How do you say dancer in french
To play the "Red River Jig," the fiddle is tuned with the bottom string raised from a G to an A. The entire [...] piece is played and danced in two sections; when the fiddler plays the [...] high section, the dancer performs a fancy jig step. |
Pour pouvoir jouer cette dernire, le violon doit tre accord de faon que la corde du bas passe d'un sol un la. La pice entire [...] est joue et danse en deux parties; lorsque le violoneux joue la [...] partie haute, le gigueur excute des pas particuliers. collectionscanada. |
On festival grounds, a troupe of [...] young traditional dancers performs in front of many [...] other young people under a brilliant afternoon sun. |
L'aprs-midi, sous un soleil radieux, dans l'enceinte du festival, une [...] troupe de jeunes danseurs traditionnels s'excute [...] devant beaucoup d'autres jeunes. |
Duck Bay Mtis Dancer performs for the public [...] at Bernieres-sur-Mer. veterans.gc. |
Un danseur mtis de Duck Bay danse pendant [...] le spectacle de Bernires-sur-Mer. |
If the dancer performs a succession [...] of four, six, or eight steps, as a mak when the dancer executes the final step one [...] must be able to anticipate what he/she will do next . |
Le danseur fait une succession de quatre, [...] six, ou huit pas et quand on est mak il faut pouvoir anticiper la fin du dernier [...] pas de la mesure , sur comment le danseur va engager son son prochain pas . |
A principal dancer performs starring roles [...] in a company's repertoire. |
Le premier danseur interprte les rles principaux [...] du rpertoire d'une compagnie. |
When she returned to France, Nicole took her first steps as a [...] professional dancer, performing in the chorus [...] line at Josephine Baker's reviews and [...] as part of the classical ballet corps in the Bourgeois gentilhomme. |
De retour en France, elle fait ses premiers pas [...] professionnels comme danseuse dans la revue de Josphine [...] Baker ou pour les ballets du Bourgeois gentilhomme. |
Confirmed dancer, performed a modern Egyptian style choreography that proved her talent. |
Cette danseuse confirme nous a prouv tout son talent et sa matrise technique dans une chorgraphie de style moderne gyptien. |
Carolina started her dance career as a classically trained ballet dancer, performing in ballets and operas, such as the well known Carmen, from the age of 14. |
Elle a d'abord t forme en ballet classique, se produisant en spectacle ds l'ge de 14ans dans des ballets et des opras, dont le clbre Carmen. |
Each Gouro village has its [...] local Zaouli dancer, who performs during funerals [...] or parties. |
Chaque village Gouro a son danseur de Zaouli, qui sort [...] l'occasion de funrailles, ou de ftes. |
After working for 6 years with
[. various orchestras and dance [...] companies, I became a professional dancer, performing in diverse venues such as cabarets [...] at night and school carnivals in the morning. |
Aprs 6 annes de pratique dans diffrentes compagnies, devenue danseuse orientale professionnelle, [...] je me produis dans des cabarets la nuit, au carnaval des coles le matin. |
Finally he goes off-stage to the
dressing-room in order to meet Zhora, a dancer who performs with the snake. |
Finalement il va dans les coulisses, vers les loges des artistes pour [...] rencontrer Zhora, une danseuse qui fait un spectacle avec le serpent. |
Hoop dancer Chris Wells performs at the announcement [...] of the 2010 Aboriginal Pavilion. |
Le danseur de cerceaux ChrisWells s'est produit [...] en public lors de l'annonce concernant le Pavillon autochtone2010. |
Tame your veil poi(voi) with new moves turns and tricks - [...] Aziza was the first dancer, performing Voi in Germany at [...] our festival. |
Apprivoisez votre voile poi(voi) avec [...] de nouveaux mouvements, tours et trucs - [...] Aziza tait la premire danseuse a danser le Voi en Allemagne [...] notre festival. |
The image reflects a certain intimacy and captures the dynamic energy
exuded by the dancer when she performs on stage. |
L'image voque une certaine intimit et transcende [...] l'nergie dbordante qu'exhale la danseuse sur scne. |
Her contribution to T-Frame is an [...] interpretation of a young dancer performing the Balinese Barong, [...] a traditional dance of Bali in Indonesia. |
Sa participation Tee-Frame est d'ailleurs un croquis [...] voquant une jeune danseuse balinaise interprtant [...] le Barong, danse traditionnelle Bali en Indonsie. tee-frame. |
OTTAWA -- Canadian dancer-choreographer-storyteller Sarah Chase performs The Passenger and Brazilian dancer-choreographer Cristina Moura performs like an idiot, two strikingly [...] original new works [...] in the Studio of the National Arts Centre on Thursday March 29, Friday March 30, and Saturday March 31, 2007 at 20:00. Sarah Chase last appeared at the National Arts Centre with the acclaimed North American premiere of Portraits/Mapping in 2003. |
OTTAWA -- La danseuse, chorgraphe et conteuse canadienne Sarah Chase prsente The Passenger et la danseuse et chorgraphe brsilienne Cristina Moura interprte like an idiot, [. deux nouvelles pices [...] d'une originalit saisissante, au Studio du Centre national des Arts (CNA) les jeudi 29, vendredi 30 et samedi 31 mars 2007 20 h. Le dernier passage de Sarah Chase au CNA remonte la triomphale premire nord-amricaine de Portraits/Mapping en 2003. |
The dancer Lisbeth Gruwez performs under a canopy of [...] bottles from which drips olive oil. At first it's only a trickle, but [...] gradually the flow increases and the oil gushes and spatters down on her, so that by the end, the whole stage is transformed into a reflecting surface. |
La danseuse Lisbeth Gruwez volue sous un ciel de bouteilles, [. duquel tombe de la peinture l'huile, d'abord goutte goutte, [...] puis flots, pour finalement transformer la scne en un bain luisant. |
Hungarian-Mexican dancer and choreographer performs "Volandas de amor" in the National [...] Dance Theatre, directed by Carlos [...] Rodero Daniela H. Faith dances the poetry of Miguel Hernndez and Mikls Radnti in Budapest |
La danseuse contemporaine et chorgraphe hongro-mexicaine interprte l'uvre Volandas [. de amor sous la direction de Carlos [...] Rodero au Thtre national de danse Daniela H. Faith danse sur la posie de Miguel Hernndez et de Mikls Radnti Budapest |
With her personal interpretation of [...] flamenco, this dancer 'with infinite arms' performs her art with [...] no boundaries and is praised [...] time and again by the whole of the dance world. |
Avec sa vision [...] personnelle du flamenco, la danseuse aux bras infinis défend une [...] conception illimitée de l'art et a
[. reçu les plus vifs éloges de la part de la grande famille de la danse. |
A male or female dancer - depending on the region - performs to the music of [...] a cantaore (singer), accompanied by one or [...] more guitarists and rhythmic hand-clapping or foot-stomping. |
Un danseur ou une danseuse, selon les rgions, s'excute au son d'un orchestre [...] souvent compos d'un chanteur, d'un guitariste et d'un percussionniste. |
In Camera begins with seven dancers, narrowing down to a final
[. |
In Camera commence avec sept danseurs et se rtrcit peu peu, pour s'achever sur un solo [...] pouvant tre interprt indiffremment par un homme ou [...] une femme. |
Despite the obstacles [...] though, Katiana is today a dancer, she has performed in several Brazilian cities [...] and even in France and Italy. |
Elle s'est dj produite dans plusieurs villes du Brsil, en France et en Italie. |
I hope viewers see me as a dancer who adores performing and can't help but [...] speak through my body. |
J'espre que les tlspectateurs [...] me verront comme un danseur qui adore se produire et ne peut cesser [...] de s'exprimer par le mouvement. |
A Flamenco dancer and choreographer, Marchand performed two major dances, a sole and an Alegrias, [. while Conde played an [...] authentic Flamenco repertoire covering a vast time period. |
Danseuse et chorgraphe spcialise dans le flamenco, Mme Marchand a prsent deux genres de [...] danse majeurs, le sole et [...] l'alegria, tandis que M. Conde a jou des pices extraites de son rpertoire flamenco original qui couvre une vaste priode. |
For both programs, you are
eligible as a dancer if you have performed in at least one [. professional public presentation (e.g. [...] you have received payment for one engagement following graduation from a pre-professional training program). |
Dans les deux cas, comme danseur, vous y tes admissible [...] si vous avez particip au moins une prsentation professionnelle devant public (par ex. |
The Franco-German couple Katja Wunsche and Yohan Stegli won the competition with their interpretation of "Cinderella story", a choreography by John [...] Neumeier. The second prize
went to the Swedish dancer Nathalie Nordquist, who performed a contemporary choreography [. "I am" by Norberto [...] Dos Santos, and the Spanish competitor Clara Blanco came third, with a variation from "Giselle". |
le couple franco-allemand compos de katja wunscheet yohan stegli a remport ce prix en interprtant cinderellastory , une chorgraphie de john neumeier. ils [...] ont devanc lacandidate [...] sudoise nathalie nordquist qui interprtait unechorgraphie contemporaine de [...] norberto dos santos [...] je suis et lacandidate espagnole clara blanco qui interprtait la variation degisle. |
Towards the end of 1971 Gainsbourg began
[. writing a cabaret review for the famous [...] French singer/dancer Zizi Jeanmaire, which she performed at the Casino [...] de Paris. |
A la fin de l'anne, Gainsbourg [...] crit la revue que la chanteuse et danseuse Zizi Jeanmaire, doit prsenter [...] au Casino de Paris. |
A feast for Evelyn Hart fans, the programme was chosen to [...] feature Hart, perhaps the
most expressive dancer the world has ever seen, performing in a variety [. of styles from classical, [...] to romantic, to dramatic to modern. |
Le programme a t compos de manire [...] prsenter [...] Evelyn Hart, qui est sans doute la danseuse la plus expressive de tous les [...] temps, dans divers styles allant de la [...]danse classique au ballet romantique ou dramatique, en passant par la chorgraphie moderne. |
Before starting his career as a
professional dancer, Dario Giuseppe Dinuzzi was already performing as a juggler [. and flame-spitter in southern Italy. |
Avant d'amorcer sa carrire de danseur professionnel, Dario Giuseppe Dinuzzi se produisait [...] dj comme jongleur et cracheur [...] de feu dans le sud de l'Italie. |
you're a good dancer. - Translation into French - examples English
Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese
Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese Ukrainian
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
I know you're a good dancer.
Je sens que tu danses bien.
He didn't ask you to dance because you're a good dancer.
Et ce n'est pas parce que tu danses bien.
Shaw, Mr. Casey tells me you're a good dancer.
M. Casey trouve que vous dansez bien.
I bet you're a good dancer.
Quelqu'un est à l'hôpital.
You're a really good dancer.
Tu es vraiment un bon danseur.
You're a really good dancer.
Tu est un très bon danseur.
You're a good dancer now.
Tu es une bonne danseuse maintenant.
You're a very good dancer, son.
Tu es un très bon danseur, Jurgen.
You're a good dancer too, dad.
Tu es aussi un bon danseur, papa.
Other results
You're a good a dancer as he is.
Tu es aussi bon danseur que lui.
You're a good dancer for one so young.
Vous dansez bien, malgré votre jeunesse.
You're a good dancer, Bob.
Tu es bon danseur, Bob.
You're such a good dancer.
Tu es un si bon danseur.
You're a very good dancer, Frank.
Tu danses très bien, Frank.
You know, you're a pretty good dancer.
Je sais, tu es une bonne et jolie danseuse.
I bet you're a good dancer, too.
Je parie que vous dansiez bien.
I feel like you're a pretty good dancer.
J'ai l'impression que tu es une bonne danseuse.
Like I said, I think you're a really good dancer.
Comme je l'ai dis, je crois que tu es une excellente danseuse.
But you're a really good dancer.
mais tu es une très bonne danseuse.
You're such a good dancer, and you never told me.
Tu es un si bon danseur, et tu ne me l'avais jamais dit.
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Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.
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Synonyms and antonyms «dancer» - analysis and associations to the word dancer. Morphological analysis and declension of words
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Translation of the word dancer
We offer you the translation of the word dancer into English, German and French.
Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service
- English
- German
- French
- dancer - dancer
- ballroom dancer
- Tänzer - dancer
- dancer in the world - Tänzer der Welt
Mn. number Nominative (who, what?) dancer dancers Genitive (who, what?) dancer dancers Dative (to whom, what?) to the dancer dancers Accusative (who, what?) dancer dancers Creative (by whom, what?) dancer dancers Prepositional (about whom, about what?) dancer dancers Sentences with the word dancer
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There are still a lot of them, but with your help they will become much less. Here are some suggestions he made.
1. An amazing dancer picturesquely froze at another window
2. The greatest dancer could easily see on an open eye
French ballet dancer staged a performance in the Vysotsky Square > Culture in Samara
In April 2019, dancer and choreographer Sylvain Pruneneck set off on a journey across Eurasia.
He started his journey in Brittany and decided to get to Sakhalin. The dancer is assisted in his journey by the French Institute and the branch of the Alliance-Française organization. Having passed and passed through Georgia and Azerbaijan, the Frenchman began his journey along the Volga from Astrakhan. Sylvain stayed in Samara for a week.
Many residents of our city have already had the opportunity to admire the graceful “pas” of a dancer on the embankment and streets of our city.
Sylvain considers it her duty to talk about the beauty of the human body, about the art of choreography. And everywhere he arouses the interest and admiration of the audience.
Prunenek performed on the Parisian stage for many years, as a young man he danced in the same ballets with Rudolf Nureyev, traveled with dance troupes throughout Europe, Asia, and the USA. Now, finally, I decided to be alone, listen to myself and look for a new personal path in art. And he also wanted to communicate with the audience.
- Having spent most of my life on stage, being cut off from the audience sitting in the hall by the lights of the footlight, I wanted to meet her in a relaxed atmosphere, go where these people are doing their own thing, mingle with the crowd, - Sylvain says. — I wished to go beyond ballet, where every gesture of yours is painted, and take up modern dance, which implies free improvisation.
The guest chose Wednesday and Thursday of this week for performances in Vysotsky Square.
All the French know this Russian bard, the husband of the famous actress Marina Vladi. Dancing against the backdrop of Vysotsky's marble guitar is a special honor for a guest.
And now, immersed in his own thoughts, the artist improvises to the sounds of a metronome. No music, just a clear rhythm. The change in the state of the artist is evidenced by the hands - either soaring like wings, then falling down in exhaustion, then as if weaving an invisible canvas, then nervously clenched into fists. And the legs - either write out flying pirouettes, or become hard, as if made of stone, and the artist clearly marches on the garden tiles.
Children became interested in the first unusual performance. The white-haired boy stood directly in front of the dancer, intently looking at him, then the metronome. And two girls of five or six years old spun next to the artist in a dance. Young mothers came closer, meeting a particularly successful “pa” with friendly applause. Passers-by also stopped, attracted by an unusual street performance.
- dancer in the world - Tänzer der Welt