Learn how to ball room dance
How To Ballroom Dance For Beginners
Learn how to Ballroom dance with our step by step Latin and Ballroom dance lessons online.
Our videos will break everything to make sure you know your steps, timing and technique.
Below you will find free Basic Ballroom dance steps for beginners for Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa, Swing, Tango, Foxtrot, Waltz and Merengue. In each mini course you will learn the most essential basic steps with HD videos.
How to Ballroom dance for beginners - Free Video Courses:
How to dance with a partner 101 - Social dance steps
Get introduced to social dance steps in this free mini course. Learn how to social dance with 3 Ballroom dances: Rumba basic, Swing basic and Waltz basic. These dances are perfect for partner dancing at weddings and parties. Perfect for beginners looking to get started.
Waltz dance steps for beginners
The slow Waltz is one of the most classical Ballroom dances - dating back to 16th century when they used to hold "Balls". The Waltz's main characteristic is the rise and fall used through out all the steps. Our videos will teach you the most basic Waltz steps with ease.
Cha Cha dance steps for beginners
This cheeky dance is perfect for anyone starting out. This Ballroom dance has a lot of quick and sharp foot and leg movements. It is characterized by a triple step which is danced on the "Cha Cha 1" counts. In this video course you will learn 3 beginner dance steps that you will be able to use right away.
Swing dance steps for beginners (East coast Swing)
The East coast Swing combines rocks steps and triple steps to create a very fun and energetic dance. This dance is influenced by rock n roll and Lindy hop styles - which give it tons of variations including kicks, flicks and turns. Have some fun with the swing now!
Rumba dance steps for beginners
The Rumba combines lots of body, hip and arm movements to make this Cuban dance very expressive. In this mini course you will learn the basic steps, box step and slow underarm turn. This dance requires lots of control because of its rhythm - Slow, Quick, Quick. Learn the basic steps with our videos in this beginner course.
Salsa dance steps for beginners
This popular Latin dance is perfect for those of you who like to fast rhythms and lots of turns and spins. This dance is a great for social dancing with its emphasize on lead and follow - where the man initiates movements and the lady follows. After our mini course you'll be able to use what you learned in Latin clubs.
Foxtrot dance steps for beginners
One of the first Ballroom dances that people usually learn is the Foxtrot. It is a very elegant dance that travels around the room. Both men and women push off the standing leg in order to move from foot to foot. This dance is one of the best for pure lead and follow.
Tango dance lessons online for beginners
This Ballroom dance is great for passionate dancers who like to express the Tango music. This is a traveling Ballroom dance that combines a lot of shapes and rotational movements. In our mini course you will learn 3 beginner moves to get you started. Enjoy.
Merengue dance steps for beginners
Here is a Latin dance that is considered to be the easiest of all! The saying goes: "If you can walk, you can Merengue". The basic steps all consist of small weight changes that could be danced on the spot, or across the floor. There are lots of intricate turns and arm twists too.
Want More Latin & Ballroom Lessons?
Passion4Dancing Dance Training
Become a member at Passion4dancing.com and get access to 300+ video lessons teaching you Latin and Ballroom dancing (American & International Style).
Visit Pasion4Dancing (Click Here)
How To Waltz Dance For Beginners Videos
The 3 free online Waltz dance steps below will teach you how to Waltz step by step.
We will show you how to do the box step - which is the most fundamental basic step, then in the second step we will show you how to turn the box step on one spot and lastly we'll show you how to do the progressive basic step which travels around the room. These moves are a great start for beginners interested to learn Ballroom dancing.
Waltz Dance Course For Beginners - FREE:
Introduction to the timing of Waltz:
The way you count the Waltz is 1,2,3 - 1,2,3. The Waltz has a strong accent on count 1, so most figures start on that count. All the beats in the Waltz are equal and the tempo is usually slow.
How to Waltz lesson #1: Waltz box step:
This is the box step, which is the most fundamental dance step in the Waltz. To learn this step you just need to imagine you have a box in front of you and then you going to step on the corners of the box. You will also get a good demonstration of the "rise and fall" technique which is used through out the Waltz. Go ahead and try it it out!
How to Waltz lesson #2: The box step turning to the left
Now we will take the same box you learned above and we'll show you how to turn it around on one spot. It is imperative that you have mastered the regular Waltz box step (the lesson above) before you try to turn it. To turn it, all you have to do is do the box while turning the shoulders to the left, slowly turning around and bringing your partner with you.
Want To Go Beyond The Basics?
Passion4Dancing Dance Training
Become a member at Passion4dancing.com and get access to over 250 video lessons teaching you Latin and Ballroom dancing (American & International Style).
Visit Pasion4Dancing (Click Here)
How to Waltz dance lesson #3: Progressive basic step
So far you learned 2 moves that were stationary. But what if I told you that the Waltz is actually a progressive dance! Yes it is. The Waltz is a Ballroom dance that travels around the room (counter clock wise). In this video you will learn how to get around the room easily with the progressive basic step.
Want To Go Beyond The Basics?
Passion4Dancing Dance Training
Become a member at Passion4dancing.com and get access to over 250 video lessons teaching you Latin and Ballroom dancing (American & International Style).
Visit Pasion4Dancing (Click Here)
How to learn ballroom dancing at home? - UchiEto.

How to learn to dance?
4.8 thousand
3.2 thousand
1 minute.
Ballroom dancing inspires, makes you stop looking and fascinates. A couple that whirls in a waltz merges with the music and creates something completely new. Ballroom dancing can easily become a part of everyone's life. How to learn to dance them?
Latin dance
Cha Cha
Paso Doble
9 Rumba
- 3.1. Foxtrot
- 3.2. Waltz
- 3.3. Quickstep
- 3.4. Latin dance
- 3.5. Samba
- 3.6. Cha-Cha-Cha
- 3.7. Flamenco
- 3.8. Paso doble
- 3.9. Jive
- 3.10. Rumba
You will need- Internet.
- Dance manual/Disc with video lessons.
Instructions- 1. Enroll in a dance school. Search online for dance schools that teach ballroom dancing. Look at the site for comments, videos, photos. Go to the pages of teachers, read reviews about them. Analyze the information received and give preference to the school that suits you best. Feel free to want to dance. You will be working with the same beginners as you are, so even if you are on the floor for the first time in your life, you will be able to feel at ease. It's also worth taking a trial class. Many schools allow you to attend the first training session for free. If you like the style of teaching, then buy a subscription.
- 2. Watch video tutorials. If for some reason you cannot attend dance schools, then you should study on your own. At the end of the article, you will be shown video lessons on teaching ballroom dancing, if they are not enough for you, then there are many sites on the Internet dedicated to these dances.
If you follow all the movements exactly, you will soon be able to show off your dancing skills. This training method is only suitable for those who are used to achieving goals, who can set a clear training schedule and stick to it.
- 3. Read the manual on ballroom dancing. This is not always the most effective and most difficult method to learn how to dance tango or waltz. But with its help, you will be able to get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of dance, learn the specifics and history of each of them. Buy a book with clear and vivid illustrations. Some of these books will come with CDs with practical tips and lessons.
- 4. If you are serious about ballroom dancing, then you should buy professional shoes
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