How to make dancing light with music
LED Dancing Light Circuit with Music
by Kiran Saleem
4,183 viewsIn this tutorial, we are going to make a “LED Dancing light circuit with Music”
LED Dancing light circuit is based on sound, glowing lights by changing the voice of the tiny microphone. You might have seen the Disco Lights or DJ lights or lights during a function that turns ON and OFF according to the beats or Rhythm of the music. These lights glow according to the length and pitch (volume) of music beats. These are designed to pick the high-intensity sound like Bass sound. The goal of this circuit is enjoyment and Sound experiment. It is very simple and easy to build, just requires a few basic components.
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Hardware Components
The following components are required to make LED Dancing Light Circuit
Sr. | Components | Value | Qty |
1 | IC | LM358 | 1 |
2 | Decade counter IC | CD4017 | 1 |
3 | LED | 10 | |
4 | Condenser Microphone | 1 | |
5 | Resistors | 10K,47K,1K,100K,820 ohms | 1 |
6 | Ceramic Capacitor | 0.1uF, 0.33uF | 1 |
7 | Electrolytic Capacitor | 10uF, 100uF | 1 |
8 | Diode | 1N4148 | 1 |
9 | battery | 9V | 1 |
CD4017 Pinout
For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of CD4017
LED Dancing Light Circuit
Working Explanations
As shown in the circuit diagram, when we connect the 9V battery to the circuit. R1 starts passing some current to MIC1 (Condenser Microphone), which transforms any sound signals into audio signals. C1 passes only an AC signal to the input and blocks DC.
Next, IC1/1(LM358), resistors (R2, R3, R4, R5,) and capacitor C2 are making the preamplifier circuit to increase the signal level high. And IC1/2 (LM358), resistors (R6, R7), diode D1, and capacitor C4 make a signal converter circuit. It will convert the electrical signal into a square waveform, to control the operation of pin14 of IC2.
The IC2(4017) is a popular decode counter circuit, that can drive 10 LEDs output. Its output pin will deliver voltage out in order sort of pin 3, 2, 4, 7, 10, 1, 5, 6, 9, and 11 in step by step. when IC2 gets a pulse input, it controls LED lights up following each step. It depends on the amount of an incoming square wave signal at pin 14. Resistor R8 limits the current of the LED for safety.
This circuit can be used in any function, event, or concert.
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How To Make Music Dancing Light
In this project, we are going to teach you making awesome electronics project ideas. It is called music dancing light. It is n awesome electronics project ideas. The project is about music activated led light project. The led light can dance with music, clap, air or any kind of sound..
In this project, we are going to teach you making awesome electronics project ideas. It is called music dancing light. It is n awesome electronics project ideas. The project is about music activated led light project. The led light can dance with music, clap, air or any kind of sound.
To make this project we use some electronics component and use only DC -12v power supply. For power supply you also can use 12v battery. You can use this project as a like school or college project or any kind of cultural program.
To make this music activated light, we might need some electronics component. Those component list have to been given below.
The final circuit diagram and design can be seen above. We also thanks to our sponsor JLCPCB( for sponsoring us PCB for this project.
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Component List :
1. PCB Board
2. Transistor – BC 547
3. Resistor – 100 KΩ
100 Ω
10 KΩ
1 MΩ
4. Capacitor - 470µf/ 25v
5. LED – 5mm
6. MIC
7. Power Supply – DC 12v
8. Soldering Iron
Music Activated Circuit Design
The schematic of music activated light circuit along with the PCB layout can be seen above. Power supply don’t included with the circuit. You can use any 12v battery for this project. To feel the best effect you can decorate all led in a rhythm. You also can use different color LEDs for different effect on this project
Transistor Pinout
BC 547 - It is an NPN transistor. As usual the transistor BC 547 also contain 3 leg & this 3 leg’s also have 3 different names. If we count it’s leg from left side, then 1no “Collector”. 2no “Base ” & 3no “Emitter”
Connect Transistor With PCB
To make this circuit, 1st we connect transistor with the circuit. We connect both transistor emitter and connect one transistor base with another transistor collector leg.
Connect Capacitor With Circuit
Now we connect 470µf/ 25v capacitor with the circuit. We connect capacitor negative leg with right side transistor base leg and this time we don’t connect capacitor positive leg with another component.
Connect Resistor With Circuit
1st we connect 100 KΩ resistor with right side transistor collector leg and it’s other terminal with 10 KΩ resistor. Then connect 10 KΩ resistor other terminal with the capacitor positive leg.
Then we connect 1 MΩ resistor with the circuit. We connect this resistor with right side transistor base leg and it’s other terminal with 100 Ω resistor.
Connect LED Lights
To get awesome effect, we use 8 piece 5mm LED light. We divide in two side and make a series connection between two side LED light. Then connect both LED negative leg with left side transistor collector leg.
Connect MIC With Circuit
Since it’s a music activated light, for that we need a MIC to make this project circuit. We connect MIC positive leg with the capacitor positive leg and connect MIC negative leg with both transistor emitter leg.
Soldering And Cleaning
Neat and perfect soldering is an important part for all kind of PCBs. Since soldering, you should remember that, there should not be any kind of short circuit connection. After soldering all leg, we cut-off the extra leg of all electronics component.
Connect Power Supply
For power supply, we are using DC 12v. You can use 12v battery or can use the power supply, that can provide DC 12v....
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ShareHow to Make a Dancing Fountain - Knowledge
Here are the basic steps to follow for any marketing, technical development and performance of a dancing fountain:
1. Determine the physical setting of the cybernetic or dancing fountain.
The fact that the dancing fountain scenario is correctly defined determines the rest of the project. Below I will list the requirements needed to start working on our musical fountain project.
Fountain Nozzles: To get started, we need to determine the number, type, location, height and angle of all water jets that are in Cybernetic Fountain . The location of the nozzles will be critical so that we can determine the water choreography for the dancing fountain.
Water pumps . It is important to consider the following points:
Solenoid valves : we must determine which nozzles will be controlled by solenoid valves (submersible or not), because this will determine the interactivity of each water jet and ultimately the dynamism of the musical fountain. While the ideal choice is for each nozzle to have its own solenoid valve, this can also be done with submersible pumps (as shown on this project's map depending on the choice of the particular customer).
Choice between dry pumps or submersible pumps.
The choice between one or the other depends on the type of dancing fountain you are making.
Nozzles are fed from each water pump. This choice is crucial to the further development of the water choreography that a dancing fountain can perform.
Selecting the power of the pump: once we have chosen the type of pump (submerged or dry) and nozzles, we select the power of these bombs. This will be determined by the pressure and flow data to be provided to the nozzles. This information is contained in the product data sheet of each of our nozzles.
Determine whether the pumps will be controlled by the frequency converter or direct start instead. In cases where you want the water jets to rise and fall in a controlled manner, we will choose a frequency converter, while if this is not necessary, we will choose a direct start water pump. This reduces the complexity of programming and significantly reduces the cost of the electrical part of the project, since frequency converters are expensive items.
Fountain lighting. When illuminating a cybernetic fountain, the following considerations must be taken into account:
Determine the type of submersible light sources: choose between LED (white or RGB) or filament (white or colored using filters) with the advantages and disadvantages of each of the two options.
Having decided on the layout of the underwater lights: electric light groups determine the possibilities of enlightenment, you can control each color of the water jet separately or perform various combinations. The more control you have over each light, the more options you have when setting up a musical fountain, as well as the cost of a DMX control panel.
Determine the number of light sources that will enter the fountain so that, as a general purpose, decorative lighting exceeds environmental lighting.
Fountain accessories. When designing the control panel, all other dancing fountain accessories common to any other object, such as an anemometer or level controller, should be considered.
2. 3D animation of the dancing fountain
Is there a better way to sell a dancing fountain so that you can watch it work before installing it? At SafeRain, we believe this is not the case, which is why we offer this exclusive service to our partners worldwide. This cutting-edge technology tool allows you to visualize how water will dance to the beat of music in 3D video to your customers.
In order to develop a 3D video for your project, we will need the following information in addition to the requirements listed above:
Photos of the place where the musical fountain will be built. This is optional, you can always virtualize the dancing fountain in 3D without including the background, but there is no doubt that adding the location of the fountain will give a realistic 3D video of the dancing fountain.
The song is needed for musical choreography.
For the musical fountain, we need you to provide us with a song that does not exceed 2 minutes. In cases where there is no music in the cybernetic fountain, we obviously do not need a song.
3. DMX Technology Control Panel Design
In the face of cybernetic fountain control panel design, we must start by choosing between DMX or PLC technology. In any case, the SafeRains technical department always makes a decision based on the technical and economic criteria that best suits your dancing fountain project.
Music Fountain : we will always use the DMX protocol by integrating a computer (or tablet computer) into the control panel. DMX512, often shortened to DMX (Digital Multiple X), is an electronic protocol used in lighting technology to control show lighting, allowing communication between lighting control equipment and light sources. In the case of musical fountains, we use the DMX protocol and special software that allows us to integrate musical choreography with water features and lights.
Based on the detailed requirements at the beginning of this article, we will design a control panel to control your dancing fountain.
Interactive fountain without music : depending on the complexity of the project, we can use the PLC or DMX protocol. We usually use the DMX protocol to control a large number of elements used independently, and the PLC in cases where there are more physical groups of common elements.
4. Preset the software for the DMX control panel.
Once the control panel needed to operate the cybernetic fountain has been designed and manufactured, it's time to design the water features we previously defined in the 3D video. For now, we can help you by leaving the following points in our hands: fountains were correctly set in the program. We believe that this step will save you hours of work, for a task that we are accustomed to developing.
Realization of a non-musical show. Musical fountains usually work without music, music just sounds for certain events. For non-musical fountains and musical fountains running without music, we define a show in which the water features are not supported by music, but the jets and lights synchronize themselves. This show will be repeated cyclically while the fountain is running. This will be long enough that the viewer cannot remember the sequence.
Music water show setting : after setting the logic setting, we have to program how we want the water jets to dance, depending on the selected music. To do this, the software, based on a common timeline for music, lights and jets (pumps, frequency converters or solenoid valves), develops work sequences that will make all components synchronized and fully coordinated. At this stage, the creativity and experience of the programmer is fundamental. If you like, we put all our knowledge at your service.
Singing and dancing water show – Soloneba
The idea to combine the fountain with the music and elegance of the ballet originated in the 1920s in Germany with a certain Otto Pristavik. His first show was shown in Berlin on the stage of the Resi restaurant, where he worked as an electrical engineer. Visible through the rows of archways, a mass of water nozzles created water jets that not only rose and fell, but also swayed from side to side or rotated in circles, imitating real dancers. The moving water structures were illuminated by colored lights, and this made the water sparkle. The restaurant's patrons were delighted when the water jets moved to live music, which was controlled by a single operator sitting at the control panel. Since then, musical dancing fountains have improved significantly, but the principle itself has remained unchanged.
Bellagio Fountain, Las Vegas
One of the most beautiful fountains in America is located in Las Vegas - the dancing Bellagio Fountain. Bellagio is also one of the first musical fountains. $40 million was spent on the creation of this most complex technical structure. 1175 jets of water shoot from specially designed installations, which are located in an artificial lake. The jets of the fountain are capable of throwing water of various configurations to a height of more than 70 meters. During the day, the Bellagio releases orderly rows of even streams - the magical spectacle begins in the evening when four and a half thousand LEDs illuminate the spray, adding color and light to the show of water and sound. The repertoire of the fountain includes many works. Most often, classical music and opera arias sound here. This colorful spectacle makes the assembled spectators forget that such a miracle of water and music is embodied, in fact, in the desert. You can see the Bellagio Fountain for free. He gives enchanting performances every day: every half hour during the day, and in the evening - every fifteen minutes. On weekdays, the fountain is open from 15:00 to 24:00, and on weekends from 12:00 to 24:00.
Buckingham Fountain, Chicago
Buckingham Fountain is considered the "entrance gate" of the city of Chicago and is one of the largest fountains in the world. The city received the fountain as a gift; in 1927 it was introduced by Kate Buckingham as a memory of her brother, Clarence. Therefore, the full name of the water attraction is the Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain. Buckingham Fountain is located in Chicago's Central Park. Its main fragments are the figures of four sea horses surrounded by jets. As conceived by designer Jacques Lambert, this composition personifies the four states of America (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin) that surround Lake Michigan. The cost of the fountain at the time of construction was $750,000. In addition, to keep it in working order, Kate Buckingham created a charitable foundation with an initial capital of $300,000. The fountain is made of George pink marble in the Rococo style and looks like a wedding cake. In total, the fountain has 134 jets, of which 14,000 gallons of water are ejected every minute, and the height of the central vertical jet reaches 46 meters. The total volume of water in the fountain is 5 million 700 thousand liters of water.
The highlight of this Chicago attraction is the water performances that take place here all the time. Great fun pastime for both kids and adults! The fountain is open daily from 8:00 to 23:00 from April to October. Especially beautiful are the twilight light shows, where more than 800 lamps are used, and in winter, when Buckingham Fountain is not working, you can admire the festival of lights. The prototype of the fountain is the Latona Fountain, which is located in Versailles.
Burj Khalifa Fountain, Dubai
Burj Khalifa Musical Fountain - located next to the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). This is not only one of the largest and tallest fountains, but one of the most beautiful fountains in the world. Since the opening of the famous Dubai Fountain, more than 47 million people have visited it. The height of its jets reaches 150 meters, approximately the height of the 50th floor. The fountain was designed by the Californian company WET, which created the dancing fountains at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. The fountain is illuminated by 50 colored spotlights and 6,000 light sources. The design of the fountain allows you to create about a thousand different figures by changing the height and speed of its jets. The color-musical fountain is capable of simultaneously lifting 83,000 liters of water into the air. Construction of the fountain was announced by developer Emaar in June 2008. At the same time, the design cost of 800 million dirhams, or $218 million, was announced. The cost included the construction of a reservoir, the fountain itself and a filtration system. The fountain is constantly being improved, something new is being invented for its representations. During the color and music show, the rays of its light can be seen at a distance of up to 32 km.
Roshen Fountain, Vinnitsa
The largest European musical fountain was opened in 2011 in Vinnitsa. The fountain is located on the new Roshen embankment not far from the confectionery factory. The expenses for the construction of the largest structure on the water were covered by the Petro Poroshenko Charitable Foundation. The embankment and fountain project cost more than 70 million hryvnias. According to the combination of characteristics, the Roshen fountain in Vinnytsia is the largest in Europe, and according to experts, it is among the ten best and most spectacular fountains in the world. The height of the central jet reaches 65-70 m, the size of the water projection screen is approximately 16 m high and 45 m wide. The uniqueness of the Roshen project lies in the fact that the fountain uses the water of the “living” Southern Bug River. For the Vinnitsa fountain show, super-powerful LED lights were used, which make it possible to make bright and spectacular lighting, achieving different effects.
Montjuic Decorative Fountain, Barcelona
Montjuic or Magic Fountain is the largest decorative fountain in Barcelona. It is located on the Montjuic mountain of the same name, and is one of the most famous sights of the Catalan capital. Designed for the 1929 World's Fair by architect Carles Bugias, the fountains were reconstructed for the 1992 Olympics. The fountains of Montjuic fully justify their name - this combination of water, light and classical music cannot be called otherwise than magical. Water cascades and fountains start in two Venetian towers on Plaza España and smoothly go all the way to the Museum of Catalonia. More than 3,000 workers were involved in the construction of the facility. A truly wonderful show begins after sunset, when, to the sounds of the classics, water jets take on a wide variety of shapes and shades, forming unique figures that immediately crumble, only to be reborn in the form of an even more beautiful pattern of water and light. In total, more than 50 colors and all kinds of shades are used in this magical show. The fountain uses recycled water, which you can safely drink directly from the pool. Every year at the end of September, in honor of the end of the La Merce festival, large-scale shows with fireworks and concerts are held here.
In normal mode, the Montjuic fountain turns on every 30 minutes. 2.5 million visitors annually gather to admire this magnificent fountain.
"Seven Beauties" fountain complex, Baku
"Seven Beauties" fountain complex, opposite the Government House, gives Baku a special beauty. The fountain was put into operation on December 24, 2008, it is a building with a total area of 3900 square meters. It was created on the basis of projects developed jointly by specialists from Italy, Canada and the United States. The fountain is controlled by computers. 12.4 thousand square meters of granite were laid on the territory around the complex, and approximately 5 thousand square meters of white marble were laid in the pools of the fountains. The fountain is illuminated by 400 watt lamps mounted on custom-made poles in Italy. The entire lighting system comes from Italy, while the sound amplifiers, controls and computer equipment, capable of operating in all weather conditions, come from Germany.