How do you say dancer in spanish
He is a great warrior and owner of the Bata Drums, owner of dance and a great dancer himself; masters music and represents the need for and the joy of living; the intensity of life; the [...] [...] beauty and virility of males; the riches and money. |
Dueo de los tambores Bat, del baile y la msica; representa la necesidad y la alegra de vivir, la intensidad de la vida, la virilidad y belleza masculinas, la riquezas y el dinero. |
There, in the middle of [...] these hundred dancers, the only male dancer appeared. |
All, en medio [...] de cientos de bailarinas, apareca un nico bailarn. |
Then there is the dancer who trained at the Ballet [...] Rambert School. |
Tambin est el caso de la bailarina que ensay en la escuela [...] de balet Rambert. |
Analysts believe voters confused [...] him with the deceased dancer and movie star of the [. ..] same name. |
Los analistas creen que los votantes confundieron su nombre [...] con el del fallecido bailarn y actor del mismo nombre. |
Pea plans on dancing for years to come: "I [...] always wanted to be a dancer, but I didn't have the [...] support to make it happen. |
Pea planea bailar durante los aos [...] venideros: "Siempre quise ser bailarina, pero careca del apoyo [...] necesario para lograrlo. aarpsegundajuventud. org |
In our Tradition the Goddess [...] receives the title "The Dancer" while the God is called [...] by "Conductor of the Spiral Dance of Ecstasy". |
En nuestra Tradicin la Diosa recibe muchas [...] veces el ttulo de "La Bailarina" mientras el Dios [...] es llamado por nosotros de "El Conductor [...] de la Danza Espiral del xtasis". |
Since she and her husband both work out [...] of home, they have more time to spend with their son and daughter, who [. ..] want to be an engineer and a dancer, respectively. |
Como ella y su esposo trabajan en casa, pueden pasar ms tiempo con su hijo e hija, quienes [...] quieren ser ingeniero y bailarina, respectivamente. |
I want to be the best actress, the [...] best singer and the best dancer I can be," she said recently. |
Quiero ser la mejor actriz, la mejor [...] cantante y la mejor bailarina posible," dijo recientemente. |
The president of the Provincial Council, Salvador Pendon, launched today the fifth edition of the 'Live folk song', held annually in the province since 2005 with [...] increasing success among the public, and this year it is dedicated to [...] the singer and dancer from Malaga, Miguel [...] de los Reyes. |
El presidente de la Diputacin, Salvador Pendn, ha presentado hoy la quinta edicin del ciclo 'La copla en directo', que se celebra anualmente en la provincia desde el ao 2005 con [...] creciente aceptacin por parte del pblico y que este ao est dedicado [...] al cantante y bailaor malagueo Miguel [. ..] de los Reyes. |
In the field of art, metal casting and making of bronze figures [...] developed to a speciality, an outstanding example of which is the [...] beautiful sculpture of the Cosmic Dancer at Chidambaram. |
Tambin destacaron en el campo del arte, del metal fundido del que llegaron a ser [...] especialistas en figuras de bronce, un excelente ejemplo de esto es la hermosa [...] escultura de la bailarina csmica, Chidambaram. |
But if I'm playing a [. ..] physical character - a dancer or sportswoman for example [...] - I have to prepare intensively well in advance. |
Aunque si se trata de un [...] personaje como una bailarina o una deportista s [...] que hace falta una buena preparacin. |
The screenplay of Falcons was for her but she has not made a film since Dancer in the Dark. |
El guin de Falcons era para ella, pero despus de Bailar en la oscuridad no ha hecho ms pelculas. cineuropa. mobi |
The dancer and the tenor [...] share a stage in a charity event against lukemia. |
La bailaora y el tenor comparten [...] escenario en una gala solidaria contra la leucemia. |
On this occasion [...] there was a performance by the flamenco dancer El Yiyo with his guitarist and various other [...] musicians. |
En esta ocasin actu el bailaor El Yiyo, acompaado por su maestro y diversos msicos. |
She's also a poet, [...] an artist, a dancer, a juggler, a [...] gardener, a cat lover, and not particularly tall. |
Tambin es poeta, artista, malabarista, [...] jardinera, amante de los gatos y no muy alta. |
Ever since your book came [...] out, The Grass Dancer, I've noticed that [...] at night there's peace and quiet in the hallway. |
Desde que sali tu [. ..] libro, The Grass Dancer, me he dado cuenta [...] de que hay paz y todo est tranquilo de noche en el pasillo. |
So if you want to be sure to increase your mental activity, [...] you'll have to compliment your dancing with a class on the history of [...] salsa or a book on your favorite dancer or musician. |
De tal manera que si desea asegurarse de aumentar su actividad mental, usted [...] tiene que complementar el baile con una clase sobre la historia de la salsa, [...] o un libro sobre su bailarn o msico favorito. |
Ebru's greatest dream is to receive an engagement on Broadway with her dancing partner or [...] to work as a background dancer for Britney Spears. |
El mayor sueo de Ebru es recibir un contrato para bailar con su pareja [...] enBroadway o trabajar como bailarinaparaBritney Spears. |
Nats Nus was [...] founded in 1987 by dancer and choreographer Toni Mira. |
Nats Nus nace en [. ..] 1987 de la mano del bailarn y coregrafo Toni Mira. |
During his [...] concert - she revealed - he will perform a selection of his latest works, and will be accompanied by the flamenco dancer Jos Maya, regarded by many as one of the principal heirs of authentic gipsy dancing". |
En su actuacin -avanz-- interpretar una seleccin de sus ltimos trabajos, y le acompaar el bailaor Jos Maya, considerado por muchos como uno de los principales herederos del baile gitano autntico". |
Sylvia, a former dancer, athlete and bodybuilder, [. ..] found this physically challenging form of yoga a perfect way to recover [...] from a biking accident and years of athletic injuries. |
Syvia que fu una bailadora, atleta y culturista, [...] encontr esta forma de cambio fsico de yoga un camino perfecto para reponerser [...] de un accidente de bicicleta y de aos de lesiones atlticas. |
The dancer Beln Cabanes and this [...] chamber music quartet will be the stars of the next performance in the summer festival of Ciutadella. artescenic. com |
La bailarina Beln Cabanes y este [...] cuarteto de msica de cmara protagonizan la prxima cita del festival de verano de Ciutadella. |
Where is a Gades who [...] gives you a role as first dancer? |
Dnde est un Gades [...] que te pone de primera bailarina? |
Ms. Brenner, [...] choreographer and lead dancer, prefaced the three dances [...] with a comment on her experiences of performing them [. ..] in different countries and continents. |
Janis Brenner, [...] coregrafa adems de primera bailarina, se dirigi al pblico [...] antes de cada una de las tres interpretaciones [...] para hablar de su experiencia de interpretacin coreogrfica en diferentes pases y continentes. |
Born in Caracas, Albornoz earned the [...] title of professional dancer at the Dance Workshop [...] of Caracas in 2002. |
Caraquea de nacimiento, Albornoz [...] obtuvo el ttulo de bailarina profesional en El [. ..] Taller de Danza de Caracas en el ao 2002. |
We let ourselves be caught by [...] the movement, like a dancer who gives in to the [...] rhythm, and finds in it grace and freedom. |
Nos dejamos envolver por el [...] movimiento, como un bailarn que se deja poseer [...] por el ritmo y encuentra en l gracia y libertad. |
The goal is to make full use of already learned techniques and find, liberate and further nourish the [...] potential capacity of each dancer. |
El objetivo consiste en utilizar la totalidad de las tcnicas ya aprendidas y descubrir, liberar y nutrir [...] el potencial de cada bailarn. |
Together with a violinist and a harpist, a dancer forms a "cuadrilla" (team) that represents a given village or community. |
Una caracterstica constante es la representacin del ritual por mujeres y hombres, colocados unos al lado de otros. |
How To Say Dancer in Spanish | Translation
How To Say Dancer in Spanish
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How to say dancer in Spanish?
¿Cómo se dice dancer en español? English to Spanish translation of “bailarín“ (dancer).
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In this Spanish category, you will find the translation of words and phrases in Spanish, with many sentences that will help you determine how each phrase or word is applied.
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flamenco stars spoke about feelings and improvisation
The incendiary rhythms and passion of real flamenco excited the Novosibirsk spectators - performers of the highest level came on tour. Spouses Fernandez performed at the House of Scientists of the SB RAS on November 4. In their performance, to the accompaniment of guitar and vocals, the dancers revealed the many-sided soul of the indigenous people of Southern Spain, who know how to rejoice, worry, empathize and love. The rehearsal of the stars was attended by Novosibirsk News.
Famous dancers performing at the best venues in Seville, the Fernandez spouses, already know, or rather feel, how the play "Love in Spanish" will look like. The idea to show real flamenco in Siberia was born six months ago. So far, only costumes and paraphernalia are missing, but the sparkle in the eyes and the anguish in the vocalist's voice to the plucking of the Spanish guitar - all this already creates both the mood and the atmosphere. By the way, performances are different every time.
“Everyone knows what is being done and how. The moment we meet, we already know how to interact in order to get what we want. A certain direction is taken, and everyone, within the framework of what he can, improvises. And what happens is what happens,” says Alina Fernandez.
This is both a duet of duets and a quartet at the same time. Improvisation of the highest level requires from the performers not just teamwork in the ensemble, but spiritual kinship.
It is simply impossible to work according to memorized notes or follow rehearsed dance sequences in flamenco. “The singer always conveys what he feels at the moment. There is a given theme, depending on the performance, but the singer chooses the specific words of the couplets himself. The creative process is right on stage,” explains Javier Rivera.
read alsoTango and hip-hop Novosibirsk dance in the streets in the summer In this passage, the dancer, or bailora, embodies the movement of a young Cuban flirting with boyfriends. Sparks are about to fly from under the soles of the shoes - such is the intensity of passions. All this the performers carry through the heart.
“It seems to me that there is no special secret, no flamenco spirit. There is an energy that comes from each of us, we love our work very much, we give ourselves to it with all our heart, we get real pleasure. And we give love to those around us, our viewers,” says Juan Diego Fernandez.
In the hall, performers are waiting not only for those who dance flamenco themselves, but also for those who love it. He loves Spain, the sun, the sea. Spanish is not for everyone. But the language of dance and music will be understood by everyone.
Watch the Novosibirsk News program on Region TV (Mon-Fri at 20.30), Domashny (Mon-Fri at 00.00), TV3 (Tue-Sat at 8.00) and RBC (Mon-Fri at 00.00) Fri 20.00)
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10 ways to say hello in Spanish!
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In this article we will tell you how to say hello in Spanish, how to spell this word, and also consider many other forms of greeting in Spanish. Forward!
Hola: Hi Hello
Hello in Spanish
In Russian, there are two ways to say hello to a person, formal (hello) and informal (hello). In Spanish, there is a form of greeting that Spaniards always use, in any situation, this word is "HOLA"
This word is used for any occasion, from official and serious business meetings to a party with friends. If Spaniards want to say hello more formally to strangers, for example, we can say buenos días (good afternoon), buenas tardes (good evening), o buenas noches (good night).
Do you want to learn Spanish?
Want to learn more than just the word "hello" and really start speaking Spanish ? We will help you!
Try our online Spanish video course for free here.
Hello in Spanish in Russian letters
The transcription of this word into Russian will look like this: /ola/ . In Spanish, the letter H is not pronounced, although it is written.
How do you say hello in Spanish? 3 letters?
Writing "Ola" without the letter H is a fairly common mistake. But it must be remembered that Ola in Spanish means “wave”. Although the two words are pronounced the same, their meaning is of course different and can only be grasped in context or in writing.
How to greet or say hello in Spanish
In addition to "Hola", there are many expressions for greeting in Spanish.
Frequently asked questions about greetings in Spanish
Here we will answer the most frequently asked questions that users search on Google y Yandex on the topic "greeting in Spanish"
1. Hi in Mexican is the same, what about in spanish?
Mexican Spanish also says Hola when meeting, which is the Spanish form of greeting used by all Spanish-speaking countries, including Mexico. (Remember: Hello in Spanish is Hola everywhere)
2. How do you say “hello, how are you” in Spanish?
In Spanish “hello how are you” would be:
– Hola, ¿cómo estas? (formal)
– Hola, ¿qué tal? (not formal)
3. How would you say "hello friends" in Spanish?
¡Hola amigos!
4. How do you say “hello beautiful” in Spanish?
This phrase can be said in Spanish in several ways, the phrases below are all synonymous and may or may not be used depending on the Spanish speaking country.
- Hola Guapa (Popular Phrase in Spain)
- Hola Hermosa
- Hola Predciosa
5. "HEA of Spain" in Spanish in Spanish in Spanish
The origin of the word Hola
And a little about the history of the word Hola: the first mention of this word dates back to 1552.
In fact, the origin of the word Hola is still unknown, and many scientists are struggling with this riddle.