express his feelings through movement.
Art therapist E. A. Burmistrova, member of the Dance Therapy Association states: “Dance is a way of expressing personal feelings and experiences, and it is especially useful for people who have difficulties in communication, in establishing contacts. It is this type of creativity that will help to master communication skills, build partnerships correctly.”
dance therapy classes teach people to live "here and now" and enjoy it. It changes the quality of life. After all, if we live with pleasure, then our loved ones begin to enjoy the fact that they are next to us.
7. Dance in my life
I started dancing at the age of 3, in the team of the Fly Studio.
From the first lessons for me and other guys, dancing became a favorite pastime. The direction in which our friendly team dances is variety dances. We performed at various events - the competition "Kings of the Dance Floor" in Stavropol, the competition "Star Trek" in Zheleznovodsk, the competition "Salute of Talents" in Pyatigorsk, the competition "Art Open World" in Rostov-on-Don and in St. Petersburg. (Appendix 2). Our performances were evaluated by diplomas of the Laureate of 1, 2 and 3 degrees.
We learned a lot of dances, which we also performed with pleasure.
In the classroom, we honed our movements to music. At first, the movements were clumsy. It was difficult for me to keep my body in balance, but gradually developed confidence, agility and speed of movement.
Now I am studying in the team of the Modern Dance Theater "Steps" under the direction of Pavlova Anastasia Romanovna. I dance 6-8 hours a week. This is a lot of work that not everyone can do. The more I practice, the more I enjoy dancing. In dancing I express my mood and emotions.
Before dancing, I had health problems. Weak immunity, frequent colds, posture and gait problems. Now I have become less likely to get sick with SARS, my posture has straightened, I have become more liberated.
Thus, dancing became a part of my life for me. They give me health, self-confidence, and also inspire me, improve my mood. Dancing is an incentive for learning and active life at school. Me and the guys who work with me in the group are proud that we have the opportunity to prove ourselves in dancing and show our skills to others.
8. Research department
One of the stages of the study was to find out how informed the students were on this topic. We conducted a survey in which 35 primary school students of our sports school took part. (Annex 1)
As a result, we found out: schoolchildren believe that
1) Dance needed for:
Health - 25% Fun - 6% Flexibility - 69%
2) Do you know how dance affects health?
Yes -62% No -38%
3) Do you dance?
Yes - 35% No - 65%
4 ) Would you like to learn how to dance beautifully?
Yes - 48% Very - 43% No - 9%
To the question of parents: "Would you like your children to go in for dancing"? 20 interviewed parents unequivocally answered: “Yes”.
Dance reveals and grows spiritual forces, cultivates artistic taste and love for beauty. If you want to be young all the time - dance and strengthen your health in the dance.
In parallel, I conducted a study in my class and found out what is the effect of dance on the body of children. To this end, I analyzed a group of girls of 5 people who have been attending a dance studio at our school for 2 years and systematically practice dancing. At the beginning it was difficult. But thanks to the general perseverance and patience, the guys were able to overcome difficulties.
At the end of 1 year, I decided to analyze our progress and found the following:
- increased coordination of movements;
- development of good posture and beautiful gait;
- a sense of self-confidence, composure and organization;
- Dancing really helps to get rid of regular colds.
I am convinced that dancing is a useful activity for a person. My guesses were confirmed: dance is a very special kind of art. It is more than just moving to music. Studying this issue, we came to the conclusion that dance is not only a set of movements connected to each other. Dance is a big concept that includes various movements, a certain composition, a suitable melody, and an idea. Without these components, the dance loses its meaning, ceases to be interesting to the viewer. This is a way of working on yourself, helping to achieve success in any field of activity. And dancing is a great medicine that helps get rid of many diseases and improve health!
In the process of writing the work, my mother and I read a lot of literature and learned the influence of dance on the body of a growing person. Working on this topic, I came to the conclusion that the study of dance will help to increase the level of my choreography.
Now, when I come to the choreography class, I can say with confidence that I am doing what I love. I have a new incentive to dance even more beautifully, even more correctly, because every dancer is a successor to the life of the dance, its development and, perhaps, the author of new dance styles! And dance classes have a beneficial effect on thought processes and on our health.
I told my classmates everything I learned about dance.
Through research, I found the main health benefits of dancing:
Improving the general physical condition of a person;
Improved heart and lung condition;
Increased mass and muscle tone;
Ability to manage your weight;
Strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis;
Development of a clear coordination of movements;
Giving the body flexibility, agility and inner strength.
Dance affects the emotional state of a person in the following way:
Improved emotional state in general;
Increased self-esteem;
Perception of life from completely new positive sides;
Increased self-confidence and self-esteem;
New acquaintances, social connections and prospects;
Good prevention and treatment of depression.
Dancing is a unique way to stay in shape for people of any age, social status and any build. As you can see from my work, dancing has a lot of positive aspects, and most importantly, dancing is new sensations and new discoveries. Dance! You will begin to trust yourself, feel the thirst for life - because if you can move beautifully, then you can live beautifully!
ABC of dancing / Author-comp. E.V. Dinitz, D.A. Ermakov, O.V. Ivannikov. - M.: AST: Stalker, 2005.
Baryshnikova T. "ABC of choreography" M., Rolf 2001
Kasatkina L.V. Dance is life. St. Petersburg, 2010
Kozina D. Dance with us / Kozina D. // Education of schoolchildren. - 1999. - No. 3.
Mishchenko V.A. Sports ballroom dancing for beginners. Moscow, 2007
Romm V.V. "Dance and Health", ISA, 2005
Smith L "Dancing. Initial course "M., Astrel 2001.
Internet resources:
Appendix 1
Questionnaire for primary school students.
Dance needed for:
Do you know how dance affects a child's development?
Do you dance?
Would you like to learn how to dance beautifully?
Poll results:
Annex 2
Competition in Stavropol
My first successes
My first class, 2015
Competition in St.