In most dance studios, this is where things start to get a little shady. Depending on the studio, you may be asked to fork over substantial sums of money and commit to some huge number of private lessons without really even knowing what you're getting in to. While committing to stick with your dancing for an extended period is definitely a good thing for lifelong learning, feeling like you have to dance because you paid out the nose for lessons is the wrong approach.
We believe that if you want to learn to dance, that's up to you to do in your own time and way and within the constraints of your budget. We encourage commitment to regular lessons and practice for your own sake, but we won't twist your arm. Our job is simply to teach and advise you as best we can. This philosophy, thankfully lends itself to a simple, straightforward pricing structure.
Weekly Parties: $10/evening
Group Lessons: $10/hour
Privates Lessons: $60/hour
Now wasn't that easy? You pay for services rendered, no crazy commitments, no pressured sales. We want you to enjoy your time at our studio without feeling like you have to come back every week just to get your money's worth. We have one exception to this pay-as-you-go policy with regard to our weekly parties. Weekly parties can be paid for one at a time, or they can be purchased in groups of six for a reduced cost of $50 via an IGR Dance Card, rather than the normal $60. Those who go this route will have their card punched each time they come to a party in lieu of payment. To buy a dance card, just ask at the desk when you check in.
If you have any questions about our prices, please feel free to contact us. We do offer instruction at special events both on and off site, but prices will vary depending on the size of your group, the duration of the event, and the distance of the event from the studio, if off site. We will need to take all of these things into consideration before we can give you an estimate. Services are also available for purchase via gift certificate. If you'd like to purchase a gift certificate from us, just give us a call.