How to industrial dance

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Industrial dance is a North American alternative term for electronic body music and electro-industrial music. In general, "industrial dance" is characterized by its "electronic beats, symphonic keyboard lines, pile-driver rhythms, angst-ridden or sampled vocals, and cyberpunk i… read more

Industrial dance is a North American alternative term for electronic body music and electro-industrial music. In general, "industrial dance" is characterized by its "electronic beats, symphonic keyboard lines, pile-driver rhythms, angst-ridden or sampled vocals, and cyberpunk imagery". Since the mid-1980s, the term "industrial dance"… read more

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Modern dances - where to start

Modern dances

In order to understand what modern dances are, it is worth starting with what is invested in the concept - dance.

Dance is a popular art form in which the human body acts as a material for creating images and an artistic figure. The main components of the dance include plasticity, expressive postures, fast rhythm of movements.

Dance is an art with which you can convey the emotional component, state of mind, feelings, emotions. Dance and music are two inseparable elements. Clothing for modern dance is as important as the content.

Self-discovery through dance

Contemporary dance is a way to express, show and recognize oneself, a way of understanding the world around through the prism of modernity. In this case, all the components are important - clothes for modern dances, musical accompaniment, the dancer's relaxedness, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dance.

This dance direction is primarily created for those who are fond of modern music, who have no complexes about their body, who love nightclubs and parties. Modern dance keeps up with the times, it easily changes to match fashion trends, requests, music.

The richness of contemporary dance styles

In any kind of art (modern dance is considered to be an art), a single style and direction is considered a separate story that has certain features, a set of movements.

There are several types of modern dances, each of which includes subcategories:

  1. Club - here you can note go-go, jazz-funk, shuffle, hakka, industrial, jumpstyle and much more.
  2. Street - this includes hip-hop, krump, electro dance, popping and more.

It does not matter what style is chosen, it is much more important to open up to others, to express yourself through a set of movements and suitable clothes for modern dances will become a guide in this matter.

It is important to remember that modern dances originate from classical dances. Thus, the well-known go-go and hip-hop were born on the basis of ballroom and folk dances. For many centuries, people have conveyed the emotions of happiness, fear and joy through the movements of the legs and body. Thanks to traditions that have long passed, today you can see such a variety of movements that amaze the imagination, make you look with bated breath.

Modern dance - a variety of styles and movements, the spirit of youth, new discoveries and acquaintances.

First Steps

Undoubtedly, the teacher can teach the basic movements, tell you what dance clothes are most suitable for the chosen style, but we must remember that the most important thing in dancing is the feeling of music and the desire to share your energy with others.

The next step is to decide for yourself how many hours per day and days per week will be devoted to modern dance. Not only your progress will depend on this, but also what clothes you need to purchase for your classes. Only high-quality clothes and shoes from well-known dancewear brands can withstand heavy loads and remain bright and suitable for your image.

Therefore, the choice of clothes should be entrusted to professionals and visit a specialized dance store. For classes, you need clothes and shoes that will be comfortable, free, not restricting movement. In addition, clothing determines the character of the dancer, the direction of the dance, and the music. Shoes are also important. After all, a ballerina is unlikely to feel comfortable if she goes on stage in sneakers and wide pants.

You can buy everything you need for modern dances in the online store "Komilfo" or by visiting one of the company's showrooms.

History of modern dance. Interview.

Well, that's the end of our little cycle of articles on the history of dance. The 20th century has long passed, may it rest in peace, and humanity has confidently stepped into the third millennium. Today, instead of a traditional article-story, there will be an interview with my good friend and colleague, Mr. Patron, who is actively involved in modern dance and even has his own website dedicated to music and dance in Ukraine. (Just recently interviewed him in Awakening magazine).

– Good afternoon Patron. "Modern dance" what is it, what does this term mean, and who even invented it?

Modern dance originated at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, virtually all types of dance had their own specific rules and laws, and in most of them the limits regarding the personal development of dancers were clamped. Therefore, a whole trend arose that advocated a departure from traditional choreography and the personal development of each person in dance: the merging of dance with life!

But at that time such positive propaganda did not catch on. However, individuals went to their goal, and modern dance, although slowly, is developing. Contemporary appears - a dance that does not have a clear definition - through it, human life is transferred to dance, and thanks to this, people began to believe in themselves, in their personality. And already in the 70s, during the period of modern social revolutions, modern dance becomes a mass phenomenon due to the development of hip-hop culture.

– What are the types of modern dance?

Conventionally they are divided into three parts:
– Free dance – contemporary, modern, contact improvisation.
- Street dancing - hip-hop and its varieties.
- Club dances - Go-go, Vogue.

– What is the main difference between modern dances and dances of the 20th, 19th century (waltzes, polkas, tango, etc.).

The bottom line is that before the advent of modern dance, in absolutely all types of dance there were certain canons (norms of behavior in dance), which the dancers were required to comply with. With the advent of modern dance, these norms have disappeared. A softer term appears - the style of dance. Dancers must adhere to the style in the dance (ideological design), but are absolutely free in their PA.

– Conversely, do modern dances borrow something from the dances of past eras?

Of course, when modern dance was just developing, people used all known types of dance to form the ideology of free dance. Therefore, in hip-hop you can find elements of tango, in contemporary - elements of polka, etc.

– We now live in a fast-paced computer era, information times, how does the general computerization of the population affect modern dance?

Very impressive, I remember recently seeing Cha-cha-cha, which was danced to the 8-bit rhythm of computer consoles. In general, there is such a rather harsh type of music as Industrial, which just characterizes the modern information and industrial revolution. But it is almost impossible to dance under it a priori. But, for example, under industrial metal they dance such a type of dance as Alternative: a very spectacular style.

– What modern dances would you recommend to our readers?

Before, at the beginning, by contact improvisation. This is a type of free dance that helps to determine your spiritual potential and moral readiness for technical types of dance.

And so, for sensitive people I can advise contemporary, creative people - modern, self-confident - hip-hop.

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