How to break dance videos
Download the Best Free Break Dance Videos
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Man breakdancing
A man with long curly hair breakdances in the corner of an empty building with white walls.
Dancer in the dark back view
Person with short black hair wearing a long sleeved grey shirt dances in the dark before disappearing into a fog.
Two young men in a dance duel
Two young men competing in a dance off in front of a wall full of graffiti. One of them dances while the other watches.
A man dancing break dance
A breakdancer dancing to a hip hop song. Basic old school break dance steps or moves. The afternoon sun enters through the windows of the building.
Urban dancer dancing breakdance
Curly-haired urban man while dancing breakdance on the street floor near a wall with graffiti.
Break dance dancer with muzzle in dim light
Girl with a mask dancing break dance, ends with a pose facing the lens, in an empty parking lot, under pink and blue colored lights.
Young hip-hop dancers in an abandoned building
Two young hip-hop dancers dancing inside a dusty and dirty abandoned building.
Man with dreadlocks breakdancing
A man break dancing to a hip hop song. A young man with long curly hair break dancing against a white wall. Basic old school break dance steps or moves. Urban dancer. Urban trendy lifestyle.
A person breakdances in an empty building, sunlight shining through windows.
Men dancing break dance taking care of themselves with a mask
Two people dancing break dance on a parking floor, illuminated by blue and pink lights, as they finish their movements in a pose.
Man dancing break dance with a girl behind
A man doing breakdance movements on the floor, while a girl dances behind, with a white wall in the background, and under soft colored lights.
Young woman with a face mask dancing facing the shot
Girl with a mask and a hat, dancing head-on and close to the lens, moving her arms animatedly, under a dim blue and lilac lighting.
Young man dancing upside down on a pedestrian bridge
Young man with long hair and blue shirt, dancing hip-hop upside down on a pedestrian bridge, in front of another boy, during a sunny afternoon.
Young man listening to music in the server room
Skillful boy dancing break dance with a face mask
Breakdance dancer, doing poses, movements and dancing, under a lilac light, near the corner of a white room with a red pipe coming out of the wall.
Woman dancing hip-hop looking at the camera
Urban girl with a face mask dances hip hop, under a dim violet light.
Girl and boy with masks dancing under colored lights
Girl wearing a mask, dancing intensely in a parking lot, with colored bars of light behind, while the shot turns to another boy, also dancing with a mask.
Man dancing on the street of a neighborhood
Man with ponytail dancing in a street with graffiti, while waving to someone else, during an afternoon.
Two young men with face masks dancing hip hop under pink light
Two boys in masks doing hip hop movements, above the ground, one behind the other, under soft pink lighting, with a wall behind.
Man doing floor performance in the dark
A man wearing a grey long sleeved shirt and black sweats sits on the floor of a dark room with a spotlight on him doing a dance routine on the floor.
Dancing break dance in an empty parking lot with a face mask
Dancing boy with a mask and a beret, dancing and doing break dance tricks, in an empty parking lot, under pink and blue lights.
Boy and girl with face masks dancing near the camera
Boy and girl with face mask dancing excitedly close to the lens, under blue and pink lights, with a unfocused warm light bar in the background.
Men dancing break dance
Two urban dancers in a street break dance duel, while one of them dances on the floor the other watches him with smooth dance moves.
Urban men doing a dance duel
Two urban dancers doing a street dance duel in front of a wall with graffiti.
Break Dance Videos - How To BreakDance DVD
BreakDance Videos
How To Break Dance Videos Vol-1-2-3 & 4 has taught thousands around the world the art of break dancing. Each 30 minute video is instructed by world renowned break dancer Mike Garcia also known as "BREAKER."
During his now 18 year career as a professional break dancer, he has entertained audiences from Las Vegas to Moscow. Some of his television appearances include, MTV, Late Night with David Letterman, Showtime Television, Nickelodeon, and Next Big Star. His live show appearances include Caesar's Palace (Las Vegas), Trump's Taj Mahal (Atlantic City), The Calgary Stampede, Canada, and Red Square, Moscow, Russia. Experience does make a difference when it comes to teaching and he brings that all to you. Each volume breaks down the moves in detailed step by step instructions.
Floor Lords, Wildstyle with Wil Power, Breakdance Step By Step Video, Strictly Choreography, DJ Dizzy. Learn to dance like Usher, N’Sync, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera and Whitney Houston. Learn from Floorlords B-Boy crew, Wil Power, Break Easy, Zulu Gremlin, Mike Garcia, Devora Canario.
Breakdance Step By Step DVD
This DVD offers step-by-step instructions for all the foundation breakdance moves and makes it easy for beginners to get started. Each basic move is broken down into simple steps. Once you've mastered the basics, Disc 2 will show you how to perform more advanced moves. You will be learning from master bboy instructors, Break Easy and Zulu Gremlin.
Basic Moves features detailed instructions by Break Easy for the foundation moves such as Toprock, Footwork, Spins and Freezes.
Bonus features include a live Master Class taught by Zulu Gremlin, interviews with old skool legends Kid Freeze, Lucky Strike, King Uprock and more.
Power Moves features instructions for more advanced moves such as Flares, Headspins and 1990’s.
Bonus features include interviews and over 4 hours battle footage from the Chico Got to Have His Share and Braggin' Rites events in New York City. If you want to get started in breakdancing, this is the DVD you've been looking for.
Disc 1: Top Rock, Footwork, Drops, Freezes, Spins, Threading, Swipes, Tornadoes, Hand Glide, Floats, Windmills Kip Ups, Rubber Band, Broncos, Head Hollows. Plus an intro to popping and locking.
Disc 2: Stars, UFO's, Jackhammers, L-Kicks, Hollowbacks, Air Swipes, Munch Mills, Flares, Headspins, 1990s, 2000s, Trax.
Breakdance: Completely Street - Instructional DVD
Learn over 25 of the industry's most popular breakdance moves!
Choreographer Scotty Nguyen breaks down each lesson in a simple, yet detailed way to ensure that any student will learn something new. Regardless of your skill level, Breakdance: Completely Street offers you an inspiring and challenging experience.
Subtitled in English, Spanish, Japanese and French. Featuring Scotty Nguyen, Steve Terada, Lamonte "Tails" Goode, JaeDong "Max" Cho and Clinton Huff.
Bonus Features: Sick-Step Battle and a Shane Sparks interview.
Broadway Dance Center: Breaking Foundations DVD
In this video Ephrat Asherie will teach you the foundations of b-boying/b-girling (a dance also known as breaking), including freezes, top rock, drops to the floor, basic footwork steps and patterns. You will be introduced to steps such as the 6-step, the baby swipe, the chair freeze and much more.
Ephrat’s easy going style will help you learn how to feel more comfortable free-styling. With time and practice, you will add your own flava to these steps and keep them as part of your growing dance vocabulary, enriching your work as a dancer and giving you a strong base from which to begin your training in this raw and powerful dance.
Ephrat has trained extensively in ballet and modern dance, but has found her calling in the street dance forms of b-girling (breaking), hip-hop and house. She has performed throughout the US, Italy and Peru and is co-founder of the Concrete Soul Dance Company. Ephrat has appeared on MTV, Comedy Central and Fox and has been featured in Dance Spirit Magazine, Suede Magazine and the We B*Girlz book. Ephrat was awarded a grant from the Puffin foundation for the founding of a hip-hop dance program at the Grant Houses After-School Program in Harlem, New York.
How to Break Dance DVD Volume 4
"Strictly for the Hardcore Moves". The moves you will learn on this volume are: Air Flares, Hollow back, Boomerang flip, Halos, Puppet, "BREAKERS" windmills, Munchmills Hollowback press, L-kick combo, the "Bug" Brooklyn top rock, one arm floor lift. Here are just a few examples of what you'll learn:
Air Flares - One of the most challenging New School moves performed by breakdancers today. This video breaks this move down into easy to follow steps and exercises so you to will be mastering this move.
HollowBack Press - A difficult variation of the hollowback. In this video you will not only learn how to do this move but "BREAKERS" own strength building exercises that will help you with these moves.
Puppet - A popping mime variation including the hydraulic crank, puppet strings and puppet walk.
L-Kick Combo - Learn this and many more advance freezes step by step on Volume 4.
BellyDance Cajun & Zydeco
Break dance training.

Breaking or break dance (break dance) - one of the most spectacular areas of street dance, which includes torsion, energetic "runs" and sudden stops of the dancer (freez) during his exit. The dance style began to form in the early 70s in New York in the Bronx area. Only a few years have passed and from the underground dance breakdance has received worldwide fame and recognition. Today, breaking is one of the strongest dance subcultures, with a developed technique, system of events and a real street spirit. On this page you will see break dance lessons for beginners. nine0003
If you want to learn how to breakdance and feel that you can't do without a mentor, come to the Dragon Dance School for a trial breakdance lesson. Since 2000, we have been helping people learn how to move beautifully and feel the music. Already several thousand people have been trained and learned to dance. Even if you have never worked out before, even if you are not in good physical shape now, all this is easily fixable. You will understand that learning to dance is easy. Come for a free trial lesson. nine0003
Break dance training for beginners: the right warm-up
Any dance lesson in any style, be it breaking or hip-hop dance, should begin with a warm-up. This allows you to warm up the body, muscles and ligaments. This is especially important for learning the lower break, since it uses the maximum resources of the body, which means that in order to swing to the fullest, you need to warm up a lot, maybe even sweat a little.
Break dance video lessons: top rock (top rock)
Top rock is what the dancer does before entering the lower elements. However, top rock should not be neglected, for a good dancer is easy to recognize by the first moves of top rock. It's like a business card. Look online lessons on top rock and learn the elements suggested there. This will allow you to learn how to breakdance even at home.
1. Break dance school: Top rock 1
2. Break dance lessons: Top Rock 2
3. Top Rock 3. Movement Break DANSA for beginners
4. TOP ROCK 4. Street Dance lessons 9000 9000 9000ours children and not only in Moscow. Sign up and come to a trial lesson
Basic technique: footwork (style)
Footwork or style is one of the main sub-styles in breakdance. It includes, as the name suggests, "footwork". And indeed it is. A variety of "running", "cutting" and so on. Each bboy tries to stand out in footwork and do it in his own way. Therefore, it is important to learn the basics at the beginning, and then proceed to improvise and develop your own manner in footwork. nine0003
1. How to learn how to dance Break DANS: Sharchka
2. Break DANS LUCK: Six Steps
3. Online lessons BREAK DANSA: Three Steps 9000 9000
4. dance for beginners: CC's
Basic technique: Freez/Power trix
If you watched breakdance videos from battles, then you probably remember that during the dance, the b-boy can suddenly stop or freeze in the most incredible position. These stops are called "friezes". Also in breakdance, many elements are performed from a handstand, elbows, etc. This power substyle is called "trix". Watch break dance lessons and master the base of these directions. nine0003
1. Break dance. Where to start: Balance
2. Freez 1. How to learn Break Dance Frisa
3. Video Dance Lessor Break 2
90144. Freez 3. Break dance lessons
Basic technique: Power move
Finally, we move on to the most spectacular part of break dance for many - power moves. These are power movements, all kinds of torsion on the head, back, various "air twists" and "air tracks". Indeed, power moves are the hallmark of breaking. In order to learn how to bray dance and perform complex elements, you will first need patience. Every break dance move requires thoughtful practice. Therefore, if something did not work out on the first try, do not be discouraged. Just do it again. Record your video. Compare with how it was explained in the video tutorial. A little work and everything will work out! You will learn to dance breakdance the way you have long wanted to! nine0003
1. Basic rotation for beginners Backspin (Bek Spin)
2. Element Break DANSA SVEPS SWIPE: Disassembly and training
3. Dance lessons Break Dance: Turtle or "Turtle"
4. The most famous element of breakdance: Windmill / gelik / mill
1. Breakdance dance lessons: Combo 1.0002 2. Break dance training and online lessons: Combo 2
It is often easier to learn how to dance with an experienced trainer. Even if you are afraid that it will not work out and have never danced before, it is not scary. In our Dragon Dance School, we train those who come to study "from scratch". Sign up for a trial lesson and give yourself a dream come true!
Breakdance - Dancing - Watch online video lessons for beginners for free! nine0001
In the Breakdance heading, free video lessons on this dance are collected. Breakdance is a street dance, one of the currents of hip-hop culture. A dancer's clothing typically combines comfort, freedom of movement and style. Music - Funck, Breaks, Electro, Rap, etc. Break dance requires special, almost acrobatic, physical preparation and great endurance of the dancer. Many of its elements are very technically difficult, this is one of the most extreme dances. Usually includes such elements as rotations on the head, jumps on one hand, revolutions on the hands, twisting of the legs relying on the hands and others. The dance is judged by the quality of the performance of the upper and lower breakdance. Learning to breakdance with video lessons online will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video lessons from the Breakdance category for free at any convenient time. Some video tutorials on Breakdance have additional learning materials that can be downloaded. Happy learning! nine0003
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Break dance training.

This online lesson tells how to learn how to dance Breakdance, namely, we will consider the technique of performing an element called Gelik. You have probably already heard about this movement, and now it's time to learn how to perform it. What do you need to know for this? The first thing you must learn is to stand on your hands in a position in which the arm has an approximately right angle at the elbow, the hand is directed to the side. It is necessary that the elbow is clearly under the stomach. So...
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Break dance. King tattoo. Part 2
This online lesson is about how to dance King Tattoo. Let's take a look at the basic hand positions. There are quite a lot of them, and in order not to look at each of the positions, try to think over, draw a certain matrix in front of your body, according to which you will make movements with your hands. There are a lot of options for these matrices. Now we will analyze one of the options. The first position is a regular angle. Then you turn this angle in the plane to the right and left, and the second option ...
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Break dance training. King tattoo. Part 1
Video lesson “Teaching Breakdance. King tattoo. Part 1" is devoted to the question of how to perform some dance elements in the style of King Tattoo. Anton Klimov will be your teacher for this dance. This is an introductory lesson on King Tattoo. You will learn about what and how to warm up, what exercises to do to stretch the ligaments and how to build this dance. To begin with, let's look at some of the technical skills that you will need in order to dance the King Tattoo. First, you must be well...
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Breakdance for beginners. Fly
This video tutorial shows how to perform the Fly element in Breakdance. This is one of the most spectacular elements of the breakdance dance, a kind of flight. Therefore, you must definitely learn how to do it. In order not to damage your hands during training, be sure to properly stretch them before starting exercises. If you have an expander, then upload your brushes to it, because. it is very important to perform this element that the brushes are strong. Now let's start learning the technique...
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Break dance training. Robot. Part 1
Online lesson “Teaching Breakdancing. Robot. Part 1" is devoted to the question of how to dance in the style of a Robot. Breakwater dance school teacher Anton Klimov will show you how to perform movements in the Robot style. Let's take a look at this dance. The main points that we need to work out is the control over the muscles and over the movements. Remember from the very beginning that the robot dance must be performed very technically, clearly and cleanly. The robot is a rather slow style and all the flaws and errors in ...
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Break dance. Footwork. Part 2
This video is about how to breakdance. We continue to study footwork. Let's analyze the element called Five Steps. We start from the starting position. Hands are located on the floor shoulder width apart, legs are slightly wider apart, knees are slightly bent. Now, in a circle, we take the left foot forward, passing it under the right foot, raise the right hand up. When the legs are close together, you need to jump forward, land on the right foot, and pull the left forward ...
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Break dance training for beginners. Swipes
This online lesson tells you how to learn how to breakdance. Here we will study the technique of performing an element called Swipes (swipes, swipe, swipe). From the very beginning, it is better to learn how to swipe through two legs. The first movement you need to learn to do to perform a swipe is the swing of your arms. So, we stand on two legs and the right hand, which we place behind. Then we make a swing with the left hand and stand on it, and tear off the right hand from the floor. And vice versa...
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Breakdance for beginners. Barrel
Video “Break dance for beginners. Barrel" is devoted to the question of how to perform the Barrel element. If you still don’t know how to make a helix, at least 5-6 revolutions, then you’d better not try the barrel roll, because you won’t be able to swing your legs correctly and won’t understand how to move your shoulders, i.e. It will be very difficult for you. The entry in the barrel is the same as in the gelek. We stand on our hands and swing our legs. But when we go on the back, we perform the movement with our legs. Make sure that you are spinning on your back by inertia...
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Breakdance for beginners.

This online lesson will show you how to do the break dance. The element we are going to study now is called CC. We get into the starting position, namely, we sit on the right leg, the left one is extended forward, the left hand is on the floor to support the body. Let's try some exercises. We turn to the left, bring the right leg without unbending, keep the weight on the left. We touch the floor with the right hand and return to the place. Change legs and do the same on the other side. During...
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Break dance training. Footwork. Part 1
This online lesson is devoted to the question of how to perform one of the directions of Breakdancing - Footwork. The first thing we will start with is the transition from toprock to footwork. Those. not the movements themselves on the footwork, but how we will transition, from top to bottom. The first easiest way is that we step forward with the left foot, then put it back, touch the floor with the palm of the left hand and put the left foot forward again and then we can go to the footwork.